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my new computer build in progress..list of parts

radio.raheem - 2012-06-13 21:03

cosmos 2 case



rampage iv xtreme motherboard



 cpu 3960x



gtx690x2 or better



64 gig of ram


2000w psu


building work in progress


davebush - 2012-06-13 22:31

are you planning to take over the world with this reno.....


If you are,  james bond is gonna be on yo ass like a shot

retrodos - 2012-06-13 22:37

That system will be almost as powerful as my dual 6 core xeon with Quadro FX 5800 workstation/server. That will be a great spec desktop gaming machine, if you really even need it that powerfull, the SLI dual GeForce GTX 690, you don't even need to worry about overclocking them, you may want to consider watercooling them and running a dual loop, dual pump system, as you are running two and risk overheating them otherwise, air not going to cool them off. Just get the good water blocks that cover the whole card, voltage regulators memory IC and nickel plated. Get a good case with good air flow is important and name brand PSU with 105c rated japan capacitors.




Much better then that laptop you were trying to buy.

ao - 2012-06-13 22:39

Guys, guys, why not buy a nice bike instead and get out there and get fit or something?   You don't need all this crap,

retrodos - 2012-06-13 22:46

Only use mines for design and work, otherwise won't bother, as gaming don't see the point and even then don't need that high spec of a machine. Agreed going to be outside more especially being it's summer time now and have projects to finish.

radio.raheem - 2012-06-14 06:58

too late to change mt mind agent...i have the cpu MB ram case and powersupply


the machine i have at the moment has 24gig ram 4 gtx580 etc,,,wich i may sell as i am upgreading


thanks retrodos...i was actually considering another board wich takes 128 gig of ram but already had the rampage iv...don't need that much ram as im not using it as a server


dave i already own 007's ass lol....i just like building these and it will be a great gaming machine....but may hold off on the gtx690's as direct x 12 is just around the corner

brutus442 - 2012-06-14 07:23

You may own 007's ass Reno but we here at SPECTRE are awlaways looking for a new way to hold the world at ransom. Perhaps you'd lend us your supercomputer so we can play Minesweeper on a gloabal scale!!!!!


(insert evil laugh here)


radio.raheem - 2012-06-14 07:59

haha....minsweeper....it was games like that that invented the world...if you were in the uk my friend you could buy my secondery computer....that in it's self is a supercomputer....we at the fbi took down james bonds ass by playing pacman on my supercomputer

deliverance - 2012-06-14 08:16

nice computer reno you welsh do know your stuff crap hitting the fan emoticon

radio.raheem - 2012-06-14 08:23

thanks dell....glad to tell you im not welsh...some of them are thick as shit...just like me btw im a geordie.........aaawaaayy the lads

deliverance - 2012-06-14 08:29

When the Boat Comes In Poster      there you go

davebush - 2012-06-14 10:17

geordie my ass...you sound like a sheep shagger on the phone

radio.raheem - 2012-06-14 13:17

ooooooooh don't get me started on the sheep...there wet and warm

stereo.mad - 2012-06-15 10:42

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

ooooooooh don't get me started on the sheep...there wet and warm


just watched the cosmos case 2 link you put up,all i can say is confused.com

why would anyone need a home computer like that?

i think davebush may be right on you planning to take over the world! 

mark - 2012-06-16 21:05

64 gigs of ram? holy crap, did i miss something? i'm still using a stock q6600 with 4 gigs of ram and a 9600gt. sheesh. i might as well still be using cassette tapes...

walkgirl - 2012-06-18 09:09

ao - 2012-06-18 10:29

I'm using a Linux machine with a 750mb hd, P2 processor & I think 64mb ram.  Which I was actually toying with downgrading.

ao - 2012-06-18 10:32

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

ooooooooh don't get me started on the sheep...there wet and warm


just watched the cosmos case 2 link you put up,all i can say is confused.com

why would anyone need a home computer like that?

i think davebush may be right on you planning to take over the world! 

