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my 2nd Sony WM-7 has arrived :-)

corafanrip - 2011-05-20 11:35

today is my Sony WM-7 arrived the 2 already :-)
but unfortunately at the well are the same all over the openable times 2
cord gone and the belt is only disintegrate :-(
and the latch on the hatch flush closes non-right
if I can salvage the good pieces back ???? :-(


renzgi - 2011-05-21 00:38

Originally Posted by CoraFan-R.I.P:
today is my Sony WM-7 arrived the 2 already :-)

but unfortunately at the well are the same all over the openable times 2

cord gone and the belt is only disintegrate :-(

and the latch on the hatch flush closes non-right

if I can salvage the good pieces back ???? :-(


Hi CoraFan ,you activate links ,by writing adding line skip. (key Enter)

corafanrip - 2011-05-21 01:41

thanks for the tip