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Disco Robo mark 2 ;)

northerner - 2013-09-23 12:46

Ok so some of you may remember I found a nice chrome 80's robot at a car boot sale a while ago and couldn't resist bringing it home much to the wife's disgust as he's not exactly small!

Well I've been looking to go crazy on a box but thought I'd better practice first...so the poor old robot got major surgery. It was completely non-functioning so I took him apart and stripped out the old electronics. Then I fitted some new LEDs in his head and some rgb strip in the base. It's all wired to a controller with an IR sensor so it'll do all sorts of light patterns which you control from a remote.

Well he's all done and he rocks big time! Completely ridiculous but I love it! Anyway judge for yourself

Sorry the video is a bit crap!


davebush - 2013-09-23 12:52

nice job Si

smeats1976 - 2013-09-23 18:44

haha Made me smile, He's a lot of fun, a bit like..........







northerner - 2013-09-23 22:54

Cheers fellas, yeh it's just a bit of fun But it is a bit bonkers lol

Worked out a few things along the way tho so if I ever get around to putting sound reactive LEDs in a box it should be a neater job.

thewalker - 2014-02-26 01:08

LOL that rocks! That is really cool and very creative. I want to try to do something similar perhaps. Do you remember how much you paid for the robot?

northerner - 2014-02-26 04:15

Thanks! It was a very reasonable £5...it's still in pride of place in my boom room and gets switched on whenever I'm in there...it's actually one of my favourite possessions

kingrat2010 - 2014-02-26 05:58

love this robot and thats a ultra rare chrome version, there are 2 white versions also, one with alarm sensor and one without and 5 pound is a steal even non working cause u revived it anyway robots aint dead, long live the robots

