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A Few of MY Boxed Walkman

martymcfly - 2013-09-20 16:40

I have been collecting Walkman for 6 months now and also been a member on this site for about that long.  I have not posted any pictures of my Walkman so here are a few of the new boxed walkman I have recently acquired.  Boy if they could all be new in the box still! Enjoy

photo 1

photo 1

photo 1

photo 2

photo 2

photo 2

photo 3

photo 3

photo 3

photo 4

photo 4

photo 4

photo 5

photo 5

walkman.archive - 2013-09-21 15:08

Very nice Marty. You have indeed very nice and rare units, like the 303 and 505...

I have posted most of mines in this post:


http://REPLACEMENT ERROR/topic...oxed-walkmans?page=1


and I have a few more now, but not many...

johnedward - 2013-09-22 09:48

Having Boxed Walkman is the highest form of collecting and you certainly have a number of very desirable units.  Its great that you have someone to repair them and that you will have great working examples of these players.  Would love to see photos of the triple folding ( ? odd) Aiwa RS model.   Always excellent to see good photos of boxes and a collector sharing his passion.  

johnedward - 2013-09-22 09:56

I have the PX410 and like it a lot especially as a daily player.  Not the best high end freq. of the dolby c players but a good performer , I personally love the loud clacky clunk engagement mechanism of this player.   Very affirmative action feeling.  Enjoy the new addition.   I only have player.  Be curious to know if the orig. headphones that came with this are good sounding and to what degree. Some of Aiwa's earbuds were very good for the time and they sometimes did not put in crappy earbuds with a better player which was too often the case in the Walkman world then most mfg. skimped quality on headphones to keep price of player more competitive.

martymcfly - 2013-09-25 12:03

John that weird thing is a new never used Aiwa Headphone radio.  I will take it out of the box next week and post some pictures of the unit for all to see.  I should be getting the new boxed HS-PX410 any day now.  I will let you know about the quality of the headphones that are supplied with the unit.  The guy is selling another boxed HS-PX410 on Ebay Germany right now.  And he ships to the US!

martymcfly - 2013-09-25 12:32

Received a couple of new Walkman today.  I am adding them to my boxed collection.  The Wm-F701C has the plastic box just not the Cardboard one.  And the WM-F707 is complete it also has the blue cardboard cover.  The 701 is full restored with new belt but I can't seem to get the 707 working.  Oh well looks nice! 


SONY 707

Sony 701

ao - 2013-09-25 12:55

Ahhh, glorious, especially the two WM-100 based units.  Just got in from a meal with my bank manager so a bit sozzled, best not to write too much.