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Meet your new S2Go moderators

ao - 2013-04-19 02:09

Right folks, the dust has settled and emotions have backed down.  I think it's fair to say we've all learned from this episode.  I look back rather embarassingly at my own protest eforts.


Lav & myself have decided that we will continue with Retro as Moderators of S2Go. 


We have agreed that we will, as moderators, keep focussed on the task and not let our personal opinions cloud the waters.  It's worth remembering that we are members too and we are here purely as result of our interest in this hobby so we should be forgiven for the odd stray from path.


Your part of the deal is to keep on posting, we need more pics, projects, sales, stories and good banter in general.  Can we also ask again that you be aware that whatever you post on here is visible to all in the public domain so can we urge you to keep language clean, don't speak ill of others (members or otherwise) unless you have reasonable grounds to do so and most importantly to keep personal one-to-one grievences out of sight.  It's all basic stuff and I know you've heard it before but it's always good to refresh memories.


Can we also ask that if there is anyone who fancies a stab at being a moderator then they should feel free to contact the mods collectively, it's always good to have more.


Personally I'm glad to be back and was quite touched by some of the comments, quite litterally in the case of Claret Badger


Onwards and upwards people and with any luck we'll snare Deliverance back into the fold.

nak.d - 2013-04-19 03:04

Glad things are back to normal. back to the future it seems.


Now to get Deliverance back on and posting, if he wants that. Maybe he'll be OK after a break. Is anyone in contact with him? I hope so

northerner - 2013-04-19 03:52

Originally Posted by Nak D:

Glad things are back to normal. back to the future it seems.


Now to get Deliverance back on and posting, if he wants that. Maybe he'll be OK after a break. Is anyone in contact with him? I hope so

Yeah, we want Del back too!

redbenjoe - 2013-04-19 04:38

thanks AO & lavloo

claret.badger - 2013-04-19 06:11

in my defence

I never touched Agent Orange


I ain't no Rolf Harris

lav.loo - 2013-04-19 06:31

Ok well I did say that I would step down as mod if there was even one protest so without further ado I resign completely from all mod duties.

I believe it's the right thing to do and hopefully all the past issues can be put to rest and we can move on in a positive way.

thanks to all that have stood by me through all of this and for all the nice comments which I recieved through dialogs.

I gotta be honest and say I should never have taken the job as a mod as i was never really up to it but taken it because I was moved by the offer at the time.

I personally would love to see Northerner or Deech replace me but il'e leave it with you guys to decide.

thanks for putting up with me as mod for so long and peace to all of you.


atb Arron


nak.d - 2013-04-19 07:18

Fair play Arron, nicely done. I believe you've made the right choice. Glad you're still hanging around tho

northerner - 2013-04-19 07:21

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

in my defence

I never touched Agent Orange


I ain't no Rolf Harris

yeah, was shocked when I heard that this morning...is there anyone who was in entertainment when I was a kid who isn't a sick perv?

lav.loo - 2013-04-19 07:22

Originally Posted by Nak D:

Fair play Arron, nicely done. I believe you've made the right choice. Glad you're still hanging around tho

cheers Nak means a lot mate

northerner - 2013-04-19 07:32

I might regret this horribly but if anyone agrees with Lav and Stereomad and thinks I should step up then I will but my wife may well kill me, she already thinks I spend way too much time on this forum as it is  


If there's little support for this then I really won't mind or be offended and happily support whoever everyone reckons should do it...its just that often people don't volunteer for a job that is pretty much thankless so someone has to 


Well I've opened myself up to be shot down in flames and insulted so please if you don't think I'm suitable then please say so, I won't be offended as long as you're not offensive!...a simple 'no' will suffice LOL!


Of the people I know better I think Deech and Samovar are both good candidates too and I'd be happy to see them do it instead

lav.loo - 2013-04-19 07:52

I back you 100% Si and Deech if not you

redbenjoe - 2013-04-19 07:58

very few ever volunteer for these trying types of jobs --

thanks northerner --hope you will get it and like it

northerner - 2013-04-19 08:09

Cheers both


I've just always taken the view that you shouldn't ask others to do what you're not prepared to do yourself


I run a Citizens Advice Bureau (anyone UK will likely know what this is) and work mainly with volunteers so am more used to the strange idea of doing something for nothing!

mitchelljames - 2013-04-19 08:19

Glad your staying on the team AO, and well done northerner, i think you already are a great asset to the site and would be a great addition to the Mod team.



retro - 2013-04-19 08:35

Glad you are staying AO, we can always use the extra help. I'll put in another vote for one of our oldest member's driptip.

walkgirl - 2013-04-19 08:53

davebush - 2013-04-19 09:03

i vote IRA (redbenjo) for moderator


He`s been here longer than all of us put together + 50 years

brutus442 - 2013-04-19 09:07

Thanks on behalf of the other members here Cris for returning to the front lines. (admit it...it was the Aquaman summoning that forced your hand)


Aaron, you are a man of your word and respect for that must be acknowledged. I tip my hat to you and look forward to your continued participation.


