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Nice to see you back Lit ol chap

radio.raheem - 2013-05-01 15:16

Chase me chase me....haha


don't get shot of your bombeat 40 lad


as m90's are common as muck lad....i may be getting shot of mine as i don't think anybody is gunna fix it for me...unless the offer is till open diliverance.....


hope yr keepin fluent in flushing th bog rich....hell dunno what else to say but keep well ol chap....from one old timer to another....your one of the best lad....now piss off lad and carry on as you were


litfan - 2013-05-01 15:25

Hey RR. Good to speak to ya again old lad. Yeah. I would keep the BB40, if the condition was a bit better. Auto-stop, needs fixing, and, the bar, that operates the record switch, is missing. Chris, managed to get it playing, by making a new spring post, and, a spring. There`s a lot of force needed, to lift the play head. Chris say`s though, somebody, has done a hatchet job on the deck. Did you get that m90, covered in stickers? Chris, keeps saying to me, and, it`s true. Some of these boxes, are 30+ years old. The sony cf580, is about 35+. Amazing.

radio.raheem - 2013-05-01 15:33

hey up lad....yea the m90 with stickers that's mine....took about 7 hrs to get em off just the deck is cream crackered.....if i can't get it fixed im getting shot.....cost £350 i think lad cant remember....i keep having so called mini strokes.....so i guess my brain is cream crackered like yours hehe....


yea it is amassing the radios are 30 plus years son....just wish mine worked....my misses is trying to get me to sell or dump the lot.....can't be bothered with ebay so who knos bro

litfan - 2013-05-02 12:24

Yeah. I`ve had a few of those mini strokes, or, TIA`s. They are not very nice at all. What did ya use to get the stickers off? It wasn`t wd40, was it? Maplin label remover is good stufff.

radio.raheem - 2013-05-02 17:25

Howd ya guess lad yup wd40 hehe....i doubt anything else would have worked...must have been at least 100 stickers lad......yea those strokes arnt nice...last one i had i was biting my bottom lip for weeks....was hard to eat...


hows yr ma keeping mate i hope both of you are getting the support you need. that kind of thing is pretty sh=e around here....life is pretty none existent around here....i never go any ware myself lad

driptip - 2013-05-02 18:41

Radio raheem do you have a pic of the m90 with all the stickers on? would love to see it, 




and yes is nice to see both of you still hanging around here .

love you guys.

radio.raheem - 2013-05-02 19:28

Nice to see you join us ol cronies down here Driptip.....like Litfan said in another thread, there ain't many of us old posters left ol chap.....and the way things are going i might not be here long with these strokes etc.....


Sorry lad i don't have a pick of the m90 before it's tear down....as i didn't take any pics


kinda wish i had left the stickers on now hugo as she just looks like any old m90 now lad....yea i do i wish id left em on