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RE my thread of a few weeks ago

radio.raheem - 2011-04-11 18:28

I diddn't mean to offend anybody Especially RETRO AO or paul STG


I Diddnt Realize it would be taken the wrong way and in my own way I was trying to back this place up and say how GREAT this place actually is...just... the memories alone associated with this place are irraplacable let alone the invaluable frenships and boxes  I now  have and the knowlage I have learned through stg is AMAZING this place is OUR HOME and touch wood always will be..


About one of the modorators here for example and that is no other than RETRO...


Your scans and the valuable information you provide are out of this world my friend let alone all those amazing renditions of boomboxes you have shown over the years...thank you Retro your continuing efforts are superb...and so is your collection..


Lav Loo I have met him twice wich is totally awsome and had the pleasure of dealing with him..Thanks lav yr a good'un


AO you should sell me rics old dd9 lol im glad your still here and your walkman information is so valuable to ME and all the walkman folk cheerz mate


Lastly to Paul stg...Without this guy I doubt any of us would be here..REALY..let alone boomboxery....his pocket calculator show I BELIVE brought us all here, especially us old fogies (oldtimers) i could keep myself buisy for ages just thinking of the past associated with this place...Thanks to ALL of you, especially the loyal members we have here...lets think posative and move on...lets all keep providing valuable pic's of the MUCH loved boombox...thanks all take care R.R

walkgirl - 2011-04-12 02:38



Good 'un is a good' un 

radio.raheem - 2011-04-12 14:37

Of wich you are lass...hey do you remember the wench