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How about these headphones for your walkman

radio.raheem - 2011-04-24 19:17



walkgirl - 2011-04-24 22:37


blaster - 2011-04-24 23:19

wow yeah for that price they must be extremely rare maybe only a few left in the world...


hey Nicolle have you ever seen the history of the porta pros?...very interesting....and the first model check it out.....




and the special limited edition 25th anniversary porta pros...very cool....i wanted to get a pair but didn't have the money for them...hopefully id get them one day if they i ever find one




walkgirl - 2011-04-24 23:46

Kool links thanks!


That special one is not available anymore!  


What was the price of them???

toocool4 - 2011-04-25 01:30

I remember when this headphone and amp came out in the 90’s. It looked amazing and sounded good too. I had a chance to listen to it but in a very noisy room at the Hi-fi show. It was funny but I preferred the Stax electrostatic headphones, even though the Stax only cost £1500 and the Sennheiser cost £10000. I can’t remember the Stax model.


The Sennheiser was expensive as it was of limited edition, the number was limited to just 300. The headphone and the valve amp does look amazing even today at over 15 years on.


Check out the review of the Sennheiser Orpheus HE 90 at this link  



radio.raheem - 2011-04-25 02:02

Originally Posted by toocool4:

I remember when this headphone and amp came out in the 90’s. It looked amazing and sounded good too. I had a chance to listen to it but in a very noisy room at the Hi-fi show. It was funny but I preferred the Stax electrostatic headphones, even though the Stax only cost £1500 and the Sennheiser cost £10000. I can’t remember the Stax model.


The Sennheiser was expensive as it was of limited edition, the number was limited to just 300. The headphone and the valve amp does look amazing even today at over 15 years on.


Check out the review of the Sennheiser Orpheus HE 90 at this link  



Ahh thanks for that dude...I guess this explains it...only 300 made...the guy is selling the amp too but i guess you need one to go with the other...

toocool4 - 2011-04-25 02:12

Yes you do, but you can also use it with a headphone amp like Ray Samuels A-10.  


Rays website http://www.raysamuelsaudio.com/products/a-10   

radio.raheem - 2011-04-25 02:47

hehe all that kit, I could never afford it in a million years...would be nice to hear it tho to compair it with my rs1 and setup...Id probbly pay £200 just to hear it lol...

radio.raheem - 2011-04-25 02:58

But then all the people i know have all stated after hearing my rig with it's twin 12 band eq's and even just my grado's that they have never heard such a warm deep bass in there life with such clarity,,,,It's so good and low it's blown 1 pair of porta pro streight off the bat on number 2...im not sure why i plugged the porta pro into my stack as there only meant for walkman....what a stupid thing to do...

toocool4 - 2011-04-25 03:34

I love music and have to say I am very minimalist when it comes to my equipments. I like music to sound as near to the original music as possible, hence no graphic equalisers or anything like that in the signal path.

For me adding equalisers in the signal path does nothing but add distortions to the signal.


To tailor the music signature to your taste I always believe in careful matching of equipment. To me this way always yields a better result than trying to artificially change the sound signature with EQ.    

radio.raheem - 2011-04-25 03:48

I hear you my friend....there is or always have been this huge devide in using eq's and if i may say such purists as your self wome like as little switching in the signal path as possible...to be honest and it's not aimed at you but to me my amp sounds horrid without the 2 eq's but thats probbly because it's only a cheap amp...cost £400 in the early 90's can't afford to spend thousands on equipment..im on i think you call it welfare over there...but add 2 technics 12 band eq and I recon on way less than half way with sub bass on it would oblatorate my grado rs1's as in kill them...but i hear you...the main thing is my friend were both happy with the end result...

toocool4 - 2011-04-25 04:19

Hi Radio Raheem I’m not having a go at you. Everyone get used to different things, as they say each to their own.


