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M90 £500 buy it now + Shipping

thebaron - 2013-12-04 16:13

It's from Korea and needs some work, just thought someone might be interested in giving it a bit of love.



retro - 2013-12-04 16:27

Sorry, but that's a bit much for a parts M90, good luck anyway.

thebaron - 2013-12-04 17:03

It's not mine last time I checked I lived in the UK just thought I would post it up in case anyone was after one.


retro - 2013-12-04 17:18

My bad, but still too much dinero.

driptip - 2013-12-04 19:21

for that kind of money it has to be in working order and complete.

radio.raheem - 2013-12-28 01:13

Well guys guess what.....the m90 was relisted for just over £400....ahh polloks to it im now the proud owner of two frigging m90's YEEEHAAAH ROCK ON

michiel - 2013-12-28 01:30

Nice, was following that one!  Lets hope it's a good one! 

northerner - 2013-12-28 02:25

Oh god here we go again lol

Hope it bleedin works

radio.raheem - 2013-12-28 02:33

Cheerz guys here we go again indeed haha...just been tairing my place apart for missing knob etc....already found two origional antanna....so just incase i can't find my missing VOL knob can sombody find me one.....i have the whole set of knobs in a jar somewhere haha....si i just hope the deck isn't as srewed as the last one....tuch wood but i can't complaine for 400 smackers....i love a chalange

stereo.mad - 2013-12-28 02:43

Rock on Reno
Just got to sit it out now for its arrival! Post is slow and we got no post over new year! Grrr waiting on stuff myself!

michiel - 2013-12-28 02:47

Well, I got a M50 from the same seller and it was here in a week! You did ask him to put a low value on the package with the description old radio for parts? Otherwise it could be more expensive  

northerner - 2013-12-28 02:48

Well I've got my fingers crossed for you Reno mate

radio.raheem - 2013-12-28 02:51

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
Rock on Reno
Just got to sit it out now for its arrival! Post is slow and we got no post over new year! Grrr waiting on stuff myself!

Thank you lee my friend,,,,i don't mind waiting one bit lad as i already have an m90,,,,was using her and cleaning her last night. the knobs have come up much better now...i know i have much better sounding boxes Lee but the m90 has always been my favourite by far.....i was actually going to by a ps4 lad then saw this on the bay for 400...pollocks to the ps4 m90's all day long for me

stereo.mad - 2013-12-28 03:17

Good move Reno
Ps4's are ready available!
It's a no brainer really lad!

radio.raheem - 2013-12-28 03:42

Originally Posted by Michiel:

Well, I got a M50 from the same seller and it was here in a week! You did ask him to put a low value on the package with the description old radio for parts? Otherwise it could be more expensive  

Yea i asked him to insure it for $20 and mark as gift...also said if she got smashed it would be my problem and i wouldn't neg him....he has  agreed....2 questions mike....why didn't you buy this m90 and what was his packing like lad?????

michiel - 2013-12-28 04:42

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by Michiel:
Well, I got a M50 from the same seller and it was here in a week! You did ask him to put a low value on the package with the description old radio for parts? Otherwise it could be more expensive
Yea i asked him to insure it for $20 and mark as gift...also said if she got smashed it would be my problem and i wouldn't neg him....he has  agreed....2 questions mike....why didn't you buy this m90 and what was his packing like lad?????

The packaging was great. This guy is a pro. The radio itself was also better than expected. I wouldn't worry.


I'm not ready for a M90 yet. 

radio.raheem - 2013-12-28 05:25

Thanks Mike...to be fair i don't blaime you not getting her....once you get an m90 the fun is kinda over as far as traditional boxes go....when your ready sir you will get one...


found the missing VOL knob antannas and top trim...so it looks like im good to go guys



deech - 2013-12-28 07:27

Great for picking this one up RR

Have me first in mind if you ever want to sell this one.

radio.raheem - 2013-12-28 15:54

Sure will do deech but you could  be waiting a while my friend as i am looking for a 3rd at some point to round my figure out.....all good things come in 3