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Removing norton from PC?

litfan - 2012-12-05 13:52

Does anyone know, how to remove this flippin norton, from windows 7? I`ve tried, in uninstall programs, but, it won`t have it.

davebush - 2012-12-05 13:56

Rich....you need to use Norton removal tool....download it and run it



litfan - 2012-12-05 14:25

Done it dave. What a pain in the a**. A friend of mine, knows a computer programmer. He told my friend. If you ever get a new computer, with norton installed, remove it straight away. It slows down your computer, big time.

davebush - 2012-12-05 14:27

yes it does.....its because its allways running in the background...

litfan - 2012-12-05 14:50

Correct dave. The programmer, swears by the avira virus software, and, any comp that he repairs, he automatically installs it.

panasonic.fan - 2012-12-05 18:23

Avira (and AVG) are very good freeware AV. Honestly, if you have a reasonably current computer Norton AV doesn't impact performance in a noticeable way. It's about the best AV out there, but if you have an older computer, say not true quad core AMD or i3/i5/i7 then you can feel it.


The #1 thing that Norton does in the background that can slow your computer is idle time optimizer, which defragments your hard drive after an idle interval that you can control. Disable that and you should notice whatever performance issues that would be caused by Norton go away.


If that doesn't speed things up, then you are likely using more than just Norton AV. For instance, I use Norton Internet Security 2013 with everything enabled on my i5-480 based laptop with 8 gigs of ram- runs like a top.