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what mp3 player to buy?

smeats1976 - 2013-04-21 04:01

Lost my mp3 player the other day, It'll propbably turn up (its tiny) but I need a replacement just in case. Its only used for playing through my boxes or car stereo, I'm not into ipods or itunes and would prefer one that my 8gb memory card can be used.Can anyone recommed a mp3 player?


plop - 2013-04-21 04:04

Sansa Fuze with Rockbox custom firmware.

lav.loo - 2013-04-21 04:21

Not really sure what to recommend really Smeats as iv'e never really bothered with mp3's ect, always used my nokia for music on my boxes lol.

I have just been given a sony mp3 (see pic below) and it does the job great, better than getting a phone call half way through a tune when i'm out on the beach with a box

anyway here's what i'm using at the mo and i hope you find yours or get a good replacement mate



smeats1976 - 2013-04-21 04:27

Hi Lav! I've got a sony phone with mp3 player but it's not loud enough!, or maybe I'm just going deaf Its a sansa clip I've lost and even that needs turned off Europe setting and turned up to full pelt!

Plop, thanks for reply I dont know anything about firmware, should this model have it as standard?

lav.loo - 2013-04-21 04:34

tbh both the nokia iv'e used and the sony mp3 seem a bit low iv'e customised the eq's ect and that's made a bit of difference.

Iv'e downloaded all my music of youtube so quality between each tune can vary quiet a bit. i'm sure you'le get some good recommendations off members who use the latest gear

smeats1976 - 2013-04-21 04:43

I get a lot of tunes of youtube too! I usually download the same thing a few times and choose the best quality but that can bee hard when you're looking for somthing rare and even the original recoring was a bootleg from years ago! I think I've answed my own question on Firmware the word "custom" would mean its not standard haha!

lav.loo - 2013-04-21 04:50

well if i ever lose my mp3 i won't be going out of my way to replace it, il'e go back to using my nokia not that i'm a tight a**e just that i don't have the funds to get the latest gear

northerner - 2013-04-21 06:49

iPhone + Spotify = all the music I could ever need instantly

Always been an Apple fan I'm afraid

ao - 2013-04-21 06:53

I've got my iPod classic (160g), never really thought you could get anything better for sound quality.  Surely the quality of the original file is more important than the quality of the player.  I try to grab flac files if I can.  I'll be honest, the iPod never sounds as good as some of my Walkmen.

nak.d - 2013-04-21 07:21

Originally Posted by agentorange:

I've got my iPod classic (160g), never really thought you could get anything better for sound quality.  Surely the quality of the original file is more important than the quality of the player.  I try to grab flac files if I can.  I'll be honest, the iPod never sounds as good as some of my Walkmen.

I think this is the first time I've disagreed with you AO - specifically regards file Vs player. The file quality is very important, yes. But the sound of the player equally so. They're bedfellows so to speak. Bits N Bytes within the file ain't the only limiting factor. My music at home is enjoyable and yet benefits from a decent reply chain. I thought the Arcam system was great (it's still quite nice) but it's not a patch on the Linn. (Comparison using with the same speakers).


iPods were never built for sound (witness the hissing cockroaches for earphones as standard). It was about talking over the personal stereo arena, with a single goal in mind. World domination. They are a marketing executives wet dream and have sold in excess of 350 million units. Think an iPod is good? Try a Sansa, Sony X series or Cowan. OK the very latest iPods/iPhones have gotten better. But there's also a sound character or signature. You think apple were interested in that? A lot a their thinking came from a time when some considered 128 kbps files "cd quality"!


I'm sure that you're right re the other point; a WM (D6C?) will blow away what apple can do with MP3 and still be ahead when FLAC is played. Just my two penneth.


Phew. I'm going for a cigarette. Might take my MP3 player actually.


EDIT: Earphones, of course make a huge difference and are a part of the equation also. But that's a whole topic, covered eloquently by I think board member The Lion. Also to answer smeats, Sony make some affordable, nice sounding and well made players. Sansa, Creative, even Philips may be worth a shot!


smeats1976 - 2013-04-21 07:50

oops found it! (well Mrs Smeaton did) down the side of the computer table, could have sworn I checked there! anyhow thanks all!

claret.badger - 2013-04-21 11:58

ipods sound like arse


I'm surprised at you AO

minidisc ftw

ao - 2013-04-21 12:01

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

ipods sound like arse


I'm surprised at you AO

minidisc ftw

When i say I never thought you could get better I meant that I literally gave it no thought.  It was a present, I would never pay for such a thing, I used it only for my 3 hour commute when I worked in London, never used it since.  I think you all know where my allegiance lies when it comes to portable music.