I think the main thing here is to enjoy what you have and clearly you do. At the end of the day it’s all about the music right? So enjoy.

radio.raheem - 2011-04-25 04:29

Hey I know your not having a go....forgive me if i expressed myself wrong...im enjouing this discussion...just I have been up over 24 hrs lol lets carry on talking maybee i will be converted,,,your opinions are always welcome with me lad...btw i agree the main thing is we both love music

toocool4 - 2011-04-25 04:36

Hey Radio Raheem if you are a bit of a bass head you must checkout this album by Jon Hopkins – Insides. The bass will blow your cans. If you do get the album be careful with your EQ as this album does not need help in the bass department.  



radio.raheem - 2011-04-25 04:41

TOTAL bass head that's me lol, just bought somore cans..there on the grado thread...mdr..xb 1000 check em out my friend...I don't need anymore bass but im addicted to getting headphones that i can afford too...btw link don't work it's a pain posting links now...brb someones bangin at the door..

blaster - 2011-04-25 08:23

Originally Posted by walkgirl:

Kool links thanks!


That special one is not available anymore!  


What was the price of them???

Yw and Unfortunately not, i think they ran any where from 60-80 dollars....only a limited amount made....

toocool4 - 2011-04-25 09:50

Originally Posted by Radio Raheem:

TOTAL bass head that's me lol, just bought somore cans..there on the grado thread...mdr..xb 1000 check em out my friend...I don't need anymore bass but im addicted to getting headphones that i can afford too...btw link don't work it's a pain posting links now...brb someones bangin at the door..

Just checked them out, so what do they sound like? What is the sound quality like in comparison to your Grados?

radio.raheem - 2011-04-26 04:36

hi tc4 I havn't had them yet...just bought them from japan....but they have had some good reviews on head hifi...I had to buy them just for the shear size of those ear pads..lol

toocool4 - 2011-04-26 07:23

Okay I see, I thought it was you in the video doing the unboxing. Bet you can’t wait for them to arrive aye?


I know what I’m like if I order something over the Internet, I want them to arrive like yesterday I’m just a big kid.


I ordered a Nintendo 3DS on Feb 19th but the release date was not until March 25th wow long wait. I also ordered Ray Samuels P-51 Mustang headphone amp last week, could not wait for them to arrive luckily they arrived today cool. Unfortunately they forgot to send the mini to mini interconnect I ordered. I can just look at it and not use it, this think is tiny wow cool.


P-51 Mustang

radio.raheem - 2011-04-26 07:30

hey dude those headphones look like some i had...sony sa5000 i think that was them....i hope these new sonys sound way better than the sa5000...i soon sold them quick as they sounded awful...brilliant clarity...exellent everything just the bass was none existant....im sure your headphones will be better dude...hey where can you get the lead you need from???

toocool4 - 2011-04-26 07:48

Hi I did not get new headphones, I got new headphone amp the AKG headphones you see in the background are just for reference.


This is what I got in Red and Black http://www.raysamuelsaudio.com/products/p-51


The headphones or should I say in-ear phones I use are Etymotic ER-4S


I just went down the road and got a cheap cable to test them out with, as i can't wait till i get home to try them out. The big kid in me again. I will just have to wait till the good ones arrive.

tuna - 2011-04-26 12:30

Yeah, the Orpheus was one of a kind system. Interestingly, it is listed in the 2004 Sennheiser brochure as their top model. The current HD800 model can be considered sort of a comeback of high-end audio headphones though it's got nothing to do with Orpheus. Even more interestingly, the former and indisputable king of headphones, AKG, currently has nothing to touch the HD800 or top models from other brands like Beyerdynamic or Ultrasone but frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they worked on their new secret weapon as we speak.


I think the Orpheus originally cost somewhere around 20.000$. Considering that US dollar was worth 2 Deutsch Marks, that would come to about 25.000 Euro today. I have only seen the pics of system so I have no idea what's inside not am i that familiar with electrostatic systems but I do remember that the amplifier had a built in D/A converter which was considered somewhat odd. In any case, the Orpheus is the most outrageous and expensive system that came out of any headphone manufacturer. It's even more outrageous since Sennheiser is a commercial brand. The dynamic counterpart of the Orpheus would have to be the Sony MDR-R10 which cost only 5.000$ in it's day... But hey, you gotta love those lamb skin earpads, wooden housings of the drivers and the bio-cellulose diaphragms! Crazy stuff!


