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litfan - 2011-09-02 15:20

Sorry, especially, to you guy`s in the US, for bringing this up. There was a program on tv about it last night. It brought the full horror of it back. I remember, i was in HMV, in meadowhall (sheffield), when it happened. I was stood in the queue, waiting to pay for my cd`s. They had a tv on the wall, behind the counter. I didn`t know what was happening. The assistant said "some planes have hit the WTC". It was like unreal. All around, people were watching the tv, while all the while, the other people, oblivious to what was happening, carried on shopping, with the music playing. I got the cd`s, left the shop. There was an eerie atmosphere around, as if everyone knew what had happened. It was very quiet. When i got home. My mother was in the kitchen, also not knowing what had happened. I switched on the tv, and, saw the horror unfold. The other program that was on the other night, about conspiracy theories, slightly changed my view of what happened. Will the truth ever come out?

radio.raheem - 2011-09-02 16:21

yea..a terrible thing that rich...a good reason why i never watch tv...there is never any good news, like ohh my god jesus has come back and saved the world...and everything is perfect...bla bla..now that would be worth watching lad...

ghettoman - 2011-09-03 10:06

yes that was a truely awfull event..i still cant beleve its 10 years,i can remember it so clear like it was yesterday,only feels like a couple of years ago,certainly not 10 years !!


to be honest richard,i dont beleve in the conspiracy theory,i think it was just a bunch of sick psyco muslims with a wire loose inside their brain,hijacked the planes and killed thousands of innocent people,they think when they can kill themselfs they will remembered as this Big hero,No,they are mentioned for about a day then forgot about,and they think they go to this wonderland after life,ha ha they think when we die we all live on in this fantasy dream world that does'nt exsist,i say what a crock of sh*te,when we die,our hearts stop,the blood and oxygen stops feeding our brains,our bodies shut down,our brain dies,our mind and thoughts die too,and thats it,The End !! p*sses me off that they wont just think logical about life,they are all in this dream world,they all oughta just get real !!

radio.raheem - 2011-09-03 10:21

brainwashing is a mental thing paul man..If there is no life after death...wich im sure there isn't...whats the point in all this rubbish

ghettoman - 2011-09-03 12:11

i'm right though reno lad..i'm sure we all would love it if we live on when we die,i hope we do,but in my opinion,there is no lord in the sky that we prey to,its all in their minds,the fact is,we live once,we get one life and one life only,we dont come back,we are not reborn,there is no after life,there is no wonder land..if all that lot would just stop and realise this,they would look after their lives more and make the most of it,but instead,they are so mixed up in the head,they like to hijack plains and kill innocent people,if they want to do twisted crap like that,they can kill themself,not thousands of others too..just crazy loony psycopaths..definately got some wires loose inside their brains man !

walkgirl - 2011-09-03 13:29

It is all bad and stuff it did happen, but it is 10 years ago!, there were many many

atacks before that one and even after that one, but still peopels move on in life!