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Car booty success stories anyone?

smeats1976 - 2013-04-28 03:23

I was thinking about going to a car boot sale this morning but I love my Sunday morning long lie in bed and could not motivate my lazy ass to get up at 7am for yet another fruitless search!

I went to lots last year and while I wasn't expecting to be tripping over 777s or have someone thank me for taking their big heavy M90 off their hands for a Tenner, I was hoping to find something other than 90s/00s eggs or the occasional tiny 80s cheap brand one speaker crap!

Anyway! I need some stories about car boot finds to inspire me to continue my searchps its now after 11am is there any point in going 3 hours after it starts?

traveler - 2013-04-28 03:31

if you are able to go then GO!


try to look for 'metal case' Walkman's as well as Square Boombox's 

northerner - 2013-04-28 03:48

Not one success story from me I'm afraid. Tend to pick up vinyl or the odd tape but I've only found 90's boxes suitable just to rip a few spare parts out of then bin. But I too am a bit lazy in the morning and never get there very early so I don't make much of an effort

ao - 2013-04-28 04:21

When I was in the UK 5-6 years ago I used to do 3-4 car boot sales every Sunday and always found stuff to make the trip worth while.  Lucky finds included a Sharp GF-9191 for a tenner, a couple of Hitachi TRK-9129s but nothing wildly interesting.  Oh and my JVC P-5 for £25.

lav.loo - 2013-04-28 04:35

hope this inspires you Smeats

over the last 5 years here's what iv'e scored at the bootsales


2 x sharp gf 8585's of same seller for £20

1 x pioneer sk909L for £10

2 x hitachi 9100's £5 a piece

1 x sansui cp7 £8

1 x sanyo m9998 £10 

1 x panasonic rx 5300 £7


I think that's it from memory but i'm sure there may be more?

i'm going to do a good few big bootsales this summer so here's to hoping for the both of us



northerner - 2013-04-28 04:38

3 to 4 every Sunday?...wow. I'm lucky if I get to that many a month. There are only 2 small weekly ones around here...and one of those is largely traders who just seem to empty their household bins on to a table and expect people to buy it

I'd have to travel to get to any big ones

lav.loo - 2013-04-28 05:39

don't even go there with the dumps Smeats, the guys that work at them places are complete to**ers 

bison - 2013-04-28 06:44

nothing worth having on my local car boot this morning..i bought my daughter one of those  Russian matryoshka dolls for a pound

deliverance - 2013-04-28 06:53

nothing at chelford except for proper back bacon and lincoln sausages 

whitenoise - 2013-04-28 06:54

Got more chance at the refuse tip these days. My local has an area for electronics and tv's round the back. A few months ago whilst getting rid of a CTR i found a new looking Aiwa ADF 810 tape deck in its box .  Straight in the boot of my car!  LOVERLLY JUBBERLY !!!!!



stereo.mad - 2013-04-28 08:33

£2.50 from a booty last week

smeats1976 - 2013-04-28 08:50

Originally Posted by stereo mad:

£2.50 from a booty last week

Now thats what I'm talking about!! The coolest TV boom box for £2.50! did you haggle much to get that price? and does it work OK?

deech - 2013-04-28 08:50


2.50 WoooooW thats great !!!

Jealous of it !! Looks like new too

Congrats Stereo !

northerner - 2013-04-28 08:55

£2.50....not sure I believe that one Lee...the seller would have to be off their rocker lol!

Nice box tho, I fancy one of those to add to my Sharps

stereo.mad - 2013-04-28 08:58

yer must admit it was a catch but watch out for my before and after post in a little while

mark.gf575 - 2013-04-28 08:59

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

don't even go there with the dumps Smeats, the guys that work at them places are complete to**ers 

I agree with you there, my local recycling place won't let you take anything even if you wave cash at them I don't look in that direction if i'm dropping rubbish incase I spot something.

smeats1976 - 2013-04-28 09:03

Originally Posted by Mark GF-575:
Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

don't even go there with the dumps Smeats, the guys that work at them places are complete to**ers 

I agree with you there, my local recycling place won't let you take anything even if you wave cash at them I don't look in that direction if i'm dropping rubbish incase I spot something.

must be getting payed too much if they won't turn a blind eye for cash, or maybe Lav's right and they're just jobsworth t*ssers

lav.loo - 2013-04-28 09:06

ha ha don't blame ya Mark, you'de only kick yourself if you seen owt worth having

i don't go full stop as all my recent visits were a total waste of time and i got into a row with the tip guy

lav.loo - 2013-04-28 09:07

sorry for straying off topic Smeats

smeats1976 - 2013-04-28 09:14

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

sorry for straying off topic Smeats

Haha! no probs it was me that brought up the Dump first! I'm not too proud to go "dumpster diving" thats why things getting destroyed before they can be rescued p*sses me off! The dude that ran the dump years ago was open to bribery! for a nice big Cigar you could go anywhere and take anything all day long!

dogtemple - 2013-04-28 09:19

used to get loads at the bootys a few years back, around 2004, nearly every week i would pick something up.  quite a few nice ones too


not so much now though, i dont buy the real rubbish ones or tiny boxes but the only pickups ive had were - Hitachi trk a couple years back for £15, a jvc rc60 (i think) 4 years ago for £2.50 and an awai 990 for £1.50 (sold on ebay for £199 )


nowt else though in the last 4 or so years!

lav.loo - 2013-04-28 09:20

ha ha long gone are the days of the big cigar lol, we need more guys like that

radio.raheem - 2013-04-28 11:56

well if somebody comes to my local tip there ill be 40 boxes there soon haha.

can't wait to get shot of em and have my life back

lav.loo - 2013-04-28 12:01

Reno what ya gettin rid of bro, can't ya sell em and atleast get some cash back on em?

radio.raheem - 2013-04-28 12:24

Most of them are scrap lav mate....ie junk in my shed....couln't tell ya what they are...aint been in there for over 6 months.....doubt they would fetch anything lad


bison - 2013-04-28 12:30

Originally Posted by stereo mad:

£2.50 from a booty last week

love it..best find post in eons..well done Lee

lav.loo - 2013-04-28 12:37

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Most of them are scrap lav mate....ie junk in my shed....couln't tell ya what they are...aint been in there for over 6 months.....doubt they would fetch anything lad


ahh shame mate, wish i could get down and have a rummage