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now il'e have my say!!

lav.loo - 2013-04-14 12:24

ok here goes, this is my first time logging in here since last week as iv'e been away since last wednesday visiting family and not had access to the internet.

this is basically a reply to the thread Deliverance put up about the dialog i sent to him.

i sent a dialog to him out of anger after a post he replied to on one of my threads which i believe was done to deliberately annoy me.

i don't think calling someone a d***head with good reason is that unnaceptable especially considering the post he put up aimed at me.

i'm not here to appologise to you Deliverance as you have been sticking your unwanted nose in my business too much of late.

if you can't handle the swear word then don't reply to any of my posts with your snidey crap, simple as that really.

i am a respected member and was'nt made moderator for no reason, i have had tons of dealings with overseas and uk members and have gained much respect for my deals.

i may also like to add that i have made a lot of good friends here and i'm not going to let this issue blight my reputation.

if you would like to discuss this further then feel free to pm me, oh btw i'm sober right now!!

deliverance - 2013-04-14 13:23

for a start a respected member should not ring up people pissed in the middle of the night  or send them nasty dialogs who do you think you are !      you go on about respect yet when you feel like it you attack members on here that have been good to you ,   you have double standards and because you are a mod you think you can do what you like and get away it .      your absence spoke volumes to me,   you are just to big for your boots plain and simple , dont comment on any of my threads posts or send me any dialogs go and try intimadating someone else !    you have nothing i need or want .

deliverance - 2013-04-14 13:30

lets make this simple let the members decide by voting by a pole me and you the one with the least votes leaves the site i am up for it agent orange will you arrange this .

ao - 2013-04-14 13:53

Oh fuck

deliverance - 2013-04-14 13:58

cris just do it , this way no bitching and rattling on one stays and one leaves say 24 hours then its done simple .

northerner - 2013-04-14 14:02

Well I'd be sad to see either of you leave the forum

stereo.mad - 2013-04-14 14:10

i got to back del (chriss) on this....to many people sit on the fence on this site and i for one will not stand for any shit on here,it's not what i joined for!!!!!

nak.d - 2013-04-14 14:13

Can we take this off line perhaps? Joint PM's have to be a better way of sorting this (maybe with all concerned parties and another MOD added to the participants). I'm just concerned that this is ostensibly private business. The larger internet doesn't really need to know.

radio.raheem - 2013-04-14 14:15

This is why i quit the forum a few weeks ago....my vote goes with deliverance....but i will say in Lavs defence he phoned me up and had me reinstated.....if you come on this forum booze should be BANNED....i should know it turned me into an Ahole

deliverance - 2013-04-14 14:16

i am sorry jules i do not want to discuss this via dialog ,  let it be open for all to see .

nak.d - 2013-04-14 14:23

Originally Posted by deliverance:

i am sorry jules i do not want to discuss this via dialog ,  let it be open for all to see .

Ok Chris, I respect your point of view. Maybe this will blow over and we 'll get back to peace, love and a zillion M90 threads

lav.loo - 2013-04-14 14:24

i don't really give a shit what you say Chris your just trying to get back up from other people where as i don't need to do that.

you have nothing i want either and il'e tell you all something about mr innocent here, he has pm'd me taking the piss out of new members and done plenty of name calling through dialogs himself. your a very 2 faced sad individual and you should look at yourself and the things you have written before coming here and bad mouthing me.

as nak says lets do this through pm instead of involving everyone else, we have a problem with each other so lets get it sorted.




deliverance - 2013-04-14 14:40

listen i am not trying to get anyone to back me up !    yes i have took the piss here and there who hasn"t  but i dont treat people like shit and if i have anything to say right or wrong  i will say it ,  this is just tit for tat its going nowhere .      go for the votes with you being so well respected on here you should have no problems .

lav.loo - 2013-04-14 14:46

i have done a few wrong things myself on here and maybe said things i should'nt have and i will always hold my hands up if i'm in the wrong.

this is tit for tat yes but it needs sorting, shame i did'nt see this before today as i have just got back from visiting friends and family in manchester and could of met up with you face to face the best way i believe.


nickfish - 2013-04-14 14:57

I don't know all of the details and don't really want to but as i understand it, Chris had blocked you from sending PM's due to previous incidences and as such you should not have been able to do so. You have to have gotten around that block using your Moderator privileges. That is wrong.


