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Still here.

litfan - 2012-05-22 06:02

Yes. Just when you thought it was fun to come on S2GO, back come`s Litfan. Anyway, how is everybody?

lav.loo - 2012-05-22 06:27

hiya Litfan hows you mate, been a long time

litfan - 2012-05-22 06:42

Well. I must confess. I do have an ulterior motive for coming back. I need help. My beloved sony ps-f9, has started to malfunction. The sony, is one of my only sources of enjoyment, and, has been for a few years. I am finding it hard to find anyone who can repair it. At first,the clamp stopped working, i fixed this myself (somehow) Now, as soon as you press play, the needle drops onto the disc, then, springs straight back up. Also, the red operation light has ceased to work. I don`t know, if the problems are related? I would dearly love to have the f9 working again.

isolator42 - 2012-05-22 06:58

Whatho Lit... 
Hope you get the Sony sound-burger thingy sorted.

If you've seen how intricate some of the walkman crowd get, they surely will be able to sort you out...

ao - 2012-05-22 08:13

Hello matey, always good to have you around. 

retro - 2012-05-22 08:24

It's always great to see an old school member return to the site, welcome back LIT.

walkgirl - 2012-05-22 09:10

Hello Richard


Good to see you once again!


radio.raheem - 2012-05-25 06:40

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Yes. Just when you thought it was fun to come on S2GO, back come`s Litfan. Anyway, how is everybody?

richard you ol barsteward how are you????if you could send that sony to sombody like retrodos he could sort it...but he is in the us ...prepere for a motgage....but his skills are way way higher than any of us ol bean...


my collection is gone rich....finally parted with it....

but i have something ultra rare rich...i have been told when working it's way better than the m90 better bass than the kaboom..(i find that hard to belive)..i have wanted one for about 9 yrs,,,,


anyway enough of my cr**p hope your keeping well....i miss my right hand joker...stay strong my friend

redbenjoe - 2012-05-25 06:46

Originally Posted by walkgirl:

Hello Richard


Good to see you once again!


driptip - 2012-05-25 08:03

good to see you here again Lit, dont be a stranger, we miss you, take care of your self.

litfan - 2012-05-25 14:11

Thanks guy`s. RR, i`m sure, you can find another use for your right hand .

litfan - 2012-05-25 14:12

I suppose, my big story is, i got jen`s tpr950. Can`t believe, he decided to part with it.

deliverance - 2012-05-25 14:15

belters the 950"s sound great

redbenjoe - 2012-05-25 14:22

Originally Posted by Litfan:

I suppose, my big story is, i got jen`s tpr950. Can`t believe, he decided to part with it.

JENS world famous 950 !!!!


rich ........... that, in the box world ......

is equal to getting THE Elvis guitar

litfan - 2012-05-25 14:31

Hey ira. "Well, it`s one for the money". Wasn`t sure, if jens had more than one 950? He has alway`s been a bit coy about what boxes he owns. Great guy though.

radio.raheem - 2012-05-25 14:56

my hand ain't big enough yours is can't belive i just said that.... jens tpr 50 ehh that's like a trip to the moon....he has had that since like birth...hope he is ok


im not on form tonight lad been up for like 20 hrs


were like starsky and cruch


pinky and perky


the 2 ronnies


bill n ben


speaking of ben...wonder whateaver happened to royal


he hasn't even had anything to do with his ebay for a couple of years now...ghettoman told us

litfan - 2012-05-25 15:03

Pinky & perky? Yeah, i was thinking about ben, t`other day. He goes on b**mb*xery now, doesn`t he. He got got me the sony cfs-f40, from yahoo japan. I was playing it yesterday. Nearly flippin crippled meself, carrying it downstairs. That thing, is seriously heavy.

litfan - 2012-05-25 15:07

You guy`s in the US, have probably never heard of pinky & perky. Well, here`s a taster for ya. Enjoy .



radio.raheem - 2012-05-25 15:10

that was the trouble with my m90 lad...it was to heavy....had propper maranz speakers in it...couldnt lift it lad....m90 gone gf1000 gone and both 880's....so sad...


i have something that may match your sony now rich,,,,infact by accounts it should knock the spots of it....can't tell though at the moment...as it's dead to the world....but people have traded an m90 for one and said it's way better....we will see lad...im hopefully getting her fully recapped the works....only has 4 inch speakers....but there the ones to wach out for son....btw how big are your f40 speakers dude????

retro - 2012-05-25 15:12

Originally Posted by redbenjoe:
Originally Posted by Litfan:

I suppose, my big story is, i got jen`s tpr950. Can`t believe, he decided to part with it.

JENS world famous 950 !!!!


rich ........... that, in the box world ......

is equal to getting THE Elvis guitar


Wait...what? This is a first for me. I'm sorry to hear that he decided to part with it. Well at least it's in good hands.

isolator42 - 2012-05-25 15:13

Hey Lit, if you speak to Jens, pass on our best regards, mate. Hope he's doing well...

litfan - 2012-05-25 15:19

Don`t want to speak ill of jens, because, i have known him quite a while, but, i was telling him about roddy (radiohier), and, could he tell him to send one of my m9994`s back. Jens say`s, he`s never heard of him? Don`t know, if something has happened between them, so, i left it there. Weird though, as, jens posted some photo`s, years ago, of radiohier loading his car up with jen`s radio`s.

radio.raheem - 2012-05-25 15:32

im afraid jens knew radioarcher or was it radioheir...i can't remember...but his name was deffinetley roddy...i traded one of those eltas for an m90 yrs ago through jens and roddy....strange one that....anyway im off to my pit....till we meet again ol chap...don't leave it so long this time lad

driptip - 2012-05-25 22:50

Lit if you see Jens tell him i say hi, i got nothing but good memories of him.

litfan - 2012-05-26 03:48

Radioarcher? Brilliant lad. Yep, something has gone down there.