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My top 10 weirdest walkmans

walkman.archive - 2012-09-01 13:33


Today I was digging in my collection to find my most weird walkmans. I mean: those walkmans that are very particular because of a strange design or a feature. And this is what I found: 10 models that are definitely strange.

I sorted them by their "weird score" (IMHO). Here they are:

in 10th position there is the "gentleman walkman", the Toshiba GT780, that has some kind of leather case:


 Toshiba Walkman KT-G780 01 1


 Toshiba Walkman KT-G780 02 1

Next one is the "antivirus walkman". I really don't have any idea of what the hell is that, but I only can think about some sort of antivirus and antibacterial coating...


Kenwood Walkman CP-V5 01


Next one is a walkman that is known by many collectors. So it's not rare, but it has a very weird feature: a solar panel for recharging an internal battery: the SONY WM-F109


SONY Walkman WM-F107 Yellow 01


In 7th position there is another SONY with an indeed weird feature: a double deck. What? a double deck in a walkman? Yes, and the SONY W800 has it:


SONY Walkman WM-W800 02


SONY Walkman WM-W800 06


Being known by many collectors doesn't make it less weird, does it?


Next one is a walkman that doesn't have any strange feature, but it has indeed a strange design: the Kenwood CP-Q5. Apart from that, is an extremely rare walkman, specially in blue color. This brand has manufactured some of the strangest designed walkmans:


Kenwood Walkman CP-Q5 Blue 01


In 5th position there is one of the most rare walkmans (and weird) ever made, because it features a TV! That's the Sharp AV10:


SHARP Walkman JC-TV10 06


SHARP Walkman JC-TV10 08


I can imagine that having a walkman like this, with radio, dolby and even a TV in the 80's could make you happiest man then!


In 4th position there is a walkman with a completely transparent door: the SONY WM-504. It's based in the WM-R202 mechanics.


SONY Walkman WM-504 Transparent 02 1


SONY Walkman WM-504 Transparent 06 1


pretty cool.


In third position there is the WM-52. At first sight it looks normal. Even looks as a budget walkman


 SONY Walkman WM-52 White 01


but it is a very rare walkman that has a surprising feature: it can hold the earphones inside. It was the first model to have it (correct me if I'm wrong).


SONY Walkman WM-52 White 03


In second position (now it's getting really weird ), there is the extremely rare Panasonic RQ-S75H, which is a standard S75 but with a weird finish:


Panasonic Walkman RQ-S75H Niquel 01


This finish looks like some sort of galvanized. It really looks like it is, because it changes the reflections at different angles.


And the most weird walkman of my collection , in first position, is the extremely ultra-rare SANYO JJ-P101, which features what probably were the world's first touch and transparent control buttons:


SANYO Walkman JJ-P101 02


It's indeed a weird walkman, but also one of the world's rarest walkmans. Mine is repaired and fully working.

Here you can see the tape inside:


SANYO Walkman JJ-P101 05


And finally, here you can see all them together:


Weirdest walkmans series 02 1


Weirdest walkmans series 06 1


Hope you enjoy them!


(note: of course someone can think of another sort; it's only my vision).


Please add yours!

nak.d - 2012-09-01 14:09

Nice collection. The Kenwood with the Anti Virus thing may have been a promotional product. Do you have any different shots of the Toshiba GT780 showing the controls etc?

soundboy - 2012-09-01 14:19

i was lookin at that sharp tv walkman. is there a realistic typeof radio tv walkman ? my grandfather was into electrionics, we have something semilare to the sharp in size it has uhf and, another band. its made in japan cant tell if it has a radio though

walkman.archive - 2012-09-01 14:25

Originally Posted by Nak D:

Nice collection. The Kenwood with the Anti Virus thing may have been a promotional product. Do you have any different shots of the Toshiba GT780 showing the controls etc?

Thanks, Nak!


Yeah, I have them. There it go:


Toshiba Walkman KT-G780 04


Toshiba Walkman KT-G780 03

walkman.archive - 2012-09-01 14:30

Originally Posted by soundboy:

i was lookin at that sharp tv walkman. is there a realistic typeof radio tv walkman ? my grandfather was into electrionics, we have something semilare to the sharp in size it has uhf and, another band. its made in japan cant tell if it has a radio though

What do you mean with "a realistic type of radio tv walkman". (sorry, my native languaje is not english).

