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lav.loo - 2012-07-17 08:45

listed my m80 on epay today low starting bid, iv'e had it listed on here the other week but no takers so thought id'e stick it on epay as last resort.

here's a link just incase one of you may want it


andyboombox - 2012-07-18 02:12

typical response eh bro?ive seen it now and a fantastic job-well done

lav.loo - 2012-07-18 02:36

i did'nt expect a response on here tbh mate, that's why iv'e stuck it on epay

northerner - 2012-07-18 06:56

I might stick a bid in!...not sure whether I like the look of it yet but then i didn't really like the look of my JVC RC656 initially and now I really like it...if the M80 grows on me I might stick in a bid or two!

lav.loo - 2012-07-18 12:15

hey SI i'm not expecting anyone here to bid on it mate, it was just a link incase anyone wanted a nosy really

it's actually andyboomboxes m80 and he asked me to epay it for him and he'd split the money with me if it sells.

he as done me some great turns over the years so i did'nt hesitate.

it's entirely up to you if you want to bid mate but please don't feel obliged too

northerner - 2012-07-18 13:14

Nice to see someone helping out a mate. Do you know what's wrong with the deck?...I like my boxes fully working so is it likely just belts or rollers do you know? Cheers

lav.loo - 2012-07-19 02:38

sorry mate i have no idea about the deck, don't think it's anything much but i can't be sure.

also i forgot to mention in the auction that when turned up loud the box rattles a bit.

not sure why, seems like it's the plastic speaker grills?

andyboombox - 2012-07-19 03:04

just to add to lav's points si,the tape deck-it seemed to be if i put in a certain tape-if it was careworn to look at it would refuse to play,but if you use good quality tapes in there it should be fineand the rattle at high volumes,well most people dont crank it that high anyway,and it was only doing it at full treble and bass settings,knock the bass off and keep the volume just below half and it seemed ok to meeither way its it £10.49-ive had boxes that are total crap that ive paid more than that for-this box is actually pretty good

northerner - 2012-07-19 05:33

No worries guys... I certainly don't expect perfection if it's cheap enough plus I get a great deal of joy from fixing them! Will still keep an eye on the auction. Cheers guys!