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Need help deciding on headphones.

retro - 2012-07-21 12:44

Ok, so I lost my beloved UE super.fi 5 pro's while in transit the other day, and I'm looking for upgrades rather than replacements. I listen to mostly bass heavy music during my commute to work, and would prefer something with an extended low end. I'm also open to over ear headphones as long they are not too large. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

plop - 2012-07-21 13:18

If you like your IEMs and want something with bass at a reasonable price with an extensive range of in ear fittings thrown in as well as carrying pouch, winding post and airline jack adapter; then I'd recommend the Meelectronics M6 http://www.meelec.com/M6_Series_earphones_s/246.htm

retro - 2012-07-21 17:38

Thanks for the info plop, I'm thinking about ordering the triple.fi 10's on Amazon.

blaster - 2012-07-21 20:47

hey Ret, if i may suggest, try Koss....im a big fan for years and collector,...one model that you could try is the UR55...i heard them one day at J&R and they sound very nice and compared them with a few dre beats i thought the ur55 were better the brown ones and  affordable..they not too big plus they got that lifetime warranty....i own the UR-40s and R/80s full size but they are good on bass....they both have the same drivers as the porta pros...love the sound on them... also...KTX1-PROs and of course the porta pros!!!...they even have a brand new version with a ipod remote on the wire....check them out...

blaster - 2012-07-21 20:52

i heard these are awesome too...if your looking for inner ears...


blaster - 2012-07-21 20:58

their full line...and other choices.....



retro - 2012-07-21 21:21

Thanks blaster, I'll check it out.

retro - 2012-07-25 12:18

So I went with the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10 and I have to say that I'm very impressed with the sound out of the box although they recommend at least 50 hours of burn-in time. They have a V shaped sound signature which is suitable for the type of music I listen to. I thought I would be a good idea to upload some unboxing photos for reference.





















blaster - 2012-07-26 07:09

cool plugs ret, 

retro - 2012-07-26 08:49

Thanks, I'm going to check out the HD25's also.

elite1502323 - 2012-07-26 12:34

Very helpful post!

Blaster, do you know where the Koss inner ears are made?

And Retro, does it say on the box where the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10's are made?

Thanks in advance for answering these questions.

retro - 2012-07-26 12:43

Here's an excerpt on the companies history.


Ultimate Ears is a custom in-ear monitor (IEM) and earphone manufacturer based in Irvine, California. The company was founded by Mindy Harvey and Jerry Harvey in 1995 and it created a new market for custom IEMs which are now used by most of the world's top touring musicians.

In August 2008, Ultimate Ears was acquired by Logitech, and operates as a subsidiary.

elite1502323 - 2012-07-26 13:03

Thanks Retro. I guess they don't mention origin of manufacture. It would be great if they were made in the U.S.A.

blaster - 2012-07-26 15:09

hey elite sorry im not sure where they were made..

metad - 2012-07-27 01:45

Originally Posted by elite1502323:

 It would be great if they were made in the U.S.A.

C'mon everything is made in China nowadays, I even saw an american flag manufactured in China.

And if Logitech bought them, most likely they were made in the one of the asian countries.

elite1502323 - 2012-07-27 06:13

Okay, thanks anyway, Blaster.

Happy listening!

retro - 2012-07-27 08:21

I decided to return them for the Westone 3's and will post pics when they arrive.  A coworker of mine has a pair and the low end is much more prominent. The Super Fi's have a larger soundstage and are a bit more articulate, so it's a trade off.

blaster - 2012-07-27 16:24

I've heard also that Klipsch and Sure plugs seem to be top choices for ear plug listeners

elite1502323 - 2012-07-29 21:15

Here are a few that are not made in China;

1-Westone UM1, UM2 and UM3X, all Made in U.S.A.

2-Sony XBA-2, Made in Thailand

2-3-Bose IE2, Made in Mexico   

retro - 2012-08-07 09:17

I just audtioned the Sennheiser HD-251II 's at B$H photo, and I have to say that I'm very impressed with these headphones. The V Moda M-80's were the only over ears that I've heard in this price range that could probably compete with them. I also plan on listening to the Sennheiser Amperiors before I make a final decision. Thanks for the tip Claret Badger. 

19lexicon78 - 2012-08-07 16:23

senn 25

think the grado 325 has the same price

retro - 2012-08-09 20:24

Here are photo's of the Sennheiser Amperior I purchased today, and thanks for the suggestions.






nak.d - 2012-08-09 20:38

I'm a Sennheiser fan myself - how do these ones sound Retro?

retro - 2012-08-09 20:46

They have a very similar sound signature to the HD-251II 's, but more refined and tighter bass. The impedance is also lower making them easier to drive without an amp. I'm so glad that I went with these. The only negative would be the slightly narrow sound stage

redbenjoe - 2012-08-09 21:05

retro --can i crash your thread with a sennheiser question ?

good -- thanks 


about 100 years ago  --i bought a few pairs of the HD414s --

i like them so much --that i NEVER bought or even heard ANY other phones !!


question --after all these decades ...have i missed much ?

or can these old relics compete with all the new stuff ?

retro - 2012-08-09 21:59

For me, it was the Sony MDR-CD7 back in the 80's, and I would be wearing them today if they weren't so impossible to find. From what I've read, the pre-80's HD-414's is one of the best selling headphones of all time and are highly sought after today because of their sound, and replacement foams are still available.

redbenjoe - 2012-08-09 22:13

ok --thanks for the pep talk 


agree --these were so popular when they first came out -

EVERYBODY i ever knew had them --and nothing else !!

blaster - 2012-08-10 06:51

hey ret, someone has a brochure for sale of the sony MDR-CD7 

heres the link....



retro - 2012-08-10 07:52

Thanks blaster for the link, I'm actually watching it.