The other TV walkman your are referring is probably the JVC CX-V9, which -together with the Sharp- are probably the only two walkmans that ever featured a TV. Can you confirm it?


Victor CX-V9 2

soundboy - 2012-09-01 14:35

the make is realistic yet, i think it may be only a hand held tv! its the same size and the screen is the same as the sharp it flips up and has the uhf and vhf bands to tune the tv staitions but no cassette or radio

sega - 2012-09-01 14:37

Ive got a wierd one Ill have to photograph for you, its proberly not rare and doesnt have amazing sound as it was a cheap brand manufacturer (wasnt acctually cheap to buy due to the licensing), but it is a Coca Cola can with the ring pull being used as a volume slider and the body splitting to allow you to put the cassette in which spoils the 'disguise' as such because it partially sticks out.

soundboy - 2012-09-01 14:39

i looked at it again i think its what i can only discribe as a pocket tv . it looks cool enough i would send pic but have no camra right now

nak.d - 2012-09-01 18:59

Originally Posted by hurodal:
Originally Posted by Nak D:

Nice collection. The Kenwood with the Anti Virus thing may have been a promotional product. Do you have any different shots of the Toshiba GT780 showing the controls etc?

Thanks, Nak!


Yeah, I have them. There it go:





A gentlemans Walkman indeed . Thanks for posting the extra photos!

driptip - 2012-09-01 21:59

very good man, great collection.

ao - 2012-09-01 23:40

Any excuse to show off your rarer units eh?


Again, this serves as credit to probably the best collection out there, flattered by superb photography.


Interesting units but interesting you've chose to leave out the pointless WM-10, the YPPY series or the Sanyo PL12.


Keep up the excellent work.

walkman.archive - 2012-09-02 02:14

Originally Posted by agentorange:

Any excuse to show off your rarer units eh?


Again, this serves as credit to probably the best collection out there, flattered by superb photography.


Interesting units but interesting you've chose to leave out the pointless WM-10, the YPPY series or the Sanyo PL12.


Keep up the excellent work.

Yeah, any excuse serves to show off, haha! Well, it's part of the fun of collecting, isn't it?


Thank you very much. I think now I have a good collection, but there are excellent collections out there: John, yours, rengzi, David... and there are more yet to see, because I'm sure that are members that have excellent collections and doesn't show off. At least I know one...


The WM-10/20 I find them not weird, but advanced. They are a walkman milestone. The YPPY and sanyo PL12 I don't have any of them, and I was just trying to show walkmans from my collection.


But hey, I know you have also an excellent and big collection; please show your weird ones. Also I look for comments from John that will be for sure very interesting.

samovar - 2012-09-02 02:18

Originally Posted by agentorange:

Any excuse to show off your rarer units eh?

no choice, here we're all either



































(both, actually) 

metad - 2012-09-02 03:24

Originally Posted by soundboy:

the make is realistic yet, i think it may be only a hand held tv! its the same size and the screen is the same as the sharp 

"Sharp" was making boomboxes for "Realistic" brand,
so if this TV is made in japan - most likely it was made by Sharp.

retro - 2012-09-02 05:57

The Sanyo JJ-P101 is very unique, I've never seen that one before.

johnedward - 2012-09-02 09:49

ALL HAIL HUGO ----- Purveyor of fantastic topics.  You have outdone yourself this time with this unique new idea/twist on our favorite subject the iconic Walkman.  Oh yes for sure weird players were created that we scratch our heads and say either....... "WHY" or " OH NO THEY DIDN'T MAKE THAT" or " I NEVER SEEN SUCH A THING" !  Of course the "WIERDEST" Walkman you would say all 3 of those comments about      


You have certainly posted a top 10 collection of unusual and weird Walkman Hugo.  Since I have many that you posted I will leave them out of my top 10 and see what else I come up with.  I must comment on the Panasonic RQ-S75H as I have one and yes when photographed the camouflage army like pattern on the metal case changes detail and hues of color.  Definitely high on the FUNKY looking Walkman scale.   The Leather covered Toshiba I have never ever seen such a rare odd beasty.  Bravo I love that one.  I do remember seeing some years ago a Panasonic that had a wood veneer think it was a S series player also weird but cool.


And your too kind Hugo to mention me as having one of the excellent collections on this forum.  Also thank you for that compliment and that you mentioning me "Also I look for comments from John that will be for sure very interesting" to specifically contribute here. 