I know this is gonna disqualify me as a walkman afficionado completely but I would trade all my walkmans for those Sonys. Heck, I'd throw in the car too but I'm not sure that would help LOL!!

radio.raheem - 2011-04-26 15:23

Hey up guys...hey tuna i have been looking for some sony r10 for years man...a pair sold for about $3000 last year just before I left the other side....god id kill for some man...they made an actual brocure to go with them...i had it back in the 90's there my dream of dreams more than any ghettoblaster...look out lol

radio.raheem - 2011-04-26 15:26

Originally Posted by toocool4:

Hi I did not get new headphones, I got new headphone amp the AKG headphones you see in the background are just for reference.


This is what I got in Red and Black http://www.raysamuelsaudio.com/products/p-51


The headphones or should I say in-ear phones I use are Etymotic ER-4S


I just went down the road and got a cheap cable to test them out with, as i can't wait till i get home to try them out. The big kid in me again. I will just have to wait till the good ones arrive.

I belive were all kids here my man...I can't wait for my sonys...I tell thee if there that good I will soon buy another pair lol

toocool4 - 2011-04-27 04:00

I’m not that much of a headphone person, as I only use headphones when I’m out and about.


Tuna you mentioned the Denon AH-D700 before, this headphone is the best thing I have heard in a long time. Link I said before I don’t listen to too many headphone as I use speakers at home, but this Denon headphone must rang up there with some of the best.

tuna - 2011-04-27 10:39

Yeah, the Denon headphones are really good. I will tell you a secret but they are nit really Denon. They are manufactured for Denon by another Japanese company. The drivers are truly state-of-the-art and I think they are probably even better than the ones found in the venerable Sony R10. The drivers are made by Fostex which is not surprising since the company has a vast experience in driver design.


The actual diaphragms are the same as the ones found in cheaper AH-D5000 and D2000 headphones (significantly cheaper but still excellent) though the coils are more powerful in the D7000. My feeling is that the D7000 are immediate and extremely dynamic throughout the entire frequency range. Though they never sounded nervous to me, they sound inviting and quite revealing. Sound stage is absolutely endless in all respects though I must make a remark here that it did not sound particularly natural to me since the perception of depth was somewhat flat. I also heard better imaging on headphones and I think this is due to their closed design. There are better "cans" in my opinion and though they don't sound as lively or immediate, Sennheiser HD800 or Beyerdynamic T1 sound more true to the source to me though not as fun. Heck! I got that old feeling again... need. new. headphones.....

radio.raheem - 2011-04-27 10:59

need new headphones...hell yea tuna im not sure if it was the d700 but people are rating these new sonys of mine higher...wich i highly doubt judging by the sa5000 i had...i could retire for life if i had the sony r10 though...i remember the sony cans i had years ago now they were the mdr cd3000 wich have been compaired to the r10 but on a smaller scale...

tuna - 2011-04-27 11:29

Yes, the CD3000 had virtually the same drivers but were not as finely made and no wooden earcups. You know, I think things will never be made the same way they used to be nor will Sony ever make such extravagant products (there was an entire R range in Sony's history and if headphones cost that much you can imagine how much a CD player cost...).


