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128 kbps versus 192 kbps versus 320 kbps

macflyer - 2012-02-25 08:15

Hi guys, I have to admit the digital age has its many advantages. I've been consuming more music than ever since the arrival (or my discovery) of Pandora, Last-FM, Grooveshark, and lately Slacker Premium.


I recently started using audials mediaraptor to record from these streaming services (and feeling like a kid again when I used to tape radio stations) and within a week my library grew exceptionally.


Now, the average stream is 128 kpbs with Pandora for free slightly lower at 112. I know there are audiophiles discussions going on that claim to go for 320 kbps and I read through some of them recently.


I'd just like to know with what kind of file type do you prefer to work, the settings you use and why? Still learning about ripping. So far, I'm enjoying a lot what I've "taped" so far but always eager to learn from others.

radio.raheem - 2012-02-25 09:35

I personally wouldn't use less than 320kps to use less is awful.....it rips the warmth and depth out of the recording...to use any less than 320kps.....personally if i use anything i now use flac....mp3 is just awful,,,,imho

coolhandluke - 2012-02-25 09:53

Djing for 20 yrs with over 25,000 records ,A wav file is always the best!! .But if ya have to use mp3 make sure its always a 320 or higher!!I use a digital program called serato for Djing now and only load 320s in it

brutus442 - 2012-02-25 10:11

I agree with RR and Coolhandluke, if you're going to use compressed files, nothing less that 320 or FLAC.


Uncompressed wav's absolutely...if space is not a concern


Or be like me and stick to 8 tracks

claret.badger - 2012-02-25 10:16

i'll stick to two track cassettes

radio.raheem - 2012-02-25 10:59

yup cassette it is strictly for me...but if you want to use digital files stick to our sound advice....been using a walkman today...i actually found one that works..mn 550c with my sony mdr xb1000 headphones....sounds ultra rich and warm...very nice indeed

macflyer - 2012-02-25 11:26

Okay, I can see how 320 kbps would store more information. But, recording from streams that are limited in bandwith (or is there any station streaming higher than 196?) what could ne done to preserve highest quality within these limitations?


Then, is AAC better than mp3 at these lower bitrates?


Obviously, I'm part of the ipod/Zune crowd and I guess flac is a no-go for iPod?

samsnite - 2012-02-25 11:54

Well there is another very easy way to get the streams, as podcasts, if they are available. Personally i listen to Trance Around the World with Above and Beyond which is available as podcast in Itunes for free. If i want the individual songs "cut out" i use a program called Medieval Cue Splitter. I just download a cue-file which contains all song data for the specific podcast and the program does the rest. Mp3 files with song names and everything... pretty easy


Oh almost forgot, this way there is no loss of quality because there is no conversion from MP3 stream to wave in memory and back to MP3 files. Personally i think 128kbps MP3 is good enough for web radio. I hope you do not listen to web radio on some high-end stereo system?


And converting a 128kbps stream to 320kbps MP3 files will do you no good...

macflyer - 2012-02-25 19:06

Unfort. my hifi stereo system is not anymore..... I was act. without music for some time until I discovered internet radio, the ease of iTunes, a neat ipod docking boom box....CDs, believe it or not, never worked for me....I could handle them with care, still they would get scratched somehow...hate them.....Now, my vinyl collection is still my most valued asset but I do have to buy a stereo again to connect with my turntable. Until then, I'm like a little kid in wonderland ripping streams. So, I take it that there aren't any streams higher than 192 kbps......Shame....but then, FM radio taping never was without issues either..... 

samsnite - 2012-02-26 09:12

Yes there are at least 320kbps streams, listening to one now with my phone.