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Best places to find a cheap 80's Boombox in the UK?

sega - 2011-07-21 03:13

I was wondering where the best places to look would be as ebay isnt really a good option for me due to lack of funds most of the time.

I live in stevenage (metal heads may know it as its where you enter sonisphere from) where we dont have thrift stores as such, we have 2 pawn broker style stores that sell audio, namely Cash converters and Cash generators but they rarely take in older items.

We have several charity shops too but they rarely take in electrical due to saftey regulations, Im not often awake and this sunday Im out of town when the car boot is on so Im a bit scuppered there, so does anyone have any ideas where I could look in either the local area to here or Hemsby/Yarmouth area?

- 2011-07-21 07:49

You could post a advertisement in the "Wanted" section of your Local Newspaper that you are Looking for Old Cassette radio's that people may have forgotten about that they may still have and dont use anymore.  This only co$t$'s for the ad' that you place there  This does work - experienced

sega - 2011-07-21 07:53

My local paper is free to put in wanted ads so Ill give it a go when I get back.

ghettoman - 2011-07-21 09:15

i put an advert in "the loot" news paper a few years ago,and i a couple of replies,i got a Sharp GF575,and GF8989,both came from essex,both were like new !! the 575 was £55,and the 8989 was only £20,but you have to be aware that more and more people (none collectors) are getting to know the value of these things,so they are asking more cash for them now..


there is only a couple of boxes i want now,Conion TC999,an Elta Masterblaster/JC2000,and a Deccasound/worldswave Box with the twin bass,they are only a cheapo box but i had one in the 80s so i want another,there is a member of this site thats got one but i cant get hold of him anymore,he has'nt been on for ages,since the site changed to the new look..

plop - 2011-07-21 09:36

What about posting a wanted ad in your local freecycle area?




They are free to use, and in the spirit of freecycle all items are given / received for free. You can't get cheaper than free!

bison - 2011-07-21 10:24

Originally Posted by Beanie Man:

i put an advert in "the loot" news paper a few years ago,and i a couple of replies,i got a Sharp GF575,and GF8989,both came from essex,both were like new !! the 575 was £55,and the 8989 was only £20,but you have to be aware that more and more people (none collectors) are getting to know the value of these things,so they are asking more cash for them now..


there is only a couple of boxes i want now,Conion TC999,an Elta Masterblaster/JC2000,and a Deccasound/worldswave Box with the twin bass,they are only a cheapo box but i had one in the 80s so i want another,there is a member of this site thats got one but i cant get hold of him anymore,he has'nt been on for ages,since the site changed to the new look..

yo beanie man,i remember an ad in manchester loot bout ten years ago asking for crown jumbos?..around the same time i sold that crown i had on ebay.

was that you?

sega - 2011-07-21 10:33

Freecycle isnt letting me sign up for some reason but I do have a friend with an account so I shall ask him if he can look.

sega - 2011-07-21 12:30

Ive got another question, what sort of condition box would I be looking at with a budget of £10-£20? Im looking at Sanyos out of nostalgia more than anything.

bison - 2011-07-21 13:05

check ebay mate,couple of sanyos running at the mo,one is on 99p.

sega - 2011-07-21 13:12

I saw but I cant guarentee to have net access at auction end and Im also not around to take delivery, otherwise Id be bidding on it.

sega - 2011-07-21 13:24

Figured out a way to sort it so Ive bid, if they cant delay postage Ill see if they can divert it to my friends house or my uncle as its a bit big to ask my neighbours to hold on to.

bison - 2011-07-21 13:45

sega ive only been collecting for about three months and i got about twenty boxes,ebays the place to get the box you want and not always top dollar prices,some people dont know how to list items so you can still get a good deal,i got a sharp 8989 for 99p off the bay last week.

good luck with that bid.

sega - 2011-07-21 13:59

Ill be only getting the one (knowing me it will end up more lol) due to space issues, I do often use ebay for my collections but it was just a risk of not being able to sort it all out due to me being out of town and the nearest place I can access the net 6 miles away but I would imagine Id be able to sort it with this one but any later in the week and I cant do it, soon as I get back though alls good as Ill have a cash boost (21st on august 1st, send all vast quantities of booze to the usual address) and Ill be able to deal with everything with ease.

