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Remembering old members

ghettoman - 2011-06-15 12:49

Where are they now ? Mesh,Krush,Msi Kid,Bryann,Joe Cool ?? more ??

davebush - 2011-06-15 13:23

i think they have been abducted by aliens

radio.raheem - 2011-06-15 15:06

Joe cool was on here a few weeks ago....obvously I don't think he had anything to say..


even panfan was on here a couple of days ago...I feel sorry for bill because I think he had the rough end of the stick and got much more than he bargained for...

driptip - 2011-06-15 20:05

i just hope one day they all come back, that would be awesome dude!

isolator42 - 2011-06-16 04:37

The combination of the Boomboxery split & the new UI has slowed activity down here on s2g. I know I don't visit as much as I used to.

Still, it's surviving OK 

litfan - 2011-06-16 06:09

Still remember, mesh phoning me when he came to london. He was gonna catch the train to sheffield, till he saw how much the fare was, he nearly had a heart attack. He said, he cold travel by train for a month in australia, for that money. Wonder how he is. He is the only one here i know of, that has/had an aiwa tpr-980.

ao - 2011-06-16 13:20

Mesh came down to see me in Brighton during that visit, a very sound bloke indeed. 


While I'm here I thought it right to say that I'm about done here too, I have other interests now but I'll always have very fond memories of S2Go.

redbenjoe - 2011-06-16 14:06

very best wishes to you, AO -

and thanks for everything

ghettoman - 2011-06-16 14:19

i think everyone has or is just about done with this site,i try and still post to keep the site going,but seems like everyone is sitting on there hands not interested..i think its still sinking faster than the titanic,has been for along time,but i will stay dedicated as much as poss..

its sad to say this but if it was me running the site i would just shut up shop and save my money

retro - 2011-06-16 21:36

Sorry to hear that AO, thank you for your contributions, it was always a pleasure and I'm going to miss your sense of humor. Hopefully you'll be back.

walkgirl - 2011-06-16 22:33

I am still here


And the others must come back!!

ao - 2011-06-16 22:41

Obviously I'll pop in from time to time but the important thing is to focus on new members and the future in general rather than focus on the past.


I edited this post to tone down my early-morning ranting a tad, sorry Walkgirl. 


walkgirl - 2011-06-16 23:06

Agent Behave


You must join more often as there is about nothing more important then walkmans!!


Except a kitten or so


isolator42 - 2011-06-17 00:34

Sorry to see you go from s2g Cris, but your Facebook posts are a hoot 


btw, who's gonna mod the walkman section now?

metad - 2011-06-17 04:08

Originally Posted by walkgirl:

 And the others must come back!!  


Ha ha ha, nice one, Walkgirl!

I like that mad smiley, haha.

ghettoman - 2011-06-17 07:00

Originally Posted by agentorange:

I edited this post to tone down my early-morning ranting a tad, sorry Walkgirl. 


Its ok agent i got the origonal post by you,

Your Origonal Post..


If I were honest I'd say the greatest reason for the the demise of this site is the constant obsession with how bad it is.  In fact, Benie Man, if it's so bad why are you here?   If I were running this site I'd actually remove you, though I suspect you're someone who's actually been removed once or twice already.



No i have'nt been banned in the past,for your information i am Ghettoman,i am here because i still try to contribute to keep the site alive,i keep saying its going down the pan is because it is,i'm not making this crap up,i'm not saying it for a joke,what do you want me to say ? do you want me to pretend its all great fine and dandy and alive with activity ? i could say that but i would be lying,i could say that you are arrogant and stuck up but i wont..i definately think we have never got along,and i definately think we are in a different social class..so i doubt we will ever stay on a talking level..the likes of me are too common for your types..but to shock you alittle,my grandparents actually were from cambridge but a move to manchester and a not so good upbringing has made me who i am,a low class commoner,so sorry to dissapoint you old bean what what..

Anyhow,End of Subject,but before you leave like everyone else has,i will be still here trying to chat and post,trying to keep the place going for what its worth,some of my posts will be positive,alot of my posts will be negative,but least when the ship sinks i will be still onboard sinking with it..

metad - 2011-06-17 07:08

come on guys, life is life, a new day will come

isolator42 - 2011-06-17 08:32

Yeh, it's real quiet right now, but hopefully things will pick up.

Stick around Gettoman (I always preferred it without the 'H'  ), the rest of the world loves our British dour wit...!

ghettoman - 2011-06-17 09:05

hi Iso,yes we are a funny old lot us english gent..Yes i loved my "H" That were great when i was presented with that

as for me,i do suffer alot with rapid highs and lows,and due to that i can come out with some stupid things,and open my big mouth (as in my previous post) sometimes i should stay quiet but my mouth,well fingers take over,and i tend to stick the gloves on and have it out in public (not always a good idea) generally i have a negative view on life,there is a boring reason as to where my negativity comes from but i wont bother going on,not everyone will relate or understand..

radio.raheem - 2011-06-17 09:21

I do paul were both mental and spastic lol check your pm lad...

subbo - 2011-06-17 12:32

ha ha lol, i love the banter beanieman/ radio raheem btw

billy.the.binman - 2011-06-21 03:57

so what was the deal with panfan getting more than he bargained for?


i have to admit ghetto blasters have lost their sparkle a bit for me too, i dont know why but back in the day i was obsessed - now not so much

milosancho - 2011-06-21 07:39

Sad to see you go Cris (AO).

litfan - 2011-06-21 12:34

Agentorange, let loose on facebook, o heck.

radio.raheem - 2011-06-21 17:22

Stick around chris....your part of the crew lad,,,,,bollocks to facebook though..

isolator42 - 2011-06-22 00:25

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Agentorange, let loose on facebook, o heck.