As for my top 10 wierd Walkman I spent too much time this am looking over the 400 players and deciding on what ten to include and in what order.  Decisions / Decisions / Choices OH MY !   I will need to take some photos today and try to post this evening.   Here are two that by virtue of the headphones are included.


SONY WM-FS1 with EGGO NEON HEADPHONES.   All I can say is OH MY GOD I WOULD NEVER WEAR THOSE IN PUBLIC..... geesh.  That neon see through color AND that eggo shape with bright double big head band is just over the top !!! Sony had a line of the eggo headphones and some were excellent sounding but only the FS1 Sport had HEY LOOK HOW STUPID I LOOK Neon and matching color for player.  Although I kinda find the player cool looking and have taken it to the gym few times but not on your life the headphones LOL.






FS1 Both black redo

FS1 Frt Orange Both redo


FS1 Back redo


And second on the list of weird in the Walkman headphone arena would be the AIWA HS-SP500 sport model with RED FLASHING LED lights in the headphones.   Actually smart idea for runners outside if doing at night but any other time unless your looking to maximize attention to yourself (and might I mention no one is going to be thinking WOW HE LOOKS SO COOL) these just scream weird to wear in crowds.









Most certainly one of the funkiest odd looking but functioning Walkman the promotional Coca Cola Can Walkman with belt clip mfg. by AKURA model C-401 Sega had mentioned this and although of inexpensive mfg. it actually plays and sounds well enough for what it is.  Surprisingly the roll control is good as I did just for grins one time go grocery shopping with it clipped on my belt and headphones on.  Since the tape sticks out prominently actually had 2 people walk up to me ask is that really a Walkman player.  So if you want 'ATTENTION' in public this is sure to get you that.  Course the young kids of today blissfully ignorant of what a cassette is must think hey neat Coke can clip on belt drink   Oh yes I put batteries in it just now typing this and am listening to Vivaldi on COKE   oh my.  Still works perfectly go figure......










AND JUST FOR YOU BOOMER FANS its not weird but tossed this in for FUN a Mini Coca Cola

Cassette/Recorder/AM/FM mini boomer.  Damn its scary what I find in closets at my home





johnedward - 2012-09-02 10:23

My best friend just stopped by and made the too funny comment that we all have seen people on beaches with metal detectors and most of the time they have a "WEIRD" appearance to them HA HA.. well my friend says " NOW the only thing missing to being in public wearing the Coca Cola Walkman on your belt and the NEON GREEN EGGO headphones is the metal detector and walking on the beach"   OH MY GOD.. TOO FUNNY


WAIT here is a image of horrific weird too funny proportions.  Take Phillis Diller the comedian in one of her glossy shiny plastic dresses  and here wild hair wearing the green headphones, Coke walkman and walking down Ft. Lauderdale Beach with metal detector swinging....








sega - 2012-09-02 10:43

I might acctually take my can out in public, its a different livery on the can though as its based on a late 90's european can (when I find my camera Ill show you, it was the one with all differents words for enjoy, I even remember drinking from a real one), I dont have any neon headphones though

johnedward - 2012-09-02 10:48

I will post remaining Weird Walkman tonight but will finish now with my TOP WEIRDEST WALKMAN.   One first asks.... WHY would they make such a thing.  I present to you the LG CASSETTE WALKMAN, AM/FM RADIO AND MP3 PLAYER....certainly the ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND I BELIEVE.  It even does have a very rare feature found on only a single handful of Walkman the SURROUND SOUND feature.  A sacrilegious marriage of vintage analog tech to modern digital format. 


WELL the only thing missing is a AMOLED Samsung TV smart phone screen... Hell while were at it lets just make a SMART PHONE with a CASSETTE player include AM/FM Radio in form of FM TUNER MODULE ( just for old tech and times sake) and you have the digital IPOD format built in and VIOLA the ULTIMATE HERESY.... A SMART PHONE, CASSETTE, FM TUNER Module, DIGITAL IPOD , TV and INTERNET PC COMPUTER all in one !!  OH WAIT... we need a BOOMBOX FOR A DOCKING STATION ... oh my.


SONY ... SAMSUNG..... APPLE I Phone.. anyone listening??????????????





front LG






johnedward - 2012-09-02 11:00

AH HAH.... How about a build your own kit cassette Walkman.   Even in the orig. shrink wrapped box.  Any one  of you NEWBEES wanna give it a try   Gotta admit this is WEIRD !!









walkman.archive - 2012-09-03 15:43

Thanks john!, Fantastic posting what you did!


