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The next generation!

northerner - 2013-08-02 08:54

Well my 17 year old son is prepping for playing Richmond Live, which is a local music festival, for the third year running...he and his two mates dj and mix house, drum n bass, jungle etc...they've got the headlining spot on the marquee stage tonight and how is my son preparing?....by drinking beer with lots of girls...I can see this not going well

Actually they go down an absolute storm with the yoofs...it'll be a full hour of them going absolutely mental if the last two years are anything to go by...and he comes off stage on an absolute high!

So funny to see my little kid (he's 6 foot 3 now) showin off and entertaining the masses...very proud

lav.loo - 2013-08-02 09:53

Sounds like your lad will be having lots of fun, and beers it's amazing how fast they grow Si, only seems like yesterday mine was in nappies now their 4,6, and 8 how time flies.

northerner - 2013-08-02 10:01

Yep, seems no time since he was little and now he's 18 in a coupla months and has a drop dead gorgeous tall blonde girlfriend.

There's about a dozen male and female yoofs in my boom box room at the moment beering up for tonight...it's a nightmare lol

lav.loo - 2013-08-02 12:27

Not sure I could handle that in my boomroom, if I had one lol I bet ya on pins whilst their all piled in there

northerner - 2013-08-02 14:59

Well just come back from seeing my son doing his thing (its only half  a mile away) and having a brew outdoors listening to the last band (can still hear it from here!) They were freakin awesome

northerner - 2013-08-02 15:06

Well it will be worse later when they all roll in at 3am when the pubs shut!!!!....I'm just waaaay too tolerant a father lol

samovar - 2013-08-03 11:57

Originally Posted by Northerner:
they all roll in at 3am when the pubs shut!!!!

didn't they use to shut at 23:20? i grow old i grow old shall i wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled?  

brutus442 - 2013-08-03 17:06

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Well it will be worse later when they all roll in at 3am when the pubs shut!!!!....I'm just waaaay too tolerant a father lol


Great father and son moments!