Am I forgiven?

kin - 2013-04-21 15:08

I would get the smallest mp3 player and use my brain to remember the playlist from 1 to about 20

johnedward - 2013-04-21 15:10

Originally Posted by agentorange:
Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

ipods sound like arse


I'm surprised at you AO

minidisc ftw

When i say I never thought you could get better I meant that I literally gave it no thought.  It was a present, I would never pay for such a thing, I used it only for my 3 hour commute when I worked in London, never used it since.  I think you all know where my allegiance lies when it comes to portable music.


Am I forgiven?

WHEW perish the thought of our AO saying a IPOD digital music machine there could not get a better sound quality  EEEEEKKKKK .....yes forgiven by verifying your loyalty  to our Analog ancestry and love.

johnedward - 2013-04-21 15:19

As I dont use MP3 players / IPOD unable to comment other than in other posts on the quality end for reasonable money seems Cowen pops up plenty.   Also headphone amps are big plus sometimes.  Check out FiiO E11 about $60 they also have less and higher end models.  The E11 seems a good deal. Been meaning to try one as many of the better sounding 90's Walkman have a quality sound but lack amp power .



CAREFUL only buy from a official Fiio distributor shown on company main site.  lot of fake knock offs out there especially on evilbay.



Have bought from JR in past no problems based in NYC.  Big selection of Fiio.


blaster - 2013-04-21 17:26

Hands down...a good choice is the Sansa fuze 2nd generation....small compact packed with features....memory expandable...FM radio, it records, led spectrum display....what more can you ask?

isolator42 - 2013-04-21 23:20

Everyone I know raves about Cowon MP3 players.

If you can afford it, knock yourself out  


Every iPod headphone stage I have heard* leaves something to be desired, however the line out from the 30 pin socket of an iPod classic (with a top quality MP3) hits the standard for me. 

Maybe I'm not as choosy as some.


That said, I'm still knocked out when I put on a CD - so much better.

...but oh, the convenience of MP3...


* I've properly listened to: iPod 5th gen 80GB, iPod classic 160GB, iPod Nanos, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 6th gens, & iPhone 3GS
(all these are/have been owned in my family)

northerner - 2013-04-21 23:45

In my defence as an Apple fan I only really use it on line in on my boxes and so I don't think the small differences in audio quality are that big a deal. I don't have any decent hifi gear where I'm sure it'd be a lot more noticeable. Used many different iPods over the years but no others so I'm pretty ignorant of the audio quality differences, tho I never use the earphones supplied by apple as even I know they're crap lol

Plus the shear awesomeness of being able to plug it into a box wherever i am and stream any music I like is a big plus in my book...I can pick a genre or get it to base the selection it picks on a particular track...fantastic way to find new music well, when I say 'new' music I mean old music I didn't catch first time around

aestereo - 2013-04-22 03:38

At home, I have a Logitech Squeezebox Touch, connected to a Kenwood Midi Stack system. It's sound quality is the best I have heard. Its with a proper remote control as well a touch interface and has line-out with variable output level.


It's not portable, but the sound quality is unmatched for reclined listening.

northerner - 2013-04-22 04:06

Originally Posted by isolator42:

That said, I'm still knocked out when I put on a CD - so much better.


Actually I've just gone back to CD's...all mine were in the loft and I refuse to buy a boombox with a CD drive in so I'd not used a CD for years.


But I've found a nice little Sony CD player that'll plug into line in, so I got all my CDs out again, such fun  Still prefer my vinyl tho

isolator42 - 2013-04-22 06:59

Originally Posted by Northerner:
In my defence as an Apple fan I only really use it on line in on my boxes and so I don't think the small differences in audio quality are that big a deal...

This is a very good point.

Always useful to be periodically reminded that audiophiles do not use boomboxes as reference audio!  

Of course, if you're listening to some esoteric cans with a dedicated headphone amp & all that, it's a different story...