sega - 2011-07-21 14:20

just had to go £7 over budget because somone decided to bid on it too, knowing my luck Ill get bid sniped.

billy.the.binman - 2011-07-21 14:36

boot fairs are the best way to get them cheap, you need to put in the effort though

sega - 2011-07-21 14:41

will do, theres only one in stevenage that Im aware of, I wont be around for this weeks one and proberly will be too tired to make the next but Ill see if theres anything going Yarmouth way, Ill know by sunday morning though if Im the proud owner of a sanyo or not.

bison - 2011-07-21 14:48

get there early if you do mate!my nicknames carboot andy to people that know me,all the good stuffs gone early doors.

mitchelljames - 2011-07-22 08:18

I think with the car boot sales round my way, the sellers get to have a look round all the stalls before joe public gets in. And a lot of the sellers do this for a living so they know what to grab and more often than not leave the buyers with the dross.

- 2011-07-22 08:41

is it possible for somebody to post a picture of a car boot ?

probally get lot's of wrong picture's for that question...

I would like to see a picture of a United Kingdom 'UK'  car boot place? - with the I guess; row's of car boot's - I mean like does everybody with a car pull in somewhere and actually open up the ( trunk = 'boot' ) of their car or truck and display the content's or what?

Could somebody take a few picture's of such a place as they walk into or drive into such a place over there in the UK? and post them here?

sega - 2011-07-22 08:52

Ill give it a go for you if I get to one, basically they are just fields where people sell all sorts of things, quite often straight out of car boots or they have stalls set up with things on. Things sold vary, it can be some old crockery or VHS tapes or even brand new clothing, just depends on the area and weather.

mitchelljames - 2011-07-22 08:53

The pic on this sites home page is small but accurate.



sega - 2011-07-22 09:05

Thanks for that, its now alerted me to 3 near to where Ill be staying so I shall go have a good look if Im not already in boombox ownership.

mitchelljames - 2011-07-22 09:08

Some of the info on there can be a bit out of date somtimes.

- 2011-07-22 09:10

that would be great for you to do so - thanks - be also a way to see that part of the world through your eyes.


we have very few of these here outside or outdoors but they are far to travel to - kinda  like this one here - http://tradersvillage.com/houston/shopping - -  http://tradersvillage.com/houston/directions  - 7.8 mi, 13 mins US-290 W

Then you have to pay$ to Park then Pay$ to walk in & then for me to simply be dissapointed that there is nobody selling boomer's - simply not worth my time and trouble & - $$ to do so anymore.


For reference - I only have to travel 0.3 miles to to do major shopping - groceries an yadda; like Best-Buy an other major stores...

sega - 2011-07-22 09:16

A lot of Car boot sales here are like that, it depends on what land it stands on.

The kodak site in stevenage charges £3 to get in if you want the morning entry.

ghettoman - 2011-07-22 12:27

Originally Posted by bison:
Originally Posted by Bison:


yo beanie man,i remember an ad in manchester loot bout ten years ago asking for crown jumbos?..around the same time i sold that crown i had on ebay.

was that you?

you know what mate,that could be very very vey possible,i did used to put some in the manchester loot,but i never got many replies,i did get a couple,one guy sold me a mint GF800 with manual for £30,he was in chorlton,and another was a guy in middleton,he had a GF9292,he was asking £15 for it,but i lost his number and never arranged anything..then i'de change it to the london loot,thats when i got the replies,thats where all the boxes seem to be..



that bit you said about other stall holder mooching round before anyone else,thats spot on,yes they do,there is a guy at the one i go to,he does it,he knows i'm into ghettos so he tries to get to them before i do,because he thinks he can sell them to me for alot more (the slimey snake) i gave him some ghettos for free a while ago aswell..pffwa....those pesky car boot sellers,anything for an extra £

ghettoman - 2011-07-22 12:47

Sega,not sure how you are at fixing boxes,but here is one,not sure if this will be your thing but it looks cheap enough,probebly has a faulty cd player..i've had one of these years ago,they are big,and quite loud..



sega - 2011-07-22 12:55

My electrical fixing ability is rather poo but its no matter as that box is too big and over budget anyway, but thanks for finding it for me.

sega - 2011-07-24 04:35

Lost out on the sanyo and wasnt able to go out this morning to a car boot sale as I have the bigger car and cant use the smaller one on my insurance and it was needed. Im going to check around the local area to see if anythings going on sales wise, I think theres one tomorrow and the Yarmouth market had car boot sale style stalls last time I was here.

