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jimmer - 2012-09-19 08:13


there is a Vela for sale http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGUCbkXXqg4


EBAY Item number: 221126788537


radio.raheem - 2012-09-19 08:29

yea..where is the bin as in the trash can

jimmer - 2012-09-19 09:14

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

yea..where is the bin as in the trash can

radio raheem is obviously not an 80s boombox man or lady.

i understand that the quality of the sound wasn't the best compared to today's technology, but then the mid 80s were nearly 30 years ago, we have come on a long way. You may not of even been born!

Your pro status tells me you are on this website a lot, surely nostalgia has a part in the golden age of boomboxes, maybe not for you. I am sure if you have owned one you have the right to have your say, but plenty of people want them, so there must be some credibility to them. After all, people collect kitsch objects, the market value for these items is always inflated. Not necessarily down to the quality of the sound or materials, but due to its rarity and is surmising of an era. This does that in bundles, if you were into 80s Disco or a breakdancer back in the day, you would probably of given your hind teeth for one of these. I was lucky enough to get this one from a friend who won it in a hip hop mixing competition. I am sorry to see it go, vinyl, tape has had its day for me, but for some it is just starting.

radio.raheem - 2012-09-19 09:46

born 1969 had more boomers than you can dream of......love 80's boomboxes but i just like quality ones.....these go for far to much just because of Madonna.....they used to sell for £50 which is what there worth imho....but i can understand the novelty of it for you...if you haven't had many boomboxes.....ether way i didn't mean to offend these are just not my cup of tea

stereo.mad - 2012-09-19 10:14

Just to bring you up to speed there's not a Gail that Reno hasn't ever owned so his opinion Is quite valid!

radio.raheem - 2012-09-19 10:24

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
Just to bring you up to speed there's not a Gail that Reno hasn't ever owned so his opinion Is quite valid!

you have most of them now though...couldn't have gone to a better guy.... would you be interested in my tosh my friend

stereo.mad - 2012-09-19 10:57

Maybe in a couple of weeks lad as I've got my eyes on a few at the mo
Can you pm me a pic :0)

radio.raheem - 2012-09-19 11:14

just keep your eyes off my kaboom....hehe i'll try to send you some pics......i have lost the lead that connects my camera to the pc.....why oh why do panasonic have to use special blastid leads grrrr

jimmer - 2012-09-20 02:06

Your opinion obviously counts,... fair-play. It is not my cup of tea either that's why I'm selling it! I have recently bought a reel to reel as new toy. Madonna has a lot to answer for. I suspect that most collectors have owned one at some time, and I imagine you yourself have. This is my point, the novelty value and now Madonna has catapulted this box from something that was deemed as not worthy by some in comparison to its other large brethren of the time into a must have item. The prices are still on the increase even though Madonna's video was released two years ago. It has been tagged as a collectors item. In comparison, as a classic motor collector I am always amazed how some vehicles have done so well in the market,... look at Mini's, we used to swap Mk1's for a few 100 fags and night on the town, now you pay ridiculous money (many thousand for a project) for what is still a death trap. At least this thing will not kill you. The fact that someone has put 200quid on it within the opening hours shows that it is worth more than the £50 it was previous to Madonna. We shall see next Friday what happens in the closing minute...

northerner - 2012-09-20 09:21

Well I wish you luck with your sale, frankly it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of it other than the person buying it, so I hope it sells well for you

bison - 2012-09-20 15:58

Why couldn't maddonna rub herself up on a toshiba rt120s dB)

jimmer - 2012-09-21 01:57

Originally Posted by bison:
Why couldn't maddonna rub herself up on a toshiba rt120s dB)

There is no accounting for taste I'm afraid, maybe if you glued a siren light on the top of it she might be inclined !

lav.loo - 2012-09-22 11:09

have to agree with Northerner here, it only matters to the person buying.

now my say if i had the cash id'e gladly pay a good few ton just for the lights display to dazzle me at night

bods1 - 2012-09-24 04:53

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

born 1969 had more boomers than you can dream of......love 80's boomboxes but i just like quality ones.....these go for far to much just because of Madonna.....they used to sell for £50 which is what there worth imho....but i can understand the novelty of it for you...if you haven't had many boomboxes.....ether way i didn't mean to offend these are just not my cup of tea

Have to agree with that 100%


Anything over £100 is just crazy for cheap junk, and if I had any I would of sold them and taken someones hard earnd cash


