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Aiwa CS-J1 CassetteBoy

david - 2010-10-30 02:04

I always thought that the Aiwa HS-P2 and J2 were the first walkmans to have the label "CassetteBoy" but that all changed when I got this beautiful CS-J1S in the mail. This one is in amazing condition. The belt is weak so it doesn't play, but at least I know for sure it's not gooey. It should work great, once I get around to replacing the belt.

Does anyone know if the TP-S30 was released as a CassetteBoy?

With my TP-S30

ao - 2010-10-30 13:15

Great pics, great pair but you need one more...

david - 2010-10-31 08:51

Thanks Agent. It would be nice to have a HS-F1 but those don't show up on ebay much. But for now I'm very happy with these two gems. I did see a HS-P1 on http://www.vintagepersonalstereos.com/aiwa.html
but it's a little pricey.

My TP-S30 works quite well. I hope to get the CS-J1 working sometime in December or January, along with the rest of my walkmans.

johnedward - 2010-10-31 21:56

Hi David, FANTASTIC pair best of the first models and they look pristine condition externally. You may want to make your photos just a tad smaller as even on my 24 inch monitor I still have to scroll left to see all of picture. Really clear and focused pictures btw. Hats off to you very good photography.
I have a TP-S30 and it does not say cassette boy and I have never seen a TP-S30 with that designation on it. One might exist though as so many models and sub divisions of them none of us have seen yet. GO HUNTING ~

david - 2010-11-01 10:16

Thanks John. I made the pics a little smaller. I think I'll stick with this size from now on. My favorite picture is the last one. I love the way the light catches the walkmans and makes the silver look so nice. I used only natural light in these pictures and it was a slightly cloudy day...perfect!

I can't wait to find out how well the CS-J1 sounds. The TP-S30 sounds great and plays great too. I put a video on Youtube.


It's not the best quality, but I'll try making a better one in the future.

walkmantone - 2015-03-14 08:20

Hey there! I liked your post regarding your Aiwa Cs-j1..
Two things..do you know where I can get one repaired? and if you ever want to sell yours which is in great condition..let me know please..I would offer you whatever your lookin for..my email is Sbphillips177@gmail.com  my name is Scott..just put Aiwa Csj1 in subject line..Thanks!

dbxs - 2015-03-16 20:51

I have a Aiwa CS-J1 that I have replaced the belt and clean it up.  However, by the time I had finished the job,  a couple of wires had came off.  Since there are so many of them I never have been able to get it back on.   I need a repair guide to finish.   I have though about buying another one as a wiring guide!