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My "Nearly" Finished BMX

mitchelljames - 2013-08-07 11:57

I got this bike about a year ago, it sat for a while, but now with a very limited budget its almost finished.

Ive just finished putting on new decals and ive got a blue MX (copies lol) brake set in the shed waiting to go on also.







bison - 2013-08-07 12:30

nice work MJ, ive been looking for a huffy i had in the early eighties to restore,they pop up now and then on the bay

lav.loo - 2013-08-07 12:43

Nice work MJ, just shown it my lad and he loves it

kin - 2013-08-07 13:16

nice! I can already visualize the person behind his collection

brutus442 - 2013-08-07 13:43

now you need your Van trainers and your set!


Great job MJ. Hard to believe the before and after photos

mitchelljames - 2013-08-07 23:36

Thanks gents, it is a labour of love

retro - 2013-08-08 05:58

Excellent job MJ, well worth the time and effort.

panasonic.fan - 2013-08-08 07:15

Looks great! Careful with those fake MX-1000 brakes if you actually ride, they don't work very well compared to original Dia Compe MX's.

john82 - 2013-08-09 03:40

Nice MJ. I'm in the middle of a bike build myself but its taken forever. I will post some pics when I'm done. Yours looks sweet tho mate look forward to seeing the next 1 !!!!!!

mitchelljames - 2013-08-09 09:58

Thanks again for the positive comments guys.

Panansonic fan, don't worry mate, I hardly go fast enough to need a brake


Ok got my seat post clamp on now. Also got a back brake fitted, didn't bother with the front as its a bit rusty and needs a refurb.

Heres a pic with my Redline.





sitman - 2013-08-09 23:32

Sweet bikes! I got a couple built up and take em for a spin now and then. Glad to see some on here!

sitman - 2013-08-10 18:55

I get my brakes here http://www.porkchopbmx.com/
The brakes he has are made by diacompe on original tooling, check it out!

mitchelljames - 2013-08-12 13:36

Cheers mate,

The mag wheels are original Raleigh wheels, i cant afford Skyways lol.

boomboxtaff - 2015-07-09 14:44

Nice to see another BMX man on here too

mitchelljames - 2015-07-09 15:07

Cheers mate, there is a few of us on here with old skool rides.

Its all about the 80's

boomboxtaff - 2015-07-09 16:50

I would love to be able to go back to the 80's, especially around 84-87. Such good times.