Very nice to see a boxed one though and will sell for good $


It's just a shame that they keep putting all these old boomboxes in videos and then people want to pay stupid prices, terrible for the real collectors out there

jimmer - 2012-09-24 07:00

The fact that Madonna danced about in a video with one similar to this is exactly why this one is collectable. She wouldn't have done it with any other, they haven't got flashing lights on! Plus, the eighties is what's in fashion, no other would have fitted the bill. Depending on what aspect of collecting you are doing, if you are looking to invest, this is the one to have. If you want to listen to your cassettes with the best dolby sound available, you should look elsewhere.

stereo.mad - 2012-09-24 09:11

I'm not being funny mate but that's not even the proper discolite! It's the poor mans one without the flashing speakers,so in that case I don't think madonna would give it a second look!

jimmer - 2012-09-25 01:03

The funny thing is,... I suspect you want it really. It has a badge on the front saying 'DiscoLite' and it has flashing lights on the front, it is real and tangible. She might give it a 2nd look, she might even go bloody crazy about it and send her into fits of gyration never seen before. Let's face it, she would probably of used it if she had seen it. There are in fact more lights on the front than the one she used, I think it may of even sent her into a quivering mess at the mere presence. Luckily for her we don't need to get her out of rehab for this affliction.

stereo.mad - 2012-09-25 01:53

No pal I don't want it, I'm sure I could come with £230 quid if I did!
I have far more interesting boxes than that cheap black plastic gimmick ,how many other boxes do you have?
Bet we won't hear from you again after you used this site to sell something!

jimmer - 2012-09-25 02:33

Very true, I only own 4 others. I am spreading the word. If you look at my 'other items for sale' on ebay you will see that my collection of stereo items from a bygone time spread much wider than the average. I no longer have the space due to a new baby girl, her room once housed a wall to ceiling collection of stuff that needs to be shifted. I can see the advantage of focusing on just ghetto blasters, they would stack up very easily.

stereo.mad - 2012-09-25 02:42

Congrats on you new arrival
Shame you have to shift some of your treasured things but I guess it has to be done

bison - 2012-09-25 08:18

im sure you will get a good price on this as its boxed etc.

i remember these about 1990ish in cheap asian electronic shops and market stalls in cheetham hill manchester.

they werent the sort of box you would find in currys or dixons,

maddonna could cough on something and it would be worth $

jimmer - 2012-09-25 09:04

I remember buying some fairly substandard gear from both Dixons and Curry's, didn't they merge in the end - before they flopped. There should be an abundance of these in Manchester then. I repeat... Madonna has a lot to answer for... if she went out with a coughed over cheetham market today we could get an insight as to what will be collectable in 25years!

maxx134 - 2012-09-27 03:45

For fear of a return or non sale,

I would state to buyers that the woofers don't light up,

As there may be confusion.



Although these unit don't actually sound that great,

I think with a good replacement tweeter that can handle more of the mids,

and putting a crossover to force woofer cones to pass off the mids to the tweeters,

the box would have promising sound, something I will try in future as I have one.

radio.raheem - 2012-09-27 03:55

i hope the buyer has read your description fully....as you state ONE of the DOORS is NOT CONNECTED to the box )in small print though) that would warrant a no sale for me.....but most people don't read auctions thoroughly im afraid

jimmer - 2012-09-27 04:08

Hi Maxx,

I have updated the listing, it specifically describes what it does and doesn't do regarding lights and that it is not exactly the same as the Madonna video model.

The Youtube video says it all, the last thing I want is a return. Ebay will only support a return if the listing is misleading, but if people haven't read the full description, that is their fault !!

I have heard other people have uprated the tweeters for a better sound, to be honest I think it is fine, but then again I have never played it at the decibels that might distort the sound quality.

jimmer - 2012-09-27 04:12

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

i hope the buyer has read your description fully....as you state ONE of the DOORS is NOT CONNECTED to the box )in small print though) that would warrant a no sale for me.....but most people don't read auctions thoroughly im afraid

I hope so to, all the information is there in writing and illustrated by photograph, there is not much more i can do. If i were going to be spending this sort of money on something i would read the description in full.

radio.raheem - 2012-09-27 04:15

Originally Posted by Jimmer:
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

i hope the buyer has read your description fully....as you state ONE of the DOORS is NOT CONNECTED to the box )in small print though) that would warrant a no sale for me.....but most people don't read auctions thoroughly im afraid

I hope so to, all the information is there in writing and illustrated by photograph, there is not much more i can do. If i were going to be spending this sort of money on something i would read the description in full.

TOTALLY agree my friend