You have access to personal details of all members on here and hold a position of trust. You have abused it and could do so again. Your previous drunken run-ins with others and apologies that have followed suggest to me that you should stand down as a moderator and give up the privileges that come with it.


Your starting message talks about respect that has been earned over time; I would doubt that given recent events many hold you in such high regard any more.


If Chris has sent you PM's that have taken the mickey out of other members that is something that friends should be able to do and those matters are private... hence PM.


Chris is always helpful and does not drag down the mood of the site; he get's my vote.

lav.loo - 2013-04-14 15:04

if you would like to put your vote on the other thread i put up then please do so Nick.

bison - 2013-04-14 15:05

i dont see how a mod can call someone an "annoying tw@t" on a thread and get away with it then take the moral high ground on the next thread

i back Chris..too much bad blood on this forum lately.

lav.loo - 2013-04-14 15:07

who called who an annoying twat Andy??


northerner - 2013-04-14 15:08

Well I'm afraid I refuse to vote either way...it's a fact of life that people often offend others unintentionally that leads to both offending each other intentionally. Life's too short too fall out over perceived sleights, plus we all act like tits on occasion and deserve a bit of forgiveness from our fellow man every now and again.

None of us really know what went on so I can't see how we can vote not knowing the full facts.  I just think you both need locking in the same room until you either make friends or kill each other LOL!

So my vote is for both to get over this falling out and both continue contributing to this fab forum. I for one am too old to take offence and  to fall out with people these days...just can't be bothered with the effort and energy it diverts from doing much more fun and constructive things.

Anyway, that's just my view

lav.loo - 2013-04-14 15:13

your just too much of a true gent Si your one of the top 5 people that have ever been on this site period, you don't like to get involved and you deserve respect for that, so much respect from me 

bison - 2013-04-14 15:13

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

who called who an annoying twat Andy??


come on lav you did then promptly deleted it,

i wasnt on the receiving end Jens was...bit harsh i thought

claret.badger - 2013-04-14 15:13

what happens on the web should stay on the web


if you can't take banter on this medium - then it is a reflection of your own insecurities


i love eveyone on this forum

and reserve my right to trash talk them on here


meet them down the pub however - or have their phone number -  RESPECT should be shown


my 2 p

now everyone can mail me and call me a c0cksm0k3r

lav.loo - 2013-04-14 15:15

well it's funny i got all of the backing for that Andy, he deliberately tried to mess up my sale thread.


lav.loo - 2013-04-14 15:17

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

what happens on the web should stay on the web


if you can't take banter on this medium - then it is a reflection of your own insecurities


i love eveyone on this forum

and reserve my right to trash talk them on here


meet them down the pub however - or have their phone number -  RESPECT should be shown


my 2 p

now everyone can mail me and call me a c0cksm0k3r

your a c0cksm0k3r Claret

metad - 2013-04-14 15:28

Originally Posted by deliverance:

 but i dont treat people like shit 

Let's face it , you do like to abuse, but don't like to be abused.
Now you don't like someone treat you the same way, like you did before.
Handle it.

claret.badger - 2013-04-14 15:35

*lights up c0ck*

soundboy - 2013-04-14 15:49

i would like to add some positive vibe for this problem ! 

yet im better to stay out... if anyone is intrested in the idea of life is bigger than us and i like to think its a matter of thinking about the greater whole and lose my vain self concern due to the fact that self concern is only intrested in my problems to be sovled and, has no merrit in a common welfare  

best wishes to both  


ao - 2013-04-14 22:15

OK, I'm going to chime in.  Firstly, there won't be a vote, that's just childish.  Clearly you guys need to sort something out but not here for god's sake.  Do it by PM or simply just ignore eachother.  We've got to stop this in-house fighting, it makes us look so unprofessional. 


Both of you have a lot of friends on here, Lav you're a good Mod and Del you add a level of humour on here which we clearly need, neither of you are going anywhere unless you chose to, don't make it our decision, that's lame.


Topic closed