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My Portable Stereo Mini Collection

ken80s - 2012-07-27 08:21

FILE - Portable Stereo Collection 1.avi

This video showing my small collection of assorted portable stereos, walkman, discman and minidisc player. Apparently I don't intend to increase my collection range. These are the particular models that I wanted since my teenage where I couldn't afford back then. I only awaiting one more MD player to add into my collection which is under delivery from UK , the Sony MZ-N10.

ken80s - 2012-07-27 19:47

2012-07-28 09.19.45



2012-07-28 08.41.24


2012-07-28 08.41.33


2012-07-28 08.41.52


2012-07-28 08.42.17


2012-07-28 08.43.08


2012-07-28 08.43.40

retro - 2012-07-27 21:00

Excellent collection Ken80s, and the name tags are a nice touch.

ken80s - 2012-07-27 22:13

Thanks Retro. I do use them regularly rather than just keeping them in the display shelf.

walkman.archive - 2012-09-14 13:43

Excellent Ken. I see you focus on high-class models, wether walkmans, discmans od minidisc. I enjoyed looking at your collection.

I also have a few discmans, minidisc and MP3. The Z555 is a very beautiful discman, and it sounds so good.


Mine has a problem: when I push the bass a bit the sound gets ugly, as the deep bass is enhanced, the bass is decreased and the rest is untouched ¿?

Do you experience the same problem?

johnedward - 2012-09-14 17:31

Beautifully done display of some of the best portable sound devices to own.  Great focus on usable excellent sounding players.  Very nice museum like touch informative for guests tags you added.  Like you I pick out daily different players to enjoy.  The IKEA showcases are just wonderful I have two.   IKEA has set of four white LED lights that are round and very flat that attach with double sided tape to undersides of glass.  Wonderful lighting and they don't add much heat which over time is death to electronics and especially belts.  Here is what case looks like with IKEA LED lights.


ken80s - 2012-09-14 22:15

Originally Posted by hurodal:

Excellent Ken. I see you focus on high-class models, wether walkmans, discmans od minidisc. I enjoyed looking at your collection.

I also have a few discmans, minidisc and MP3. The Z555 is a very beautiful discman, and it sounds so good.


Mine has a problem: when I push the bass a bit the sound gets ugly, as the deep bass is enhanced, the bass is decreased and the rest is untouched ¿?

Do you experience the same problem?

Hi Hugo, thanks for the compliments. Recently had added 2 more models in my small collection, the Sony minidisc MZ-N10 and the fabulous Sony WM-DDII (index.php?board_oid=193392314111653483&content_oid=289381369964626418)


Coming back to yr questions on the Z555, I do have the same problem as you. In fact I never fancy the digital sound processing on this unit as I find it too artificial. As you know that earlier model of discman tend to have skipping, I would rather use it as a stationary source player for my amplifier. I would suggest you to use normal mode by disabling the equalizer when attaching to your amplifier, trust me it sounds more natural.

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ken80s - 2012-09-14 22:25

Originally Posted by JohnEdward:

Beautifully done display of some of the best portable sound devices to own.  Great focus on usable excellent sounding players.  Very nice museum like touch informative for guests tags you added.  Like you I pick out daily different players to enjoy.  The IKEA showcases are just wonderful I have two.   IKEA has set of four white LED lights that are round and very flat that attach with double sided tape to undersides of glass.  Wonderful lighting and they don't add much heat which over time is death to electronics and especially belts.  Here is what case looks like with IKEA LED lights.


Hi John, that was a great show case of your invaluable walkman collection. I belief your guests that come by your house must be very impressed with your walkman display. Excellent sharing!!

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