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My JVC pic used on ebay by someone else

kennedy - 2012-08-06 12:53

This listing for JVC RC-656lb could be dodgy although I doubt any S2G folk are bidding on it, but be careful if you are;




 . . . box might not turn out to be so clean etc. The winning bidder definitely won't get the box pictured because that JVC is mine! - they've taken my pic off the net for their listing.



kennedy - 2012-08-06 12:55

Sorry, this is in the wrong section isn't it . . . . doh!

ao - 2012-08-06 14:57

It's OK, I'll change to correct section.


Guys, don't bid on this, looks well dodgy.


Kennedy, you could do a lot worse than message this clown and tell him you will report to eBay unless he changes pics.

samovar - 2012-08-11 00:14

it's incredible how ebay doesn't sanction people like this guy. let alone those who say that pictures do NOT correspond to the actual object (i have seen this too), don't show any picture at all, don't know if the tape deck works because they have no cassette to test it...  it's a long scumlist to tipperary

sega - 2012-08-11 09:21

I had some cheecky bugger try and pull something like that on me once, emailed me asking if I wanted to buy this boombox of which he included a photo, the idiot only went and used my Avatar picture didnt he, although when I publicly confronted him on here one of the other members thought I meant them and was most likely offended.