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BOODO KHAN in RED: The most rare ever!

walkman.archive - 2011-12-12 06:43

Hi there,


I've just managed to get, by a special contact I have in Tokyo, what I believe is the most extraordinary and rare walkman ever made: the unique Boodo Khan in Red finish!!


As far as I know, only 20 units of this extremely rare walkman were made, and they went only to Sony founder, general Ceo, Ceo of design deparment, and other VIP employees of SONY. I managed to get one of this, and now I present to you in a beautiful still-life:


SONY Walkman Boodo Khan red_resize


All features are the same as the original model, and even the headphones are the same color and all that.


Hope you enjoy it like me!

retro - 2011-12-12 07:30

That's just beautiful hurodal, congratulations on such a rare find!

ao - 2011-12-12 07:43

Good grief, that's something special.  Anyone else knew a red one existed?

stereo2go - 2011-12-12 07:59

Wow!  I've never seen of those either.  Amazing find.  Is the DOL sticker in English?

metad - 2011-12-12 12:30

Strange enough that reflection of the "it's a sony" logo is orange, but reflection of the walkman itself - is not red.

retrodos - 2011-12-12 12:35

Now thats a find!!

metad - 2011-12-12 12:50

hurodal, you also forgot to work with DOL sticker, it looks too red, but has to be black with red letters

walkman.archive - 2011-12-12 13:23

Hi metad,


But remember that the reflection in the floor is from the DOL button, that's metallic. And the sticker are both transparent, except the words and graphics.


I attach high-res crops of the original photo.


SONY Walkman Boodo Khan red crop1


SONY Walkman Boodo Khan red crop2

metad - 2011-12-12 13:35

Originally Posted by hurodal:

But remember that the reflection in the floor is from the DOL button, that's metallic.   



I didn't say about reflection of the DOL button.


I said that reflection of the WALKMAN ITSELF is not red, but has to be red.


still wanna play ?

metad - 2011-12-12 13:56

Originally Posted by hurodal:

 And the sticker are both transparent, except the words and graphics.


Well if stickers are transparent, then it means you won't see red letters on the red walkman body, right?

but on your pics we can see black DOL sticker with intensive red shade, and one more thing > 

see the light on the angle of the "sony" sticker ?

It's a light,  but even on the red walkman it can't be the same RED colour as letters or body of the player, it means you used photoshop filters.



metad - 2011-12-12 14:06



metad - 2011-12-12 14:07

Wait, I got another one, right from the Osaka!



ao - 2011-12-12 14:09

Oh dear, what's going on here?

walkman.archive - 2011-12-12 14:27

Haha. Well, you discover the trick! Well done!!


You're right: it's all a fake, a joke. A walkman that doesn't not exists. But, hey, you have good vision! Not so many people can see that detail...


To be honest, I expected that this fake continue for a few days, but you discover it...

I spent almost two hours to make this fake, beginning with the shot and continuing with the retouch within photoshop.


Well, I hope it made you feel good for a while ;-)


PS: Here is his brother, the blue version of the Boodo Khan ;-)


SONY Walkman Boodo Khan blue_resize

metad - 2011-12-12 14:35

Originally Posted by hurodal:


Well, I hope it made you feel good for a while ;-)


yeah, it was fun, until you strarted trying to fool with "reflection of the DOL button" reply.

ao - 2011-12-12 14:41


deliverance - 2011-12-12 14:44

very clever well spotted metad i"ll give you that one.

walkman.archive - 2011-12-12 14:46

BTW, for making that, I had to do manual retouch. there's no filter in photoshop or any other software that can do this, because the walkman is black.

If it was originally green, yellow or any other strong color, then it could be easily filtered, because the color can be isolated and manipulated. But the problem here is that it has no color (remember: black is no color, is the absence of light).


Metad, that boombox is coloured originally or did you made manual retouching?

walkman.archive - 2011-12-12 14:48

Originally Posted by agentorange:


Hey, it was only a joke to make you spent a funny time! ;-)

claret.badger - 2011-12-12 16:55

dear christ

- 2011-12-12 16:58

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

dear christ


retrodos - 2011-12-12 20:26

Figure something was up, with that sticker

ao - 2011-12-12 22:31

Originally Posted by hurodal:
Originally Posted by agentorange:


Hey, it was only a joke to make you spent a funny time! ;-)

I know but I was already booking my ticket to your house with my best suit on

deliverance - 2011-12-13 02:20

spoofng !

metad - 2011-12-13 02:35

Originally Posted by hurodal:

Metad, that boombox is coloured originally or did you made manual retouching?

Those are also photoshop jokes, made by Rambo Estrada, member of this site.





metad - 2011-12-13 02:57

Originally Posted by retrodos:

Figure something was up, with that sticker


It's not because of the sticker.


Wrong light/reflection. 

If it would be the real picture of the red walkman on the black background, then the red reflex/accents/shades have to be (more or less) on the every subject and surface around the walkman, i.e:

- on the table

- on the metallic DOL button

- on the headphones cable and jack

- on the headphones


small example: little orange Sony logo has a reflection on the table, in case of red walkman - reflection would be more than visible.


