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Four days and counting untill.......

stereo.mad - 2013-06-03 09:12

........I go to the boombox meet in Germany
Can't wait, plenty of German beer and partying on down with some awsome boomers
I will make sure I will take plenty of pics guys to post up on the forum

sitman - 2013-06-03 09:21

Great news! Can't wait for the pics!

northerner - 2013-06-03 09:23

Nice one lee that's showing some dedication. I'm sure you'll have a blast and I'll look forward to seeing the pics!

ao - 2013-06-03 09:24

Oh wow, never knew this was happening.  Who's going?

deliverance - 2013-06-03 09:28

its sure to be a blast enjoy lee .    

stereo.mad - 2013-06-03 09:32

Not sure who's exactly going apart from max and Peter, i think some of the big boys will be there and I'm told its always a very good turn out and iv seen pics from previous years

mitchelljames - 2013-06-03 11:05

Go Lee Go Lee Go Lee. Are you taking any Boxes with you (or hoping to bring some back) while your representing the UK.

northerner - 2013-06-03 11:19

If I know lee he'll come back with a new box under each arm...unless he's driving in which case he'll need a big boot

stereo.mad - 2013-06-03 11:42

haha you know me to well guy's

dave,i would like to take a box with me but cant fit one in hand luggage.......

and si,don't tempt me

kin - 2013-06-03 12:27

Boombox battle!!

northerner - 2013-06-03 12:42

There's no way Lees coming back empty handed...if I were a gambling man I'd place a sizeable wager

stereo.mad - 2013-06-03 12:56

Originally Posted by Northerner:
There's no way Lees coming back empty handed...if I were a gambling man I'd place a sizeable wager

stereo.mad - 2013-06-06 23:22

Ok guys the time has come
I'm currently sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to Berlin
Can't wait to get there and first off seeing Max's awsome collection and cranking some boxes with some beers.....and then tomorrow we are headind down to the meet,I'm sure I'm going to see some rare boomers there

nickfish - 2013-06-06 23:31

Have a safe and enjoyable trip mate. i look forward to the many tales of your adventures and the photos too.

stereo.mad - 2013-06-07 00:22

Thanks nick

northerner - 2013-06-07 00:54

Aw man! I'm off to work and you're off to the meet!...no fair!  Have fun Lee

michiel - 2013-06-07 04:34

Have fun! don't forget to take pictures of the big berliner boxes! 

brutus442 - 2013-06-07 07:31

Take craploads of photos Lee and fly the Stereo2Go flag for us

mitchelljames - 2013-06-07 08:22

Have a great time Lee.

In fact you should be there already, maybe even a little drunk

deech - 2013-06-07 09:23

We need pics and lots of them !!

Have a nice time there Stereomad

smeats1976 - 2013-06-07 12:49

I reckon they'll be Loads of rare and unsual boxes from German brands, I'm looking forward to see what you find over there!