I couldn't vote for a new moderator because I think too many of you would make excellent ones...but Northerner..thanks for stepping up in a pinch


Chris (Del) I hope your reading this because ...your absence is keenly felt. Cooler heads always prevail..


Gents...the ship has be righted and repaired....lets continue sailing and avoid anymore storms...unfurl the sails



northerner - 2013-04-19 09:10

I vote for anyone other than me...that way I get the feel good factor of standing up and volunteering without actually having to do the nightmare job lol

Very very happy to defer to more seasoned members

Or anyone...even Rolf Harris

ao - 2013-04-19 10:02

I'll speak to the others to get a pitch on feelings about another Mod.  The thing to consider is that yes, more Mods the better but we don't get much call for ongoing moderation, well, excluding last week of course.


Much of the job is removing Spam, moving posts, dealing with moderation requests and general cat-herding duties, oh, and outwitting the idiotic.


superduper - 2013-04-19 10:07

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

................. without further ado I resign completely from all mod duties.

I believe it's the right thing to do ..............I gotta be honest and say I should never have taken the job as a mod as i was never really up to it .............atb Arron


Very honorable thing to do, and in my opinion, the right thing to do.  Being a member is one thing, doing the mod gig is another entirely.  Look at the silver lining however because now, you can feel "free" from the normal restraint and burden of that thankless job (subject to moderated limitations, of course.)    BTW, none of my posts have any hidden meaning or humor, as I'm not smart enough for that.   I say things as it is, or as I see it.  Nothing more, nothing less.

mraiwa1000 - 2013-04-19 11:06

It was only about a year ago that I found about this site!

I don't really have a collection of boxes nor walkmans because I don't have the room for it!

But for all of you that have been on here the most, I must ask, how old is this whole thing? And I mean the website.

samovar - 2013-04-19 11:30

wow what a day! i am away a few hours and a revolution takes place! but it's for the better, it seems to me


good to read that AO is in the driver's seat again. also i believe Lav Loo did the right thing --a very honest and honorable gesture which deserves respect from everybody.


i don't know if new mods are necessary, but i find Nak D's proposal very reasonable. as for candidates, i think there are many here who deserve to have a go. to wit, all the names that have popped in here and in other threads, and a few more.


not me though (thanks anyway for the nomination, Northerner --but you are way better than me for this role! ). not only because i enjoy the much easier role of the member, but also because a moderator should have some sort of technical expertise. as you all know, mine is confined to the world of comics and cartoons only


i'll just add that i wish deliverance reconsidered his decision

ao - 2013-04-19 11:49

Originally Posted by mraiwa1000:

It was only about a year ago that I found about this site!

I don't really have a collection of boxes nor walkmans because I don't have the room for it!

But for all of you that have been on here the most, I must ask, how old is this whole thing? And I mean the website.

Good question, I think it's been around since 2001/2, I've been around since 2003 but I think some of us have been around longer.  The site changed design about 2 years ago just after there was a major revolt in the ranks and many went over and set up our sister site Boomboxery.com which many of us are also members of.

johnedward - 2013-04-19 13:06

I first read and made a detailed reply under the Moderator Gig topic prior to seeing Lav's honorable decision and said statement here.   It shows a mans proper character.  I am delighted and more than thankful for Cris staying on as moderator.   And my personal thanks to the other moderators Retro and I believe Stereo2Go for their efforts and time.  And Lav's many positive contributions behind the scenes as moderator.  Lav I made some good points in the Moderator Gig topic honoring your very recent public words here.  It is there for members to read.


As to some additional moderators AO's first comments and request people contact the moderators directly I agree with all he said.  Personally I believe a potential moderator willing to serve should directly PM the moderators.  It is after all a volunteer job thus offering oneself to those who make decisions is the correct path.   Of late too much areas of personal have been put in public display upon open areas of this forum that are better served in PM's and with moderators yet sometimes public statements are needed to bring about the right thing. That being said seems better for anyone who may be willing to be a moderator to privately pm the moderators.   Upon discussion by the moderators they should make the choices of one or more members.  It is then that a topic stateing who new moderators will be and that ANY MEMBER with due cause should DIRECTLY ONLY IN PM make it known to the moderators AND prospective new moderator or moderators.   This way membership can have some influence as should be right in a democratic organization to have a voice.   Unless said due cause is verifiable and proven the current moderators acceptance of one or more members offer to volunteer time and effort as a moderator should stand.   