Hoping for a sanyo but Ill take anything in the classic style I guess.

billy.the.binman - 2011-07-24 07:29

dude, you will be lucky to find anything at all, let alone the one you want.


ive hunted HARD for boxes and since 2004 i think ive had 1 Sanyo and if i remember right it wasnt anything special at all, small and cheapy. 


when i say hard i mean asked around, put wanted ads out, trawled second hand shops, electrical junk shops, got up real early for boot fairs and done several in a day.


you do that youll get a few a year but you would be sooooo lucky to roll up to a booty and grab some sanyo youve got your eye on.  


you just have to take whats going and like it for what it is.   if you want something specific you need to break with the notes.   


you could get lucky but chances are, i say from experience, very, very slim.

sega - 2011-07-24 08:53

I know its not easy, Ive been a games collecter for years and Ive had trouble with them too, Im happy to find anything tbh aslong as its in a style that I like and isnt massive, the only reason I would prefer a Sanyo is that Im pretty sure the box I has as a kid was one.

My budget is about £20 atm but Ill go over if I see the right box and for that Im not expecting something brilliant but something thats nice.

bison - 2011-07-24 13:47

i had a bush in the eighties as a kid sega,i wanted one bad (?)then one turned up on ebay for 30 quid last week,i left it..ive bought about five off ebay for not that much and once i got my hands on an aiwa 600 that was a bit shabby but has cleaned up ok and sounds good i was happy,must admit finding them in the wild as they say is a good buzz and cheaper still.

sega - 2011-07-28 04:00

I think I will end up going the ebay route, I went on a long walk around yarmouth and had no luck, even for metal vinyls, the conversation usually went like this.


Shop person: What are you looking for?
Me: Im trying to find one thing in particular, have you got one of those big portable stereos from the 80's (not using the slang terms incase of offence caused or them not knowing what I meant)
Shop person: You mean a Ghetto blaster dont you?
Me: Yes thats it, do you have one?
Shop Person: Nope, havent seen one in years.


And thats in a ton of thrift stores, junk shops and charity shops, still theres one last thing I could try here providing of course Im able to make it due to me departure that day, theres a Carboot saturday by the stock car and grayhound stadium.

One thing I did get though is a Vinyl sticker of a ghetto blaster thats now stuck to my car.

- 2011-07-28 05:47

we've had our share of traveling around this huge city of 4 Million people wasting gas and time traveling and being practilly run-over by the big hulking vehicles traveling at Top-speed whilst they are looking down into their texting device - which why we prefer to NOT have to travel any further than is absolutely nessasary going anywhere that we have to go!! 


We've gone into most thrift-stores and pawn-shops asking for boombox's around here and in one particular place they remember us as we were the ONLY people to ask of such an item-a-boombox since we were there The last time...


Then one day we went into one based upon a tip from somebody local to here that they had seen a JVC box - when we got there it was one of those home shelf units with all of the crazy plastic accentuatiing the speaker cabinets in mostly a gray an silver design because of that experience, we dont take anymore tips unless they understand completely just what we are speaking about!


So the internet is the best place to look for these Boombox's and Ghettoblaster's we believe...

sega - 2011-07-30 04:20

I went Gorleston (think I spelt it right) and turned out I was still having rotten luck, the YMCA there had 2 in and had just sold them, curse you gorleston collector

Made it to Caister carboot this morning, and there was boom boxs but they were all 90's/00's era ones so I passed as I know where there is one in the house and I want to go back to the 80's.

I did however get a stack of Vinyls and some cassettes for when I do get my boom box and Ive got a stack of blanks in my cuboard back home to make some mix tapes.