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Selling some of my collection

minty - 2013-05-21 11:35

Greetings all. You may have noticed I'm selling some of my collection on eBay. I know this isn't Facebook, but I've included a picture of our beloved cat Molly. We've had her for 13 years, and she was part of the family. She hadn't been well the last few weeks and sadly we had to have her put to sleep yesterday. I held her in my arms as the vet gave her that injection, and the life drained from her. I've never felt so sad. She was like a child to us.

When I brought her home, I decided to use one of the boxes I store my walkmans in to bury her. She is now in our garden resting peacefully. It was when I was removing all my walkmans from the box that I realised what's the point. You can't take them with you. I would gladly trade them all now to have Molly back, but that's not going to happen.

So that's my story. I hope I didn't bore anyone. And I hope my walkmans go to a good home.

deliverance - 2013-05-21 11:57

that"s sad minty and your right pets are part of the family a nice touch with the box to . glwts .

lav.loo - 2013-05-21 12:05

yeah very sad day indeed Minty, if it's any consolation iv'e been through the same thing twice with my 2 german sheps. I buried mine in the garden and it felt as though my world had ended All I can say is time heals mate although we never ever forget.

Being a big animal lover my thoughts are with you and your right about what you say, at the end of the day material posessions are worth jack all.

All the best on the Walkman sales mate.

minty - 2013-05-21 12:20

Thanks for your kind words guys. Really appreciate it.

aob9 - 2013-05-21 13:24

Sorry to hear about your loss, pets can become part of the family. Best of luck with the sales, I fancy the EX-5 actually. BTW, thanks for responding to my email query recently, it was much appreciated. 

walkgirl - 2013-05-21 21:20

That is very sad to hear!! Plop!


But for the good news!, I awaiting a new kitten!!

northerner - 2013-05-21 23:52

Sorry to hear that minty. Pets are members of the family so it's traumatic when they go. I've got a dog and a cat now and have others in the past so I know how you feel

samovar - 2013-05-22 00:23

after 14 years of perfect cohexistence, last spring my beloved cat died in my arms. now he sleeps in the garden and i too would give away all my boxes and walkmans to get him back. but i want to tell you something about the final moments we spent together cause they taught me a great lesson. animals know how life and death are just two sides of the same coin, so i'll never forget the peace of mind he gave to me in his last hours. his passing away was so incredibly natural that, for an instant, i was not afraid of death. now i like to think he's happy -- a few days ago i dreamt of him and he was joyously purr-purring. i am sure that, in time, you'll feel the same with your Molly. as walkgirl pointed out, life always finds a way. for us it's hard to accept her way through death. like all animals, cats know better. that's why they're vastly superior to human beings.

walkman.archive - 2013-05-22 03:11

I'm sad to hear that, minty. Hope you find yourself happy very soon.