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Can't Wait For All This Cool Electronic Stuff...

stereo2go - 2011-04-20 17:58

radio.raheem - 2011-04-20 18:38

Totally amazing paul...I shall be watching this a few times over...thanks for posting man, what a throwback in time..

brutus442 - 2011-04-20 19:17

Sorry Stereo2go,


Who would want a "portable cassette player"?, A "video camera"?? really who would need that?  and a hand held electronic game machine...now that's far fetched..


Oh if only I could go back in time and put a little $$ on some of those "bright" ideas...


Maybe not the $10,000 robot.....


Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!!!

davebush - 2011-04-20 23:16

i love clips like this....im just wonderin where all the items have gone.......probly to the big scrapyard in the sky.......thanks for posting paul

toocool4 - 2011-04-21 01:05

Cool video 

walkgirl - 2011-04-21 08:19

Better days!!


retro - 2011-04-21 19:28

Nice video, the car stereo with a removable portable cassette player = awesome!

driptip - 2011-04-21 21:36

and to think that those are the old days now hehehe.


penge - 2011-04-23 21:02

Excellent post stereo2go.
Loved it, thanks a mil.