Sorry to mention you and make you spend time searching through your huge collection, but I was sure that it will worth the result, and you have absoltely demonstrated it. Keep it up!


I have seen that CocaCola walkman but I agree with you that the LG MP3-cassette is probably your weirdest walkman. Well, the last one is reaaaally weird too 


After anyone wants to post any other of their weird player, I want to contribute with what are for me the world's weirdest walkmans ever made.


First of all, I can think in a very strange walkman that has some parts by SONY and some by AIWA ¿?¿?
The question is: How can a SONY walkman have 'Super Bass' if that's an AIWA system? Hmmm... very weird. 


Sony Walkman monster


In fact I already posted this photo some time ago but I think that many member thought it was photoshopped by me; but that's not true.  The photo is exactly as you see it; I made absolutely no retouch on it (as in every photo I post now).



Next one is the wood Panasonic walkman, already posted by another member (soundabout).


Panasonic wood 02


Panasonic wood 01


Definitely very weird.


Until now both models were weird, but looked as a walkmnan. Now the real fun starts.


Next one is the CocaCola freezer:


Walkman nevera CocaCola 01


Walkman nevera CocaCola 02


This is similar to your CocaCola can, john, but this is different (and I think weirder too ;-) &nbsp


Did you ever see a underwater glasses as a walkman? Well, here they are:


gafas de bucear


And what about a Harley Davidson motor walkman? Yeah, it exists:


Harley Davidson Walkman 05


Harley Davidson Walkman 03


Harley Davidson Walkman 04


This philips "piece of pizza" design is really weird. I can't think how this thing fits in the pocket  




Prepared for the best three?


In third position is the "cassette2iPod" walkman. This walkman goes even far than the MP3-cassette from LG, as is directly compress music and upload into any iPod and iPhone. Without a computer at all!!!


Cassette2iPhone walkman 01


This strange thing has been released into the market in the past week, so it's really latest generation.


The world's 2nd weird walkman is.... hmmm... this:


Convergence-X 01


no, I made no mistake. no. Do you think it's a videocamera? No. It's a film camera with a cassette walkman attached. Yeah. I'm not lying:


Convergence-X 02


Convergence-X 03 


And THE WORLDS WEIRDEST WALKMAN (comes from China, but not for what you're thinking of) is...


THE BUDDA WALKMAN... (take breath)


Rare Budha Walkman 02


Rare Budha Walkman 03


Rare Budha Walkman 04


Well, don't you think is the weirdest of all?


NOTE: Take in mind that this latest one has anything related to Nazism. The logo is very close to that, but this one is about buddism; the nazi is obtained after inverting this one and rotating 45º.

See this link.


C'mon colleagues, don't you have any weird walkman in your collection? Please add yours.



nak.d - 2012-09-03 16:05

I guess my Sanyo M 6060 was fairly whack - great fun though. It was gargantuan in size and rumour has it the Royal Mail chartered a Lockheed C-130 Hercules to send it to Walkgirl in the Netherlands.

retro - 2012-09-03 16:12

Wow! I might actually have some use for this device.  Can you select the highest bit rate for transferring?


bub - 2012-09-03 17:24

Use a quality deck to transfer to soundcard instead. I doubt this modern iphone casing walkman could really produce archival quality output. That said, I'd love to open one up to see what mechanism they used.

walkgirl - 2012-09-03 22:37

Originally Posted by Nak D:

I guess my Sanyo M 6060 was fairly whack - great fun though. It was gargantuan in size and rumour has it the Royal Mail chartered a Lockheed C-130 Hercules to send it to Walkgirl in the Netherlands.

retrodos - 2012-09-03 22:48

Originally Posted by retro:

Wow! I might actually have some use for this device.  Can you select the highest bit rate for transferring?


It doesn't record and look to be the cheap low quality chinese transport used. Of course we know that for the most part China has poor standards when it comes to quality of most products, because of their government(corruption, less regulatory) and I don't stereotype an entire population, as their are some good people and companies that separated themseft from goverment being involve, to make higher quailty products, just so far and few.

retro - 2012-09-04 05:59

I apologize for hijacking this great thread, but It's also the ION audio Tapedock. I was actually thinking about using this on the job for quick and easy transfers.





