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Nice to see the forums alive and well.

panasonic.fan - 2012-11-12 11:05

      I have been so busy the past few years with work, moving, and volunteering that I just had no time for this hobby. I am currently stuck in FL recovering from a serious injury that I managed to acquire while on vacation. Now that I have some forced R&R, I thought of Stereo2Go and am very happy to see that the community here is alive and well.

      The site changes all look great, kudos to Paul, Retro and anyone else who participated in making the changes. I hope all of the "old folks" are alive and well, and look forward to participating with the new ones. Take care, and see you all around the forums.....

radio.raheem - 2012-11-12 11:36

glad to see you here Bill hope all is well.....take care my friend

lav.loo - 2012-11-12 12:01

welcome back PF and hope you have a speedy recovery

davebush - 2012-11-12 12:42

Yeah nice to see you again bill

deliverance - 2012-11-12 14:27

hope you have a speedy recovery

northerner - 2012-11-12 14:48

Welcome back from a new one!

driptip - 2012-11-12 19:12

good to hear from you again panasonic fan,most of us "old members" still here, a lot of new members keeping this site alive,  dont be a stranger.

metad - 2012-11-13 01:47

Hello Bill,

get well soon, and as Driptip said - don't be a stranger 

ao - 2012-11-13 02:27

Ha, great to hear from you Bill and sorry to hear about your misshap.  We're still plodding along over here, we've got rid of some driftwood but it's still business as usual. 

panasonic.fan - 2012-11-15 16:47

Thanks for the well wishes. I have another month before I can start weight bearing rehab, hopefully it won't take too long to get walking again and get back to work. It's been a very sobering exercise in patience.


On the boombox front, can't say that I've done much with the ones I have currently. I have 5-6 that I kept at my place to tinker with, the rest have been in climate controlled storage. I've been a bad boombox owner, ignoring most of my collection.


Still looking for a few, and I never have been able to find that Emerson from 83-84 with DNR (instead of Dolby or DBX). I don't know why I'm still bothering to look, but it's out there somewhere


Really happy to see things cooking here. I'm looking for a few higher end walkman models from the 80's, can anyone recommend a few good sellers that might have Aiwa and Panasonic higher end stuff?






nak.d - 2012-11-15 17:07

Hey there PF, great to see you popping up again. Always nice to see your comments and still your avatar is one of the best I've see on S2G. That and Geoff Hartwells (I must have watched that thing hundreds of times. On purpose).


Don't be a stranger

blaster - 2012-11-15 19:08

Good to hear from you PF.... was wondering not long ago what happened to you.....hope you do get better....do you still have all the small mid size Panasonic boxes you had stacked....i dont remember the model number but was a single cassette

isolator42 - 2012-11-16 02:58

Hi PF, nice to hear from you again...  

litfan - 2012-11-16 08:28

Yeah. Get well soon bill. Agentorange, has taken your job of handing out stinging comments . I remember, you were the person, that brought the existence of the panasonic rx5350 to light, and, i think, you were the first board member to own one. Those were the days.

ao - 2012-11-16 08:50

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Yeah. Get well soon bill. Agentorange, has taken your job of handing out stinging comments . I remember, you were the person, that brought the existence of the panasonic rx5350 to light, and, i think, you were the first board member to own one. Those were the days.

Ha !!! 

panasonic.fan - 2012-11-16 10:30

Hey Blaster, yes, absolutely still have them all. Mostly RX-C45, a few C46 and C41 models. I just love the look of them, and they have good sound. I really like the nicer 3 piece Panasonic models, and I collected too many of them.


Not sure that I was the first to own one from this wild and crazy group, probably not, but the 5350 is a top three model for me. I can't say that I lucked out on mine since it was so expensive (thanks to that wonderful human being xpkid123- remember him?). That takes me back to the forum that we used before Paul set up stereo2go.com- now *that* was the wild wild west

retro - 2012-11-16 10:43

Things were really slow after the split, but we are now moving forward, and its  great to see all the old school members returning. Welcome back PF.