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lav.loo - 2013-05-22 13:51


deliverance - 2013-05-22 14:04

i am so f..king angry about this ,  a serving soldier wearing a help for heroes t-shirt hacked to death by two activists shouting eye for an eye !     i cant say on here what i realy think but i know what i would like to do to them    

northerner - 2013-05-22 14:06

Just makes me feel sick...I live very close to the largest army camp in Europe and a huge chunk of our work is with army people. We deal with soldiers being killed in Afghanistan on a regular basis and the fallout caused by PTSD. So it sickens me to the stomach to see a soldier killed in the street because of the job he does.

lav.loo - 2013-05-22 14:15

nothing but scumbag cowards and nothing more, who the f**k do they think they are, this country needs to toughen up fast. I heard the 2 suspects was taken to hospital after being shot by the law, they should of shot the c***s dead and left them lying in the street like the poor soldier they slaughtered, C***S

stereo.mad - 2013-05-23 02:26

Time to fight back and get rid!!!

nickfish - 2013-05-23 04:14

They are incited to do these things by religious zealots who brain-wash them. They manipulate faith in a religion that clearly states that all life is sacred and turn this into murderous revenge. These evil people like Abu Hamsa who plays us for the fool and watches the world laughing at us, offer glory by You Tube for the murder of our soldier going about his daily business.


Would they be so willing if their reward was the death sentence? I guarantee that if their fate would be death at the hands of the 'infidels' they would not do it. Get patched up and then be either deported or languish in Jail; not so bad really.


The message should be simple and clear. We have been patient enough. If you don't like our country, what it does, what it believes in and agree to blend in and observe our laws..... Get out while you can.

deliverance - 2013-05-23 04:43

The message should be simple and clear. We have been patient enough. If you don't like our country, what it does, what it believes in and agree to blend in and observe our laws..... Get out while you can.          well put nick .

andyboombox - 2013-05-23 05:11

ok.so without getting too political or enraged by this latest atrocity.....f##k it........these callous,disrespectful and frankly pathetic excuses for human beings should NEVER been allowed the opportunity for this to have happened,let alone it been openly aired on tv,our government are useless,bloody useless,there should be more safety measures in place to avoid these situations,they dont know what they are playing at as a situation like this should never have been.that poor soldier,who has stood up for us all and done his duty for queen and country has his life terminated like that by such evil satanic pigs,and now his poor family will have an eternity to suffer in pain at his loss.my grandad was a soldier in ww2 and the thought of anything happening like that to him is unbearable.he has of course passed away naturally now,but thats not the case of this pour soul.what gave these islamic militants the thought they could perform such an act on our streets?i agree with nickfish when he says basically if you dont like what we do and how we are in the uk then piss off.we dont need your words of rot or your hate clerics in our country anymore.go home wherever that my be.the first rock you can find.

god bless the dead soldier,rest in peace with full military honours.

and these cretins?burn in hell.

lav.loo - 2013-05-23 06:01

totally agree with Nick too but on the other hand the 2 scum bags wasn't even afraid of the armed police so would the death penalty deter them enough? Is there really any detterent  that could stop these vile people?

andyboombox - 2013-05-23 06:07

no bro there isnt.they have crap for brains and as a result feel no pain or sorrow because they are dead from the inside out.

nickfish - 2013-05-23 06:11

That's my point Lav,

The threat of being executed by the infidels would be a fate worse than death in their eyes. To die 'on the field' would be a honorable death to them. That they were denied that is probably upsetting them a lot already such is the brain-washing going on.


Anyway, I have been thinking about this; The PM should announce that this is a military matter and will be dealt with as they see fit. Hanging at Blackfriars anybody? It is our tolerance and incessant do gooding that makes us look so weak!

deliverance - 2013-05-23 06:15

true ,  i have just spoken to my youngest lad he is at catterick at present feelings there are high to say the least

northerner - 2013-05-23 06:16

Afraid there is nothing anyone can do to prevent this sort of thing...you will always get psychos doing bad stuff in the name of something or other...it's not about race, religion, colour or anything...it's a pair of disturbed individuals driven to an act of barbarity by extremists using religion as an excuse for their obscene behaviour.

This is absolutely not what Islam is about and the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful law abiding folk who I have no problem with whatsoever.