But please note that there are Denon AH-D7000 and D700 and they are two worlds apart. The D7000 is around 1000Euro here which is pretty much a fortune for a pair of headphones though we all know that price doesn't guarantee anything. I'm sure the Sonys will be to your liking though and I heard the comfort on these things is absolutely astounding and some described it like putting your head on a blanket. Just remember not to turn your volume too high and to set your EQ moderately since these cans are probably EQed for enhanced bass response. Also, be sure to check the maximum input in the specification sheet.

radio.raheem - 2011-04-27 11:42

yo tuna they say 3000mw at what rating i don't know..the sa500 sonys i had had some real effort put into them even the box was lavish...i think when they first came out they retailed at £500 over here,,,so yes price dosent always garantee good quality...mind you the construction was all metal but to me they sounded like a £20 pair sony headphones as they had no sub bass whatsoeaver and i gave them about 80 hr birn in...


your right about quality has TOTALLY gone down hill in general I mean if most people wanted quality they wouldn't buy the ipod... and those cd3000 were bio celiolose drivers...like the r10...yea i know i can't spell it lol

tuna - 2011-04-27 12:03

"If people wanted quality, they wouldn't buy iPod" LOL hahahaha!! Finally someone said it and it wasn't me!! Like I was reading one of my other posts on some other forum! Hilarious!!


Of course you are right. Though iPod can be used as a good transport if you get the digital output out of it (only the converter alone is 500$!) then you need an external DAC and a headamp and you're set. If it didn't cost a friggin' fortune, everyone would have one! Hey but that feels like fitting 20'' wheels and installing a V12 in Lada Samara.

toocool4 - 2011-04-27 12:34

Originally Posted by toocool4:

I’m not that much of a headphone person, as I only use headphones when I’m out and about.


Tuna you mentioned the Denon AH-D700 before, this headphone is the best thing I have heard in a long time. Link I said before I don’t listen to too many headphone as I use speakers at home, but this Denon headphone must rang up there with some of the best.


I missed out a zero on this, I was talking about the Denon AH-D7000 and not the D700.

radio.raheem - 2011-04-27 16:41

Originally Posted by Tuna:

"If people wanted quality, they wouldn't buy iPod" LOL hahahaha!! Finally someone said it and it wasn't me!! Like I was reading one of my other posts on some other forum! Hilarious!!


Of course you are right. Though iPod can be used as a good transport if you get the digital output out of it (only the converter alone is 500$!) then you need an external DAC and a headamp and you're set. If it didn't cost a friggin' fortune, everyone would have one! Hey but that feels like fitting 20'' wheels and installing a V12 in Lada Samara.

glad you found something i said amusing the sad thing is tuna i went on head hifi looking for reviews on my sonys...there all using or most of them are using headphones like this on there ipod's I don't think half of them realize what good quality is,,,i mean forget wich format is being used weather it be tape or mp3...i would be one of the first backing mp3 and the ipod if it were any good...it's sad man half of them will never hear a hifi like mine with good cans because A they think it's out of fasion..or to retro..and B because of the bloody ipod...they actually think the ipod sounds great and use it as a refrance...where does that leave us??and the chance of someone like sony making something like the r10  again...the reason i bought my rs1 is because i remember them being launched in the early 90's for £1000 and also the r10 was launched at roughly the same time, im like you id trade half of my ghettoblaster colection for the r10 there a holy grail of mine...

tuna - 2011-04-28 10:19

Though this might not be the forum for it, but we are talking about anti-thesis of consumerism. In the end we're all consumers, some are more, some are less of a consumer. Get an iPod and as soon as new model arrives, which we all know will be next year, get the new one and be amazed. Though iPod certainly contributed to popularization of music on the move, I don't really think it did something to bring more enjoyment in music. Music without enjoyment and as a thing you just consume, chew and spit out (for a lack of a better word) is a waste of time. IPod Classic (the 5th generation) is arguably the best sounding iPod ever and still it is dull with no frequency extremes and simply horrendously compressed dynamic range. I have heard people describe it as neutral which is really hilarious because they don't seem to understand the concept of the meaning. With Ipod you're paying for the brand name and marketing and you're paying for another of Steve Jobs' famous presentations where you see him "invent hot water". There's nothing inside an iPod that makes it superior to any other product out there. Yes, they have flawless interface but that has been the brand's philosophy all along and just think how many people actually buy their products for their operating systems and how many buy them for the actual machine. It's all standard issue, mass-market electronics like in any other mp3 player or laptop.