Reno back at GCHQ on the phone to the GAME store alerting them to his readyness for the new Ninja Theft Warcraft 7


retro - 2012-06-18 11:18


Just ordered Dell Utrasharp U3011 30" monitor and a Asus GTX680 which I plan to SLI. I was holding out for a new Mac pro announced during WWDC, but that minor processor speed bump was disappointing to say the least, and shipping it with the same two year old 5770 GPU was like is a slap in the face to us loyal Mac Pro Customers.


bison - 2012-06-18 12:02


you must be a serious online gamer with all that hardware reno.

ao - 2012-06-18 12:05

Originally Posted by retro:


Just ordered Dell Utrasharp U3011 30" monitor and a Asus GTX680 which I plan to SLI. I was holding out for a new Mac pro announced during WWDC, but that minor processor speed bump was disappointing to say the least, and shipping it with the same two year old 5770 GPU was like is a slap in the face to us loyal Mac Pro Customers.


I thought that too.  Apple are getting dirty with their drip feed approach to product upgrades.  The processor bump will come but after 6 months of the form factor revision, it's a way of getting two new product releases when really it's just the one.  My MBP is 18 months old and already has a dead battery.  I never had that problem with my old Wallstreet & Pismo's

mark - 2012-06-18 16:58

ugh. apple. i'm always one of those suckers who roots for the underdog, which is what apple was. so I used to be a fan, kinda. but now that they are the richest corporation on the globe, I kinda hate them. mostly, but not limited to,  because of witnessing my parents go through two imac g5s that crapped out and my brother going through two MacBook pros that crapped out. something to do with logic boards that cost 700 bucks to replace. they should call them magic boards, since it probably costs them 10 bucks to make it, but magically it costs you 700.


but all this in the same time that I've been using my current build and while an old dell dimension has been kicking around for 11 years and an hp from 2004 still works fine.


plus i'm not a fan of the 'patent everything' bit they have going. or the, oh you've had your latest idevice for six months now, well here's something new to make you get the upgrade itch so that by the time the not really consumer replaceable battery wears out, you'll probably upgrade instead of sending it in to replace the battery.


and this whole soldered ram/non standard hard drive business of the new MacBook pros reminds me to keep putting my own desktops together.


I also don't like how my browser automatically capitalizes MacBook. come on.

retro - 2012-06-18 17:18

I work with four people that have had the dreaded logic board failures, Apple claimed it had to do with faulty Nvida GPU's on the 2007 models. I also considered the new Macbook pro, but they have made it impossible to purchase and install third party ram, or a larger SSD drive and the 17" is discontinued. Back on topic, reno can you post some benchmarks when it's complete?

retrodos - 2012-06-18 18:17

Originally Posted by retro:

I work with four people that have had the dreaded logic board failures, Apple claimed it had to do with faulty Nvida GPU's on the 2007 models. I also considered the new Macbook pro, but they have made it impossible to purchase and install third party ram, or a larger SSD drive and the 17" is discontinued. Back on topic, reno can you post some benchmarks when it's complete?

It cause by cracked solder joints on the GPU, when they overheat due to a combination of dust getting in the heatsink and builtup not allowing good airflow and cheap thermal paste that dryups and braekdown, plus they use crap leadfree solder. I know as I fix them alot for the same reason, I have the reball machine, I remove the GPU and reball it using silver balls instead and good quailty themal paste, will outlast the original specs when finish.  It also a common problem with HP laptops and xbox360's and PS3's.


Reno just make sure you watercool those cards if you are going to buy two, as you will overheat them otherwise!!  



radio.raheem - 2012-08-10 21:36

well finally got her working....had to take out one gtx580 3 were just way to hot...but i have 2 3 gig versions in now and 32 gig ram


here is my 3d11 benchmark score


nothing special but good enough for now


P12018 3DMarks


here is a nice demo that i can run flat out....looks nice on a 50 inch screen



claret.badger - 2012-08-10 22:06

Computers are a waste of money



radio.raheem - 2012-08-11 01:30

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

Computers are a waste of money



so are boomboves..when most sound mediocere...but we still buy them