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Having Megga Problems Loging in !!

ghettoman - 2011-10-24 17:03

yes for the past 2 days i've barely been able to log in,i tried last night and could'nt so i gave up..and this is the first time i've been able to log in today..


Enyone else having problems ??

stereo2go - 2011-10-24 17:43

What problems are you seeing, Beanie?

ghettoman - 2011-10-24 17:50

Hi paul,sorry mate,i just read your post about the problems,and i read that you have fixed it,its ok at the moment,it just kept redirecting me to a domain website..phew,i was starting to shake and sweat,must have been getting withdrawl symptoms..

- 2011-10-24 21:26

Well i helped kinda -


You are now chatting with 'Samantha G' Network Solutions (Pennsylvania). Can I please have your name and

phone number in case we are disconnected?


and I could go onward and i found out that the domain is only $115.00 USD for Five years renewed ...

cosmos99 - 2011-10-25 01:02

Same for me ! Domain web site something and links about cars... for two days.

plop - 2011-10-25 02:35

I remapped the url domain name to the actual ip address in my PC's host file and was able to log in.


Thought about sending a message to Paul, but figured he was already on the case and didn't need further telling.

ghettoman - 2011-10-25 16:31

i've been trying to log on all day,it kept taking me to that domain website,and it said "stereo2go expired on the 17th and is pending renewal or deletion" this is the first time i've been able to get on..

stereo2go - 2011-10-25 17:46

I am hoping you guys are okay now...The DNS problem was fixed on Sunday, just a few hours after I discovered the problem.


Perhaps it's a caching problem...you can try http://stereo2go.com instead of http://REPLACEMENT ERROR .  Another possible fix: when you land on that other page, try hitting the 'F5' button on the top of the keyboard.


Please let me know if you're still struggling.

ghettoman - 2011-10-25 18:30

hi paul thanks for the help,i did the F5 (refresh) i did it that many times today,the key has gone all shiney with wear lol..when it does it again,i will experiment and try a few different things to see if i can solve it,i will not be beaten lol..

thanks again paul..

- 2011-10-25 19:52

Originally Posted by stereo2go:

I am hoping you guys are okay now...The DNS problem was fixed on Sunday, just a few hours after I discovered the problem.


Perhaps it's a caching problem...you can try http://stereo2go.com instead of http://REPLACEMENT ERROR .  Another possible fix: when you land on that other page, try hitting the 'F5' button on the top of the keyboard.


Please let me know if you're still struggling.

Gee You LEARN something every day ... WOW!

Hitting ( F5 ) on the keyboard refresh's the entire webpage or tab depending upon your browser.

Now I I could just figure out which ( One ) key or keys it is that boot's the computer from being OFF - that would be terrific to know as well, cause there has been times when this win7 Ult64bit cpu has been off and I brush something against the keyboard and it boots from being Totally OFF?

ghettoman - 2011-10-25 19:55

not sure james but when i used to mess with pc towers,on some pc's you can go into the bios by pressing DEL,or F2,ot F10 to enter the bios,then you can enable Boot Up any key,not sure it would be like that on yours,i did it on my old pc's..

radio.raheem - 2011-10-25 20:06

damn...james and the bios....thats a leathel combination lol