Portable Cassette Player & Converter for iPhone & iPod

Get ready to rediscover all those old cassettes!

Turn your tapes into MP3s the easy way — Tape Dock is a handheld cassette player with an easy-to-use dock for sending the music on your tapes directly to your iPhone or iPod, where it’s instantly digitized.

This handheld tape player works with all kinds of cassette tapes, instantly converting your favorite music so you can listen to it anytime on your iPhone or iPod—or you can just keep it retro, and use Tape Dock to listen directly to your cassette tapes. Tape Dock works just like classic cassette players, so it’s easy to use. You'll be enjoying music from those classic cassettes again in no time.

Tape Dock's portable design fits easily into your purse or backpack, enabling you to play and transfer music anywhere. Tape Dock has an audio output that enables you to listen on your stereo, headphones, or other speaker system for hours of enjoyment. A USB output is also included, which lets you transfer and convert music on your Mac or PC.*

iPhone and iPod are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

All information is preliminary and subject to change.














walkman.archive - 2012-09-04 13:35

Don't worry Retro.

Talking about that weird player, it can be bought here. At the same shop you can find this one that also converts LPs and looks much better in terms of quality.




also, you can find a review of some tape2ipod converters here, but I doubt so much about the trustability. A review of budget articles where half of the contenders get 10/10 is very suspicious... (I guess you may divide numbers by 2...)

deliverance - 2012-09-04 13:45

what ever happened to teac,    they used to make some quality gear at one time .

johnedward - 2012-09-04 14:58

Originally Posted by deliverance:

what ever happened to teac,    they used to make some quality gear at one time .

Yeah TEAC used to make some awesome quality decks though mostly only Real to Real stuff.  Think they fell off the quality map by early 90's. ???   To my knowledge they only made 2 Walkman.  One had the dbx noise reduction system which was far superior to dolby and impossible to find today.  Draw back was you had to record from a dbx encoder onto a tape so only a player with dbx decoder could play such tapes.  Really limited the market for dbx Walkman as encoder/decoders from dbx were expensive in 80's.   Actually the Teac PC-7RX is a weird player just for it being made by TEAC and having dbx on it.  Also I believe its a rebranded Akai/KLH Solo/Kenwood mechanics.  No idea who really owns original design.  Shame on TEAC for not originating their own design for a quality Walkman.  They certainly had the ability and success financially early 80's to do so.  Pic included of 4 players based on same design.  Akai PM-R1/R2, KLH Solo S-200, Kenwood CP-20.  All but the Kenwood have FM cassette tuner modules.









Only other dbx player was the Panasonic RQ-J20X which I also have.




Frtgreen adjusted


TEAC did make this embarrassing cheap model and slapped name on it made by someone else again.  Weird just by virtue that TEAC was synonymous with HIGH END QUALITY Sound equipment for professional and home.






HERE is a picture of the TEAC with the very hard to find TEAC OC-2N Open cassette tape with exchangeable tape reels.



johnedward - 2012-09-04 15:10

Well Well this is my 7th very weird Walkman well errr hmmmm mini boomer with removable Walkman called the Junior Rider.  A definite WEIRD NOVELTY.  Funny thing it all works perfectly still    ENJOY

Hugo your Harley Davidson Engine Walkman is really WEIRD it made me think of this lost toy in back of my closet.  Any other Harley oddities out there ?









blaster - 2012-09-04 18:48

Originally Posted by retro:

I apologize for hijacking this great thread, but It's also the ION audio Tapedock. I was actually thinking about using this on the job for quick and easy transfers.





Portable Cassette Player & Converter for iPhone & iPod

Get ready to rediscover all those old cassettes!

Turn your tapes into MP3s the easy way — Tape Dock is a handheld cassette player with an easy-to-use dock for sending the music on your tapes directly to your iPhone or iPod, where it’s instantly digitized.

This handheld tape player works with all kinds of cassette tapes, instantly converting your favorite music so you can listen to it anytime on your iPhone or iPod—or you can just keep it retro, and use Tape Dock to listen directly to your cassette tapes. Tape Dock works just like classic cassette players, so it’s easy to use. You'll be enjoying music from those classic cassettes again in no time.

