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Deliverance (chris).

litfan - 2013-02-23 14:53

First of all. Let me say sorry to chris, because, he wouldn`t want this posting on here, but, the work he has done, to get my bombeat 40, and, trk8180 working, is just beyond words. My m90, is with docs at the moment. Hopefully, it should be fixed . Thanks again chris. Also, checked out his nissan skyline tonight. What a machine.

deliverance - 2013-02-23 15:32

no problems rich glad your happy with them you are a nice guy mate.   see you when the m90 is licked into shape by docs  

litfan - 2013-02-23 15:34

Thank god for that. I thought you were gonna "chase me" up the street. It needed saying chris, it`s just too big a deal to me, to not let let other people know.

deliverance - 2013-02-23 15:40

no worries mate it was testing making parts for the 40 but turned out good in the end .

radio.raheem - 2013-02-23 16:58

Thanks to deliverance and docs for helpin lit out.....beyond words guys......sweeeet


keep on trucking lads

nickfish - 2013-02-23 17:42

Chris; You da man.

samovar - 2013-02-24 03:12

good to read that the problems with your boxes have been fixed, and that the m90 will soon be into its best shape. & great to see you back. it goes without saying that deliverance is simply great 

stereo.mad - 2013-02-24 04:02

nice job guy's

brutus442 - 2013-02-24 04:19

This is what Stereo2Go is all about!


Cheers to both!!

litfan - 2013-02-24 06:04

What`s that brutus, AO deleting posts? He`s wiped some of mine already. I`ll just stick with the rest of you guy`s, who are normal (ish) .

lav.loo - 2013-02-24 06:15

no it was'nt AO who deleted your post it was me, i think it was wrong to diss someone in your thread the way you did, any problems feel free to pm me.

litfan - 2013-02-24 06:23

I`m not even gonna bother lav. Oh, and you know the general i was saving for you? well, i gave it chris. I don`t deal with poor moderaters. So come on lav, get deleting lad, it`s all your good for.

lav.loo - 2013-02-24 06:45

seems like your just here for kicks, the general you had saved for me i did'nt want anyway matey so i won't lose no sleep over that. do yourself a favour and behave yourself, you've clearly ruined your own thread here!!

ao - 2013-02-24 06:48

Litfan, I thought you said you 'weren't coming back to the site' but instead you've decided to take a pop at all the Mods.  Can we politely request that you sort yourself out my friend?  Also, I genuinely don't appreciate threatening PM's. 

litfan - 2013-02-24 08:43

Call that a threatening pm, you big wimp. Have i called any mod a name?, er NO. It`s just words. You lot wanna get your flippin act together. I showed a web expert, your so called moderating, he said, it was absolute rubbish. Deleting someones opinion of someone is daft. Does lav, come and wipe your backside for you, or, does the wife do it? It`s not me that wants to get it together, it`s you. I only came back, under sheer desperation, to get my m90 fixed. You wouldn`t have flippin done it for me. It took you 4 years, to send a walkman to nicolle. What does that say about you?

lav.loo - 2013-02-24 09:02

your pm's to me and AO are a step too far enjoy your suspension!!

walkgirl - 2013-02-24 09:35


children behave

stereo.mad - 2013-02-24 13:11

Well I vote lit back as he's virtually housebound and the Internet/ forum must be a big help to him!
What harm has been done anyway? Freedom of speech! So what!
Anyone backing me on this?

radio.raheem - 2013-02-24 13:15

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
Well I vote lit back as he's virtually housebound and the Internet/ forum must be a big help to him!
What harm has been done anyway? Freedom of speech! So what!
Anyone backing me on this?

Totally back you Lee litfan is an old pro.....for somebody who is leaving.....why not leave and let everybody else get on with it

walkgirl - 2013-02-24 13:27

Freedom of speech is always good


And whom cannot stand some critisism is a panthead

lav.loo - 2013-02-24 13:32

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by stereo mad:
Well I vote lit back as he's virtually housebound and the Internet/ forum must be a big help to him!
What harm has been done anyway? Freedom of speech! So what!
Anyone backing me on this?

Totally back you Lee litfan is an old pro.....for somebody who is leaving.....why not leave and let everybody else get on with it

are you referring to me above Reno, how many times have you been banned for being a total ass?? and Stereomad, you did'nt read the pm's both i and agent O recieved with lots of name calling ect, so i suggest you don't get involved unless you know the full story first, it really does'nt concern you.

ao - 2013-02-24 13:33

Originally Posted by walkgirl:

Freedom of speech is always good


And whom cannot stand some critisism is a panthead

Walkgirl, if it is critisism based on reality and fact then sure but poor old Litfan appears to be firing off accusations in all directions.  I think he needs time to himself to think things through.  I have a PM from him insulting my wife, this is from a guy who I've never met, sorry but this is unacceptable, even from a long term respected member.  I know you and Radioraheem agree with me on this one, it's uncalled for and it's deeply unpleasant.

lav.loo - 2013-02-24 13:37

i also recieved a pm from him attacking me personally with lots of name calling ect, i can live with the name calling but it was totally out of line and out of nowhere.

i'm all for sorting this out and moving on but people seem to keep dragging this back up!!

radio.raheem - 2013-02-24 13:56

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

i also recieved a pm from him attacking me personally with lots of name calling ect, i can live with the name calling but it was totally out of line and out of nowhere.

i'm all for sorting this out and moving on but people seem to keep dragging this back up!!

 nobody is perfect lav... are you??


agent im not sure why your wife has been insulted as Litfan doesn't even know her....so im not sure what to make  of  that.....i just think suspension is not needed...and won't help the situation....

ao - 2013-02-24 14:06

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

i also recieved a pm from him attacking me personally with lots of name calling ect, i can live with the name calling but it was totally out of line and out of nowhere.

i'm all for sorting this out and moving on but people seem to keep dragging this back up!!

 nobody is perfect lav are you??


agent im not sure why your wife has been insulted as Litfan doesn't even know her....so im not sure what to make  of  that.....i just think suspension is not needed...and won't help the situation....

Again Reno, you are very, very wrong.  Despite being moderators we are also people, as people we cannot and will not tolerate this kind of unwarranted behavior, even from a 'respected member' like Litfan.  We have no idea what he's going through right now and obviously we wish him well but his behavior today has been unacceptable.  Quite why he's decided to take a swing at the mods today is anybody's guess but the hope is that a suspension will help him realize that this isn't the way forward.


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