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not his day me thinks !

deliverance - 2012-12-06 11:51


stereo.mad - 2012-12-06 12:50

omg that is sooooooo fooking funny man.....can't stop laughing.....what a bafoon!!!!

nickfish - 2012-12-06 13:00

Ahh, bless him. Riding his bike in a perfectly responsible manner and some berk has put some ropes and stuff in his way! I feel very sorry for him and all of the other sensible motorcyclists that obey the highway code so diligently every day.

stereo.mad - 2012-12-06 13:08

Originally Posted by NickFish:

Ahh, bless him. Riding his bike in a perfectly responsible manner and some berk has put some ropes and stuff in his way! I feel very sorry for him and all of the other sensible motorcyclists that obey the highway code so diligently every day.

serves him right for having them stupid boxes on his crap courier bike!

lav.loo - 2012-12-06 13:44

ha ha lol, he's very lucky the bike did'nt land on him, very lucky

deliverance - 2012-12-06 13:49

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

ha ha lol, he's very lucky the bike did'nt land on him, very lucky

he is indeed heavy bike the fjr 1300.

claret.badger - 2012-12-07 08:27

looks like this is a TV show