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Collection Update 2011

corry - 2011-08-05 04:34



here my DD collection update 2011


WM-II ( silver, black, red )

WM-5 ( silver, black )

WM-DD all 6 colours ( silver, red ,black, gold, green, blue )

WM-DDII ( red, silver, black )

WM-DD3 ( red.silver, black )

WM-DD30 ( red, silver, black )

WM-DD33 ( blue, silver, black )

WM-DD1/10 ( red, silver, black )

WM-DD11 (silver, black, blue ) 

WM-DD22 black, silver, blue )







enjoy it  

brutus442 - 2011-08-11 15:55

Great display Corry! I bet that collection is one helluva conversation starter...

corry - 2011-08-11 23:24

Hi, Thanks. You are the first conversation :-) Corry

walkgirl - 2011-08-12 03:19


johnedward - 2011-08-14 20:00

Corry that is a totally astounding professional complete collection of this series type of Sony Walkman.   You have most certainly invested a great amount of time and money to acquire such a enviable quality selection with each color ever offered except the Silver WM-R2.  It is a joy to view your excellent photos and display.  Bravisimo well done.

corry - 2011-08-15 01:51

Hi, Thanks for your positive Feedback John. Its nice to hear so friendly voices by Great collector !!! Enjoy !!!

bub - 2011-08-15 09:20

I'm quite envious of your (very complete!) DD collection, of which I only have a DC2.


It's nice that you have 2 DD9s but left the sticker on one of them. Brilliant display method as well.

corry - 2011-08-15 13:34

Thanx, New In the Collection Next days. A Boodo Khan !!! Will Show pics soon.

davebush - 2011-08-15 14:47

outstanding my man......i just cant find walkmans anywhere round here  

dutchdude - 2011-09-22 20:44

Hi Corry


Great collection!! Respect!


I have a question about the WM-DD22: do you know in what year this walkman first appeared on the market?





corry - 2011-09-26 08:27

Hi, The Walkman WM-DD22 was released in 1993 ! Regards Corry

dutchdude - 2011-09-26 19:11
