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A few New ones

david - 2010-09-25 08:46

Hello everyone. Here's a few new ones I just got in. Enjoy.

Aiwa CS-J1

Aiwa HS-P05 MKII

Aiwa HS-P06

Aiwa HS-P3 CassetteBoy (Thanks CoolCol)

Toshiba RT-KS1 (Japan Market TV Sound) I never knew Toshiba made a "Sports" walkman.

Sony WM-EX2

Sony WM-EX615 The Sound Quality is Great!!!

nak.d - 2010-09-26 06:04

Aiwa HS-P05 MKII

The Aiwa is superb... hope you don't mind me asking...how much was this unit?

johnedward - 2010-09-26 06:09

Hello David, You CERTAINLY have added all excellent collectibles. First the Aiwa is a classic to have in any collection and yours looks to be in superb condition. I dont have one yet so hard to find working example. The GOLD P05 wow what a excellent mind condition example truly Aiwa made some of the most stunningly designed exteriors. And the HS-P06 a great find with the FM tuner module.. I have this as you know I specialize in models with tuner modules. A very good and SMALL player for its day. Have not seen a P03 definitely a nice addition of a very early 80's player.
THE GEM of the ones you show here for me is the TOSHIBA sports RT-KS1 WOW !! And in such a unique color, am envious! How does this sound and play? Oddly it looks like the exculded the REW function ? Those dreaded door engaged push down cogs. Certainly a design failure on a company that built some very excellent sounding players. Toshiba next to Panasonic I really love this underdog company.
BTW if I remember right check partstore.com believe they have orig. belt available for this model.
The Sony EX2 is a beauty of design and the electronics in this create some of the warmest smooth sounds of any player. Try a piano piece with this one and no bass boost it is a delight to the ears. The EX1 is a tad warmer actually the EX1 is my favorite player for Piano pieces.
And finally the WM-EX615 in white with blue keys ( the beige keyed one totally not very good looking IMO). I have this NIB and yes it is a surprising well sounding player and I used it for while as my daily player. Being made less than 10 years ago means it should provide dependable service for many years yet with benifit of better technology of later years.

Your becoming a very savvy collector already.

david - 2010-09-26 07:13

Originally posted by Nak D:
Aiwa HS-P05 MKII

The Aiwa is superb... hope you don't mind me asking...how much was this unit?

Thank you for the compliment. It was about 27 Euros + shipping on eBay Germany.

david - 2010-09-26 07:32

Thank you for the wonderful compliments John. I too like the Aiwa HS-P05MKII and it's all metal case. I'm surprised that it was a cheaper model, sold for $45 according to pocketcalculatorshow.

I like the HS-P06 too, but I do wish they had made the cassette door of metal instead of plastic but oh well.

Unfortunately, the Toshiba doesn't work. It is quite a Gem. Very unique color in Turquoise. And it doesn't have any UV damage like with my Sony WM-F107 Blue which is sun damage from blue to a light green unfortunately. I hope to get the Toshiba working or sell it. It's on my list in the Sale/Auction section.

Thank you for all the compliments.

walkgirl - 2013-03-30 07:40

Them walkmans do a amazing change over time!

walkman.archive - 2013-03-31 02:17

Ha ha ha 

i never used tinypic, but doesn't look as a good alternative...

minty - 2013-03-31 02:30

The cat is a HS-JX?

ao - 2013-03-31 02:50

The Toshiba RT-KS1 needs to be a picture of 7 large wicker boxes

walkgirl - 2013-03-31 02:50

Jup, that is the new Aiwa cat!

kin - 2013-03-31 13:23

lol they are there alright.. some are hidden in pockets while others are inside a distant resident.

walkgirl - 2013-03-31 15:47

Hahahaha, that girl with that kitten probably has a picture from a nice shiny walkman as her avatar!