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toshiba bomb beat ( nib)

soundboy - 2013-09-03 11:20

what are the thoughts on this boom box and or the action (price ect..)





deech - 2013-09-03 11:26

It is a sweet sounding box

but for the auction is way overpriced.

Just think what is available out there for this price.


northerner - 2013-09-03 11:46

Pretty common Seen loads of boxed ones of these recently.

Saying that, it is a fantastic box in amazing condition and I'd love one! But I would never ever spend that much money on one!

nickfish - 2013-09-03 12:11

I don't know how many were hiding in Spain but i suspect it was about 10. Most have been sold for outrageous sums of money on Ebay to speculators who expect to make a quick killing. For this reason they seem to be about as common as Panasonic eggs but they are not, and they are absolutely lovely. Mine is a genuine oldie but it has a richness of sound that is among the best I have heard. I recommend patience. The prices are going to stay high for a while and there will be some ropey ones coming out of hiding while the interest is strong. Even if these 'new' ones had not surfaced, the value of a good one is going to be along the lines of a complete Aiwa 880 and more than an JVC M70; both of which are over priced but in my opinion the Toshiba is worthy of being in that ball park. I like mine much better than my pretentious and disappointing M90! It's got wireless remote control!!!

bison - 2013-09-03 13:31

^i take it your talking about the guy whos been selling boxed pioneer sk stuff recently Nick?

he must have bought a load of bankrupt stock and sat on it for a few years..what an investment.

docs - 2013-09-03 13:48

The 932 is worth a good 3-500 imho. Outstanding unit.

michiel - 2013-09-03 14:16

I saw a toshiba go a couple of weeks ago in Germany. Not from a trader, but from a normal seller. It went for something like 400 euros. Some hours later the same sort of thing went for more than double I remember. This one was sold by a trader with a nice story about difficult repairs etc. It makes a lot of difference if the tapedeck works I've noticed.


I got two nib sk-757's from the seller in Spain. No problem whatsoever. The boxes are as described. Brand new and beautiful. Got the last one for 177 euros. Really cheap considered the price they fetch used. But it looks like he stopped selling them with a start price of 1 euro after this experience....