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Ultimate ears triple fi 10 pro "BEST EARBUDS MADE"

drmr2000 - 2009-12-28 07:39

I own alot of earbuds Grado, Shure Bose and B&O, but these blow me away, all I have to say is WOW!! logitech actually made a good set of headphone, well worth the $400 if not more that they are asking for these.

Best sounding earbuds I hear to dated, I listen to music the way it was recorded, these will let you hear every bit of detail, both good and bad, Incredible sound! Bright highs, without being tinny; solid, punchy lows, without being boomy; an overall well-balanced presence with unparalleled clarity.
-Versatility. I can hear the artist take a breath and whisper to themselves as they count themselves in. The soundstage is incredible. There are plenty of options for sizing the earbuds, and they didn't take long to get used to. (although the human anatomy varies surprisingly in this area, so again, just MY experience.

Pickup some off of craiglists brandnew a few days ago I hate to admit it, but......, These UE earphones sound even better than my B&O AND Shure SE530 easily and has two tune ports and three drivers for highs and two woofers for lows also very well built replacable cable, they are IEM built for professional musicians.

tuna - 2009-12-28 08:58

Yeah I have the same ones. Except that mine are M-Audio's IE-40. Same thing, just in metallic silver/black colour. I've been a member on head-fi.org for a long time and these are some of the best universal-fit earphones. I also prefer them over the Shure SE530. There are a lot of good earphones out there but these are still one of the best. erecently Ultimate Ears developed their entry-level custom-fit earphones - the UR4Pro model which are 400$ and are dual-driver but they are supposed to be even better. You have to get your ear impressions done before you buy them though. That is a bit of a hassle as it it is not a cheap investment and you have to send the impressions to Ultimate Ears.

Also, I have found that most headphone amps don't handle below-32 ohm impedance headphones because they are too sensitive and they just sound bright and not overy natural. Especially if you are using an OTL tube amp.

They make them low-impedance so that they could sound their best with low-powered equipment such as the portable players, or in a more expensive models of earphones, to make them louder because that is very important when you are performing on stage and you need to hear what others are playing. I've had floorstanding monitors but earphones and a good wireless system are much better and safer solution.

drmr2000 - 2009-12-28 09:36

Was thinking about going to some customs maybe the ue 10 pro or ue 11 pro, but the price is $1150 then the ear impressions is $50 and $25 to ship UPS, might just go with the JH audio 13 pro it $1050 and suppose to be 5 drivers in each ear, quad bass nothing even come close to these from what I heard.

The entry level from what I hear might be more then fine and only cost $600 still have dual drivers. Would use the customs when I am play the drums, piano or ETC for total noise reduction, when monitoring.

walkgirl - 2009-12-28 13:40

Those in ear phones are super anoying! Mad

you hear ever silly souns like something touching the cable! plus they cause fungus and stuff in your ears as they cannot breathe very well anymore Frown

tuna - 2009-12-28 14:20

Yeah a grand dollar earphones such as the JH 13s have 6 drivers each and they are probably the best of the lot. Jerry Harvey was in fact the founder of Ultimate Ears but left it to his wife. I'm sure there is a funny story behind it tooSmile

@walkgirl - I do agree with you some people probably like yourself don't like them and that is fine. The problems with earwax and fit issues are for some people really a big minus and they can't get over it. For some they work great and for some they don't.

drmr2000 - 2009-12-28 14:57

Originally posted by walkgirl:
Those in ear phones are super anoying! Mad

you hear ever silly souns like something touching the cable! plus they cause fungus and stuff in your ears as they cannot breathe very well anymore Frown
This are much better built as far as the cable goes it thicker so your don't have that feedback problem, as far as the earwax problem if you find the right fit it not that bad plus they come with a cleaning tool to clean them.

Weither you use these headsets or not you sure clean you inner ear every 7-12 days, you must purchase a special cleanser designed for use in the ear. Usually this is a liquid product designed to soften the hardened wax and emulsify the excess buildup. The process usually begins with a few drops applied directly to the inner ear. You'll want to lie flat with the affected ear pointed upwards. There may be a slight warming or bubbling sensation as the cleanser reaches the wax itself. After a few minutes have elapsed, you may sit up and allow the excess cleanser to flow out of the ear canal. A small hand towel held under the ear may be very useful.

Even cotton swabs are not recommended for deep ear cleaning, because they can push the excess earwax deeper into the ear instead of removing it. Doctors use a lavage machine or even just a syringe to push water in the ear, which is a fancy word for a pump.

walkgirl - 2009-12-28 23:34

I do not mean earwax, I have rather clean ears Smile

I mean fungus like a mushroom growing out of one of your ears Red Face

tuna - 2009-12-29 05:38

LOL I like mushrooms! Just not the ones that grow out of earsSmile

But anyway, when you insert them into ears, they do tend to prduce more wax.

drmr2000 - 2009-12-29 12:37

Originally posted by walkgirl:
I do not mean earwax, I have rather clean ears Smile

I mean fungus like a mushroom growing out of one of your ears Red Face

I imagine if the ear buds fit poorly, then yes they could cause pressure sores/infection just as well as hearing aids. I know you can contract an ear infection from earbuds but.......You can contract an ear infection from sticking anything covered with bacteria into your ears. My point is, you could have stuck anything with bacteria on it such as a pencil to scratch you ear, and got the same results.

Clean the earbud both when taking it out of the ear & again just before putting it back & between uses, keep the earbud in a small sealed-closure plastic bag. Most the highend sets have a seal metal case to keep them in.
I am a frequent user of these never had any problems with them, same as I know others that never had any issues,

But do get people in from time to time that get ear infection and is ussally due to not disinfecting them, and droping them on the ground them sticking them in your ear. AKA ipod users!!

toocool4 - 2009-12-29 16:47

I do use the Etymotic in earphones, but I never use the pads for more than 5 days at a time. I clean my ears every few days as I use the in earphones every day for my daily commute to and from work, but like Tuna said in earphones are not for every one.
For me it work and I love them, love the isolation and nothing else will do.

tuna - 2009-12-30 08:00

Originally posted by toocool4:
I do use the Etymotic in earphones

Cool! What model do you use? I heard what ER4S can do on a good amp and I was very impressed by the detail and clarity. Not that much with bass though but they sound extremely balanced and tight. They are probably the best single driver earphones ever devised.