   We have truly a Most GRAND FORUM.  As I am member on multiple forums in sound and outside such as automotive this is my favorite and truly a outstanding example of our shared passions for portable sound equipment.   Let all members continue to create thrilling , challenging and information rich sharing in new topics of all areas.

radio.raheem - 2013-04-19 13:19

Originally Posted by davebush:

i vote IRA (redbenjo) for moderator


He`s been here longer than all of us put together + 50 years

I second that vote

deech - 2013-04-19 14:47

Just seen and read all the comments on this topic!

I m really honored to see my name in as candidate mod !!

I ve been offered this job some time ago and i kindly refused as

i think IT is a difficult job with much responsibilities

and somebody has to be most of the time online to check for everything

etc etc and really dont have the time especially for the summer season !


I do love the forum so much and feel this place like home like most of us

but really wouldnt be able to do this job. Maybe some time

in the future i would reconsider it but for the time being i think i m

going to be a simple member contributing as much as i can

and bringing some positive vibe !


Now i wouldnt like to suggest members in public for mods as i m afraid

i woudnt be fair with all , i m going to suggest 5-6 names  to AO and Retro though

and these names are going to be from older members !


That being said (sorry but couldnt help it to make the comment below!!)

but i feel like we are the Skulls and Bones secret society !!!

or some fraternity that votes for the new power elite !!!!


Beverly Hills 90210 check this clip  from 06:35 till 09:05 !!!



and Deli must come back thats for sure.

smeats1976 - 2013-04-19 15:53

Originally Posted by Northerner:

Cheers both


I've just always taken the view that you shouldn't ask others to do what you're not prepared to do yourself


I run a Citizens Advice Bureau (anyone UK will likely know what this is) and work mainly with volunteers so am more used to the strange idea of doing something for nothing!

I'm only a newb so IMHO even before reading this I thought Northerner was a good candidate! but now I'd think we would be crazy not to accept this kind Yorkshireman's offer as being a MOD!

spaceboy - 2013-04-19 18:41

Northerner gets my vote for sure,works for Advice Bureau seems to have all the credentials and also seems to be a good bloke.


northerner - 2013-04-19 23:52

Thanks for your kind words fellas   Tho I want to emphasise my status as the 'last resort' if no one else wants to do it!

If I were to be a mod then I'd give it 100% but I'm still very happy for someone else to do it...I think from johnedwards post he's interested and I think he'd make an excellent mod

I've only been here a year and i appreciate people might want someone of longer standing than me anyway

(Haven't pm'd the mods as its clear right at the beginning of this thread I'm willing to stand up)

bison - 2013-04-20 00:10

take the job Si,im sure you would make a great mod

ao - 2013-04-20 01:05

Thanks guys, you're interests have been registered.  Can I ask that you leave this with us for a while?



stereo.mad - 2013-04-20 01:53

Well as I started this I'm pleased to see the interest in Simon (northerner) to be the new mod, guys please keep voting team northerner as he will do a great job of being a mod

ground.control - 2013-04-20 04:44

Si 's the man for the job    also badger would be a good choice

nak.d - 2013-04-20 04:48

Originally Posted by Ground Control:

Si 's the man for the job    also badger would be a good choice

A badger would really put the cat among the pigeons. Both guys different but decent choices.

walkman.archive - 2013-04-20 10:09

Originally Posted by agentorange:

Right folks, the dust has settled and emotions have backed down.  I think it's fair to say we've all learned from this episode.  I look back rather embarassingly at my own protest eforts.


Lav & myself have decided that we will continue with Retro as Moderators of S2Go. 


We have agreed that we will, as moderators, keep focussed on the task and not let our personal opinions cloud the waters.  It's worth remembering that we are members too and we are here purely as result of our interest in this hobby so we should be forgiven for the odd stray from path.

Hi Agent,


I was out last days and I didn't knew anything about this. I'm very surprised by your first decision and glad that you're back again.

I really think you're a good moderator: fair, impartial, honest and fast!


Glad that you're ok.

milosancho - 2013-04-26 13:14

Wow! Been away for a long time, did some reading.....wow!