This picture looks artificial, because everything around the walkman says - there is no big red object in the middle.



walkman.archive - 2011-12-13 03:03

Originally Posted by agentorange:
Originally Posted by hurodal:
Originally Posted by agentorange:


Hey, it was only a joke to make you spent a funny time! ;-)

I know but I was already booking my ticket to your house with my best suit on



BTW: I'm still waiting for your reply to my PMs ;-)

corry - 2011-12-13 07:50

I Think its a Good made Fake !!! I Never have Seen One like this.

corry - 2011-12-13 07:52

The red is too much red. It dont Looks like Metal Color.

ghettoman - 2011-12-13 12:20

tell you what i dont really collect walkmans but i do have an aiwa and a sony,but that is beatifull,even though it is photoshopped,its a shame sony did'nt really make them in those colours,just like its a shame that sharp did'nt do the 777 in those colours too,just imagine colllecting all of that model in all of those colours lol,,that would be fun (and expensive)

walkman.archive - 2011-12-18 00:35

Originally Posted by corry:
The red is too much red. It dont Looks like Metal Color.

Hey, you say because you actually know it's a fake ;-)



corry - 2011-12-18 00:54

Hi hurodal, Now i know too that is a Fake Colour !!! But a Great make. Congratulation !!!

walkgirl - 2012-01-04 03:43

Believe it or not, but I do not have a red boodookan

isolator42 - 2012-01-04 05:24



Happy new year, Nicolle 

dottor.walkman - 2012-01-04 05:39

To Metad: You're amazing, you quickly discovered the secret.
To Hurodal: You could do the same trick with DD9? I'd like to see the red and blue versions of the DD9.

docp - 2012-01-04 06:32

Wow Metad! Way to go ... Respect Respect Respect

Hurodal ...Bad Boy!! You almost gave a couple of members a heart attack with that rare find stunt...But then again it is like saying MINT BOX on this forum ...probably in the Boombox section with this link :



metad - 2012-01-05 05:28

Dottor Walkman and DocP thanks


Originally Posted by DocP:

But then again it is like saying MINT BOX on this forum ...

C'mon Doc,

feel free to call "mint" unit in a mint condition, don't hesitate to call walkman "never been used" if it never been used before, but if the unit is covered with filth and scratches - you decide

docp - 2012-01-05 07:24


Yes...honest descriptions are always welcome...I was being a bit critical about not following that etiquette .... a box of breath mints...'a Mint Box' doesn't become a Boombox in Mint condition...anymore than a digitally retouched Boodo Khan pic can become the real thing....maybe a Voodoo Khan

I wish Hurodal & Rambo can actually start some sort of a  thread where you can have 'designer' Modifications for walkmans/boxes. Simple Mods that folks can try ...be it anodizing jobs or paint/airbrush based jobs. I sure would love to try customizing a wm10 shell

walkman.archive - 2012-01-06 16:14

Thanks all. Hope my 'photoshopped' boodo khan made you dream for a while

This won't be the  last 'photoshopped' walkman, for sure. I have a deep blue AIWA G08 close to finishing retouching ;-) Soon you will see it.


But now I want to present you the last addition to my webpage: the Boodo khan page. I tried to put a lot of info about this legendary player, and a big set of beautiful photos of my units. Hope you enjoy it! 


www.walkman-archive.com -> go to gallery > sony


BTW: I spent some time trying to do big improvements to the gallery, and now when you click on an image, you will see an animation and a big picture, much better than 'older' pages. Hope you like it.

ao - 2012-01-07 00:34

Just an observation but when clicking on the tabs when on the Boodo Khan page I'm getting an error - pesky Flash

walkman.archive - 2012-01-08 12:03

Thanks Agent.


BTW: I've updated the PX101, the P08 & G08 and the G09 pages with the new format.
The P08 & G08 is now the P08 page (the G08 will be a new one), and I added interesting catalogues both in this page and in the Px101.

docp - 2012-01-12 06:50

Great work on the Walkman-archive page Hugo. Loved the inclusion of the RED there and the rare poster that I had a chance of seeing and feeling at good old Autoreverser's place

Looking forward to a new section on S2G ... Personal Mods Section - Digital retouching concepts /Mechanical mods/ paint jobs/ custom anodizing or screen printing and the like..Hope Agent gives it a try

walkman.archive - 2012-01-12 15:27

Thanks DocP,


Yes, it was fun both for me to create and see what happens and for you to discover such a "ultra rare walkman"

New sections on S2G? Do you know any privileged info that we all don't? Are those new sections really being prepared?

I can't wait for the custom anodizing one...


BTW: Who should I contact if I want to do a custon anodizing? Say... a red boodo khan or something? Does anyone did it already with sucess?

docp - 2012-01-12 22:08

Originally Posted by hurodal:

I can't wait for the custom anodizing one...


BTW: Who should I contact if I want to do a custom anodizing? Say... a red boodo khan or something? Does anyone did it already with success?

I  converted a black wm10 shell to a 'non standard issue' blue green/teal shade by anodizing. Not a bad result... The only problem is you have be careful with stickers and labels if you don't have spare ones. Also may require a repeat of screen printing.

I was even considering using metallic label sheets to print out a custom label...but left the project halfway...shall see if I can post a pic ...In the meanwhile:



walkman.archive - 2012-01-15 14:31

Thanks DocP,


It's so interesting! Can you post pictures of that? Did you do yourself the anodizing or you went to a professional anodizing service?

radio.raheem - 2012-05-12 09:55

so sad....a good joke though.......that boodo looks TOTALLY stunning.....quite a few would have booked a plaine ticket to come and see it