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litfan - 2012-10-15 14:32

Watched it, on dvd, yesterday. Now, i don`t know what everyone else thinks? But, i think, it doesn`t live up to the hype. It has it`s moments, but, it falls way behind the alien films.

brutus442 - 2012-10-18 12:04

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Watched it, on dvd, yesterday. Now, i don`t know what everyone else thinks? But, i think, it doesn`t live up to the hype. It has it`s moments, but, it falls way behind the alien films.



I thought I was the only one that felt betrayed. Ridley Scott is my fav. director and I felt he George Lucas'ed me on Prometheus. This was more of an off-shoot of the Alien franchise at best (and I'm being polite!) not a prequel


Apparently though the almighty $$ was behind this as, a possible trilogy was massaged out of the original screenplay...which royally pi$$ed me off

davebush - 2012-10-18 13:17

Yeah i watched this at the pictures and i left with a lot of unasnswered questions.......


I too thought it fell way behind the first 2 alien films

lav.loo - 2012-10-18 13:59

new films are a bit like new boxes, a load of s**te

metad - 2012-10-18 15:17

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

new films are a bit like new boxes, a load of s**te

You're right, don't forget new "disposable" cars, everything is designed for a single-use, nowadays.

brutus442 - 2012-10-18 15:47

Originally Posted by metad:
Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

new films are a bit like new boxes, a load of s**te

You're right, don't forget new "disposable" cars, everything is designed for a single-use, nowadays.

Too true Metad, a sad reflection of our insatiable craving for anything "new and improved"


Prometheus is certainly new, but not improved....

docp - 2012-10-18 21:35

Prometheus was a let down on two counts a) all the hype b) all our expectations but if you were to think that it might be followed by a series of films and that this was just paving the way....:

1. Prometheus is more like a 'sister' concept...not truly a prequel. We have humans, Aliens and Engineers?space jockeys in both movies....just that till now there was hardly any significance attributed to the Engineers....till now

2. The engineers (including that pale muscular guy in the beginning) are a race trying to acquire and 'terraform' planets far and wide by seeding them with their own DNA ....they use the black goo ...so for all practical purposes...these chaps are 'our creators' ?!!!

3. The engineer ship shown in Aliens 1 and the one in the last scene of Prometheus ARE NOT the same...different planets/moons a)LV223 discovered by the Prometheus & b)LV426 in Aliens discovered by the Nostromo

4. Most engineer ships are thus technically speaking on a 'suicide' mission...the Engineer manning the ship doesn't normally survive in his true complete form...they allow themselves to be used for the terraformi8ng process/DNA seeding ...ouch! complex nonsense eh? .....and once in a while when the classical excreta hits the fan you have the cargo (like in aliens) attacking the Engineer


So....the point of this discussion as a Sci Fi fan...is that.. let us not give up hope straight away...hopefully with a second  & maybe a third part they'll be able to make all the loose ends match up give us a complex and intriguing storyline

lav.loo - 2012-10-19 00:41

look at the terminator films, number 1 was ace, number 2 was good, then number 3 was sh**e, see the pattern here

andyboombox - 2012-10-19 03:16

cant beat the alien films,or like azz says terminators and other arnie films like predator and commando.....not seen prometheus but heard the hype that its good.....ill reserve judgment till i see itcant wait for the new bond film to come out-skyfall-see if  i cant afford the entrance fee to the cinema nowadaysprolly about 15 quid!

johnedward - 2012-10-19 09:40

Alien series is my fav. horror Sci fi of all time.  Remember going to theater here in S. Fl. by myself wanted to see it so much ... was staying at parents large home at time no one there ( was about 23 I think)  My god I could NOT go to sleep until I closed bedroom door and LOCKED IT... LOL now THATS a top horror sci fi movie result grin

  Yes Prometheus was a let down had good moments.  One can only hope that get more original with next one and make a better story line/characterizations.  

  Anyone liking Horror Sci Fi WATCH   "RELIC"  it is totally awesome and the creature is Unique and new for a change from most anything ever seen.   Real classic story telling hiding the real monster until near end.

lav.loo - 2012-10-19 12:42

if you want real horror then look no further than clive barkers hell raisers, their real scary s**t from the 80s when horrors were horrors, not all computerised graphical crap like most of todays stuff

deliverance - 2012-10-19 12:54

      saw it at the pictures in the seventies good book to.

lav.loo - 2012-10-19 12:56

yeah classic, still freaks me even till this day

deliverance - 2012-10-19 13:00


lav.loo - 2012-10-19 13:02

not for me that 1, bit more on the cheesy side lol

deliverance - 2012-10-19 13:13

     true story to.

brutus442 - 2012-10-19 13:27

Leave it to DocP to be our sober second thought!


You're quite right DocP. I'm hoping Mr. Scott re-captures the "Alien" magic!


As far as scary movies go....for me it's The Shining. Brilliant acting, Kubrick directed and Jack Nicholson. A recipe for classic fright! 

lav.loo - 2012-10-19 13:28

that's better, based on true events i believe

litfan - 2012-10-19 14:58

Great, to read this. There must be some activity left, in the old grey matter. One question though. What, is the opening scene all about?

bison - 2012-10-20 08:01

Originally Posted by deliverance:



evil dead 2 was a great flick,scary but funny too


litfan - 2012-10-20 09:24

"A farewell to arms" .