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Anyone spoke with member Samovar lately ?

deech - 2013-06-24 14:26

I m a bit worried about him as i havent seen him online for quite some time now,

doesnt anwer any messages and thought i d ask for him as we became good friends here on stereo2go.

lav.loo - 2013-06-24 14:34

last time I spoke to him was through dialog which I sent you Deech, sorry can't help you out here. hope he's ok

deech - 2013-06-24 14:39

i know Arron i just cant see the dialog and it wasnt like him to disappear in an instant ..

lav.loo - 2013-06-24 14:41

ahh right I thought it might not work copying and pasting dialogs anyway lets hope he's back soon

ao - 2013-06-24 21:52

Hmm, not seen him for a while.  last dropped in on 6th June.

northerner - 2013-06-25 02:34

I spoke to him a month ago.  He's really busy with work, looking after his father, and moving house.  Don't think there's anything to worry about, he'll be back

sitman - 2013-06-25 09:33

Yeah, life gets in the way of hobbies once in a while. I'm sure he's fine.

stereo.mad - 2013-06-25 12:02

he has got his hands full with his house at the mo and also a family member needs looking after from time to time....he will be back don't worry

deech - 2013-06-25 12:07

I just hope he is alright ..

andyboombox - 2013-06-26 02:52

yeah sounds like he has is hands full deech bro but like the guys say,im sure he will be back,try not to worry