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a change of underwear perhaps

deliverance - 2011-12-20 08:43


stereo.mad - 2011-12-20 09:19

well they didnt seem phased by that! lol 

- 2011-12-20 09:22

and then they just drove onward

Wonder what the truckdriver was thinking after he stopped...

deliverance - 2011-12-20 09:39

god knows james but i bet he didnt say oh dear

boomrox - 2011-12-20 09:40

wow. wonder if their employer saw this. the driver didn't appear to have even been able to stop without hitting the back of the truck that was in front of him in the first place. he got lucky

davebush - 2011-12-20 11:18

i would have probably said......HOLY SH!T........THAT WAS CLOSE...........



- 2011-12-20 11:24

personal experience with a p/u truck


deliverance - 2011-12-20 11:33

did he just drive off.

- 2011-12-20 11:57

Originally Posted by deliverance:

did he just drive off.

no he drove forward then to the left and drove on to the grassy median & we waited for the police to arrive to give him a ticket for failing to yeild to the ( my ) right-of-way.

and quite possibly for him being soo stupid, all he had to do was nail his acellerator to the floor like most of them do when getting on to the freeway, me I was looking around trying to cover my rear of my vehicle ( as the lane I was in was also the exit ramp from the freeway - as well as the on-ramp to the freeway ) so I had to be concerned about the vehicles exiting off at a High-speed so that I wasn't cutting them off - as I was Lumbering my Slow to accellerate vehicle to a speed to hopefully match the freeway speed when this " Redneck " an his p/u ran me off of the road ( Unbelieveable ! )!!

deliverance - 2011-12-20 12:02

there are some clowns on the road over here too

radio.raheem - 2011-12-20 12:21

Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:

personal experience with a p/u truck


was that babyboomers bus james

- 2011-12-20 12:38

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:

personal experience with a p/u truck


was that babyboomers bus james

Wow havn't heard that name in a while... probally was,

as that is all that Ralph Kramden ever collected

radio.raheem - 2011-12-20 13:21

I hope your feeling better after urlier james.....me im about to go to sleep for over 24 hrs as its my birthday tomorrow....and i have no money jack shit...the most depressing time of year for me....anyway enough of my crap....keep on trucking buddy

deliverance - 2011-12-20 13:30

all the best for tomorrow reno

radio.raheem - 2011-12-20 13:36

cheerz dell im gunna take aload of sleepers later...to get me through the next 24 hrs......on a posative note i bought a 3 peice...aint paid for it yet tho

radio.raheem - 2011-12-20 13:39

here she be




don't mean to hijack the thread....im always doin that

bison - 2011-12-20 13:50

looks heavy and loud that sony reno


birthday wishes for tomoz fella

radio.raheem - 2011-12-20 13:55

cheerz son.....im off to bed....feel bloody down just thinkin about it