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Aiwa HS-RX2005

minty - 2011-07-17 06:18

minty - 2011-07-17 06:21

minty - 2011-07-17 06:24

minty - 2011-07-17 06:29

minty - 2011-07-17 06:32

minty - 2011-07-17 06:41

Greetings all,


Here are a few pics of my recently purchased RX-2005. It would appear to have never been used, and is in mint condition. The box is also in good condition. All it's accesorise are included, although it's case is missing. I am awaiting arrival of a relacement belt, which i hope to receive soon.


I have never seen one of these aiwa's before. I would guess it is quite rare. I now have four of these gold aiwa's. An SR-92, JX-2000, JX-3000, and now this RX-2005. I just love these gold addition aiwa's.

bub - 2011-07-17 11:07

I watched that one on local ebay for months as he started at S$200 and eventually whittled down to under 100. Was actually considering it for quite some time. Indeed, your color should be very rare for this model.

Here are some pics of my RX610 collection (although I've got only the RX628 to work.) They are all virtually identical to yours and each other!



 The T95 lies in bits.




Sadly the RX628's paintwork has been tarnished from sitting in a vinyl case for too long...



The mechanical slider.