I do think that anyone preaching extremist hate against this country and inciting these acts should be held responsible for this and expelled, and using human rights legislation to protect or taxpayers money to support them is just obscene.

northerner - 2013-05-23 06:18

Hey Chris, your lads at Catterick?...he's only a couple of miles from me then

northerner - 2013-05-23 06:19

I've had two of my staff behind the wire in Catterick today and they've really upped the security checks

deliverance - 2013-05-23 06:22

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Hey Chris, your lads at Catterick?...he's only a couple of miles from me then

yeah he is si  

northerner - 2013-05-23 06:36

Originally Posted by deliverance:
Originally Posted by Northerner:
Hey Chris, your lads at Catterick?...he's only a couple of miles from me then

yeah he is si  

well if he has any advice issues then he knows where his local Citizens Advice Bureau is...we're very good you know

bison - 2013-05-23 10:25

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
Time to fight back and get rid!!!

thats exactly what the extremists want..fighting back would alienate minorities even further leading to more extremist acts of terror,now should be the time to galvanise across all communuties to get rid of extremists.

nuff said.

deliverance - 2013-05-23 10:44

a very valid point andy  .

bison - 2013-05-23 10:53

Originally Posted by deliverance:

a very valid point andy  .

the EDL have already taken the bait,sure we all want payback but theres a better way to go about it,start with all these hate preachers..they are the ones putting these young muslim men and converts onto the jihad conveyor belt...you dont see any sixty year old hate preachers strapped with explosives do you.

deliverance - 2013-05-23 11:04

no you dont !      they get the easy to brainwash to carry that out .

bison - 2013-05-23 11:08

if i worked in MI5 Abu qatada would have had an unfortunate and very fatal case of food poisening years ago...

nickfish - 2013-05-23 11:13

It's simply staggering that it has not happened yet.

There must be simply millions of people in this country that can see the evil and would gladly deal with it themselves given half a chance.

The Russians have sent spies over here to poison their enemies and we can't even do it here! P*ss ups and breweries anyone?

The world continues to laugh at us.

Preaching hate against the Uk on UK soil should be recognised as what it is; Treason.

deliverance - 2013-05-23 11:14

Originally Posted by bison:

if i worked in MI5 Abu qatada would have had an unfortunate and very fatal case of food poisening years ago...

m15 would of 30 years ago !

northerner - 2013-05-23 11:14

You speak wise words Andy

deliverance - 2013-05-23 11:30

they should treat acts like this as treason as you can still get hung for treason if i am not mistaken .

lav.loo - 2013-05-23 11:49

Just found out off news he was a mancunian too, from a town called middleton near blackley, He also had a 2 year old son and was a big man u fan. Also the 2 brainwashed scumbags who killed him was known to the anti terrorist agency, funny it's always too late eh

brutus442 - 2013-05-23 12:21

My heart goes out to the victims family. This is sickening news.....


It's time for more radical punishments. These zealots don't fear geting caught or dying because they become instant youtube martyrs. It's exactly what they want....inspire the next generation of nutcases.


Some punishment should go behind the reason for the crime. If he was indeed brainwashed by his Iman, the mosque should be destroyed and the land sold. All proceeds of the sale will be given to the family of the deceased. Secondly deport his family....they must have seen his radicalism brewing at home. All of their property again sold and paid to the victims.


It's time for some victim restitution....and a solid message sent to the like minded nutjobs on the fence out there. NEVER AGAIN

bison - 2013-05-23 12:49

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

Just found out off news he was a mancunian too, from a town called middleton near blackley, He also had a 2 year old son and was a big man u fan. Also the 2 brainwashed scumbags who killed him was known to the anti terrorist agency, funny it's always too late eh

ive just seen the news he was serving in my old regiment,sad day for the fusiliers.

(once a fusilier always a fusilier).

lav.loo - 2013-05-23 13:22

Originally Posted by bison:
Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

Just found out off news he was a mancunian too, from a town called middleton near blackley, He also had a 2 year old son and was a big man u fan. Also the 2 brainwashed scumbags who killed him was known to the anti terrorist agency, funny it's always too late eh

ive just seen the news he was serving in my old regiment,sad day for the fusiliers.

(once a fusilier always a fusilier).

respect to you Andy and Cris (Del) I understand you've both served your time in the forces.

Never been in myself but got a good few family members who served one being my uncle who topped himself a good few year back after serving 20 years. at least he died the way he wanted and was'nt taken by some radical Islamic dellusionist. Also spoke to my cous today who's not long been on civvy street, he's fuming about it, must be that bit harder to swallow for you ex soldiers