Tape Dock's portable design fits easily into your purse or backpack, enabling you to play and transfer music anywhere. Tape Dock has an audio output that enables you to listen on your stereo, headphones, or other speaker system for hours of enjoyment. A USB output is also included, which lets you transfer and convert music on your Mac or PC.*

iPhone and iPod are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

All information is preliminary and subject to change.














  • Transfer your cassettes directly to iPhone, iPod, Mac, or PC
  • Works as a traditional portable cassette player: headphone output included
  • Works with all kinds of cassette tapes, chrome or normal
  • Compact and battery-powered for portability: play and convert anywhere
  • Free EZ Vinyl and Tape Converter app for iPhone and iPod (downloads via App Store)
  • Free EZ Vinyl/Tape Converter software included for Mac and PC
  • Listen with headphones or connect to your speaker system*
  • Dock for iPhone & iPod provides seamless fit
  • Easy to use with familiar controls and classic design
  • Class Compliant: this product is immediately compatible with every current and future version of Mac OS X and iOS and with Windows (98SE and up) operating systems

thats a neat device....ION makes some decent gadgets for audio and video converting solutions...

blaster - 2012-09-04 18:50

very interesting and cool walkmans hurodal, thanks for sharing...

walkman.archive - 2012-09-06 14:51

Originally Posted by JohnEdward:

Well Well this is my 7th very weird Walkman well errr hmmmm mini boomer with removable Walkman called the Junior Rider.  A definite WEIRD NOVELTY.  Funny thing it all works perfectly still    ENJOY

Hugo your Harley Davidson Engine Walkman is really WEIRD it made me think of this lost toy in back of my closet.  Any other Harley oddities out there ?



Thanks for you post, john. Very interesting!

I'd like to test someday that Panasonic with dbx and that TEAC; now I'm curious about how does it sound in those small walkmans, after seeing how good is in my Marantz 430.

walkman.archive - 2012-09-06 14:55

Originally Posted by retro:

I apologize for hijacking this great thread, but It's also the ION audio Tapedock. I was actually thinking about using this on the job for quick and easy transfers.

I don't trust it could give high quality actually. I guess that the walkman section will be a pretty budget head + transport, with poor freequency response and w&f values.


If you want high quality conversion, I suggest you to connect the iphone with the EZvinyl app to a D6C to get best results.

walkman.archive - 2012-09-06 14:57

Originally Posted by retro:
The Sanyo JJ-P101 is very unique, I've never seen that one before.

yeah, it's very rare. I remember that walkgirl has another one in white color, which is at least as rare as mine, if not rarer.

walkman.archive - 2012-09-09 13:07

Past week I received some gems, and actually two of them are pretty weird, so I'd add them to this list.


The Toshiba KT-V500 is absolutely weird, and I should insert it probably in my top 3 weird walkmans, because is much smaller than a tape ¡!¿?


Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 11


And it's also very beautiful and cool. Mine is completely new, boxed:


Toshiba Walkman KT-V500 01


the other one is the -weird too- Toshiba RT-CS1, that is one of the very few walkmans that could be converted to a small boombox.

Notice anything strange?


Toshiba Walkman RT-CS1 14


Nothing, huh? Now look at this:


Toshiba Walkman RT-CS1 23


Cool, huh?


It works like this:


Toshiba Walkman RT-CS1 22


Hope you enjoy!



walkman.archive - 2012-10-22 14:45

Another addition for the top world's weirdest walkmans (and it could be in the top 5 or top 3 for sure...


the HE-Man Walkman!!


Walkman Master of the universe 01


Walkman Master of the universe 02


Walkman Master of the universe 03

corinne.lynne.osko - 2014-07-05 13:12

great! i own 30 differant ones! i'm looking for more! i pefer tapes! i hate i pods!

david - 2014-07-30 08:59

Originally Posted by JohnEdward:
Originally Posted by deliverance:

what ever happened to teac,    they used to make some quality gear at one time .

  Also I believe its a rebranded Akai/KLH Solo/Kenwood mechanics.  No idea who really owns original design.  Shame on TEAC for not originating their own design for a quality Walkman.  They certainly had the ability and success financially early 80's to do so.  Pic included of 4 players based on same design.  Akai PM-R1/R2, KLH Solo S-200, Kenwood CP-20.  All but the Kenwood have FM cassette tuner modules.










I think JVC used that same mech on the CQ-11 too.  I'm kind of curious too who originally designed the mech.  It was probably used by these companies to make a more cost friendly player compared to the more high end models.