Has to be seen to be believed...

ao - 2011-06-30 14:18

Haha, Iso, I appreciate your words.  Actually I was banned from FB last year for rubbing folks up the wrong way, had to get a new ID and 'recall' who my friends were again. 


Open invite to anyof you guys who use FB to tag along, you'll find me under Cris Tyler & Paul (Beanie man) you're more than welcome to be on my friend list, I don't bear grudges.

litfan - 2011-06-30 15:15

Nah. Bad place, that facebook cris. Someone sent me a message, telling me to f off and die. I reported him. Never heard a thing. I blocked him, but, he still managed to get a message to me. Very bad.

radio.raheem - 2011-06-30 21:45

They should close FB down imho....mind you they can do what they want im not into cussing swearing...who has the biggest and slagging matches....a few have tried to get me on there....no chance...dont know anybody on there and i don't need to know eather...

litfan - 2011-07-01 07:05

I agree tim. Do away with the damn thing. Too many lurkers on it.

pioneer - 2011-07-20 16:45

PIONEER Will return as i never left.....miss u guy's

retro - 2011-07-20 17:07

That's awesome! Thanks PIONEER.

andyboombox - 2011-07-21 02:56

i guess sometimes peoples interest in boxes dies down and they break away from it for a while and pursue other hobbies-i know i did for a hell of a time when like an idiot i sold all my top boxes to fund my then lifestyle of women and restaurants lol.i missed them so much it depressed me really bad and i just gave up coming on here.nowadays boxes are big for me again,starting to pick up a couple of good ones now and then so im firmly back tho.it would be nice to see a few fellow veterans back tho

deech - 2013-04-27 03:27

Originally Posted by isolator42:

The combination of the Boomboxery split & the new UI has slowed activity down here on s2g.

Just read this topic and never understood why there was a split .

This place is liver than ever nearly 2 years after this topic !!!







lav.loo - 2013-04-27 07:41

personally I think it's slowed down quiet a lot on here over the last few years.

there was always fresh boxes being posted daily back then, not quiet the same here anymore sadly.

traveler - 2013-04-27 09:05

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

personally I think it's slowed down quiet a lot on here over the last few years.

there was always fresh boxes being posted daily back then, not quiet the same here anymore sadly.

Been thinking doing just that but in a new thread for some of the more basic box's

( just picture's & let the comment's be )

deech - 2013-04-27 13:32

Well i dont know what was it like 4-5 years ago eh?

But its not like its nothing good happening right now.

How was the old site?

I would really like to know !!!!!

Plus why did it split with boomboxery etc??


litfan - 2013-04-27 14:52

Had to reply to this one. All things have to end, at some point. Out of the regulars that used to post, before i became ill, i`d say, a handful (if that), still post. I will say, if i am allowed? That moderating, has certainly toughened up. 6 years ago, i only ever remember, panfan, doing any moderating. Some contoversial? I alway`s found bill, to be ok. Looking over the site today, there sure is a record number of locked threads. Reading some of them, i am puzzled why. One thing, that hasn`t changed, is, the love for the old boomboxes, and, walkman`s. It is, i think, stronger now, than it has been. It`s just a pity, about the prices. I couldn`t get a mint sony cf-580, for £20 now

traveler - 2013-04-27 18:21

Originally Posted by Litfan:

It`s just a pity, about the prices. I couldn`t get a mint sony cf-580, for £20 now

I don't think anybody can

Who has a working " Time Machine " I need to take a quick trip back in time to make a few purchase's


Supply and Demand.....

No Supply and lot's of Demand  as the younger people out there realize just how good the Older Portable's really were  as we already know

ao - 2013-04-27 22:38

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Had to reply to this one. All things have to end, at some point. Out of the regulars that used to post, before i became ill, i`d say, a handful (if that), still post. I will say, if i am allowed? That moderating, has certainly toughened up. 6 years ago, i only ever remember, panfan, doing any moderating. Some contoversial? I alway`s found bill, to be ok. Looking over the site today, there sure is a record number of locked threads. Reading some of them, i am puzzled why. One thing, that hasn`t changed, is, the love for the old boomboxes, and, walkman`s. It is, i think, stronger now, than it has been. It`s just a pity, about the prices. I couldn`t get a mint sony cf-580, for £20 now

The locked threads are nothing to do with Moderation Litfan, 80% of the old threads from the previous site host were locked before last year's migration to Hoop.la due to storage limitations.


Also, bad language and general rambling is worse than it ever was, so surely moderation is more lapse than it ever was. 


Anything else?

thafuzz - 2013-05-12 10:16

Hi everyone. I too am still here (since Aug '06). I just haven't checked in as often as I should be. I'll try harder. Pinky promise

driptip - 2013-05-12 13:58

Originally Posted by THAFUZZ:

Hi everyone. I too am still here (since Aug '06). I just haven't checked in as often as I should be. I'll try harder. Pinky promise



hey Adam, its good to see you guys come in once in a while, its all for the love of the boomboxes.