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Panasonic RQ-V186

newtown - 2010-10-04 16:02

Got this in the mail on Saturday but have neglected to post about it. Lazy me!

Anyway, this appears to be a generic early-to-mid-90's tape/fm/am walkman, but it actually sounds pretty good. No Dolby (that's a plus in my book) and rather quiet. The owner's manual shows an illustration of the thing with a tape selector, but apparently it's missing from my specimen. Seeing as it plays chrome tapes without any problem, I'm guessing it's automatic. FM reception is good - it seems to rely on the headphone cord as an antenna (clever). I couldn't care less about AM, so I didn't test that.

It's around the same-ish size as my Shinaon MG-Z1, but is much more pocketable, most likely because of its rounded shape. Based on all these pluses and no apparent minuses, it'll certainly be my main walkman.