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How to make / Replace Sony Vintage Walkman Headphone foam Pads

joeybinky - 2013-03-23 20:23


I tried to upload the video I made to Stereo2go but I think the file was too big, so here's the link to my Youtube page. 


This video demonstrates how I made my replacement Sony MDR-4L1 Headphone foam pads. These headphones are stock for the WA-33 Soundabout. The Unit was new in the box and bought on Ebay.

The Sony is from 1982 and unused. Thru time, the foam pads on Sony headphones disintegrate and crumble. When I got the unit, the previous owner removed the crumbled orange foam pads from the box.

I've searched on Ebay for 32mm foam orange pads and no one has them. They only have foam pads for ear buds for Ipod style headphones. I've even called Sony and asked with the model number and they say they're discontinued and out of stock. Shit! I wanted my headphones like new.

I had an idea. what if I managed to buy orange foam and make my own? That's what I did. I went to a cheap ass 99cent store and found these soft foam sponges. My only problem is that they are yellow and not orange. I got the sponges anyway and tried out my idea. It worked.

I figured I'd share my replacement idea here with you on Youtube because I have seen quite a few vintage Sony Walkman's sold on Ebay without the original headphone foam pads. 

Now all I have to do is find the orange sponges and I'm set! 
I hope you find my video useful. 
This video was only for demonstration and the pad I made is a bit sloppy, but you get the idea from the completed pair of headphones I show that are done.

Any questions? Feel free to ask me.

Needed to make these earphone pads :

two (2) 45rpm record spindle adaptors
one (1) 1 inch thick soft foam sponge of choice colour
one (1) U.S. dime ( 10 Cents )
one (1) scissors 
one (1) exacto knife or sharp razor utility blade
one (1) pair of tweezers 
one (1) emery board / finger nail file - to gently shape the foam pad after it is cut to shape.

ken80s - 2013-03-23 21:16

Thanks Joey for the great video! I might also want to try this homemade foam pad one day.

joeybinky - 2013-03-23 21:34

Originally Posted by Ken80s:

Thanks Joey for the great video! I might also want to try this homemade foam pad one day.

You're welcome. Glad if I can be of a help. I know I was disturbed to not be able to find those pads and thought other people would be just as bothered by that. I'm happy you liked the video. Pass it around if you can.

plop - 2013-03-24 02:21

Nice idea. I noticed you had a pair of metal 45 rpm adapters. To give yourself a free hand, how about setting them together with a g-clamp?

walkgirl - 2013-03-24 02:29

I have myself a rather huge stash of foams!!, plus I do was the old ones which are still good in plenty of fabric softener in warm water so they do not dry out!!



then I keep them wraped in brown paper in a plastic zip bag!!


joeybinky - 2013-03-24 10:27

Good idea to keep them in fabric softener and you're lucky to have been able to stock up on the original foam. I was thinking that if they were stored away with those "Fresh Packetts" you see in beef jerky to keep the food air tight and without oxygen they would stay fresh.  Originally Posted by walkgirl:

I have myself a rather huge stash of foams!!, plus I do was the old ones which are still good in plenty of fabric softener in warm water so they do not dry out!!



then I keep them wraped in brown paper in a plastic zip bag!!


joeybinky - 2013-03-24 10:31

Hi, yes that would have been great if I had one here. I did think of using a clamp but my neighbour was not home to ask.  I knew I had one somewhere.  Thanks for watching the video    
Originally Posted by plop:

Nice idea. I noticed you had a pair of metal 45 rpm adapters. To give yourself a free hand, how about setting them together with a g-clamp?

deech - 2013-03-24 10:34

This video is creative and it gives a great solution to a

known problem for headphone foams!

I like it

I also like the washing up solution walkgirl suggests.

joeybinky - 2013-03-24 10:42

Thank you. I'm happy you liked it. I was going crazy wondering where I'm going to get those Orange pads until I thought of this.  Thank you for watching Originally Posted by deech:

This video is creative and it gives a great solution to a

known problem for headphone foams!

I like it

I also like the washing up solution walkgirl suggests.

liz1388 - 2013-12-07 17:02

I had been looking for replacement ear pads for my vintage, radio walkman earphones for years and finally found these last summer:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006WO2600/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


They are not exactly like the originals - the foam material is thicker.  Audiophiles may not like them, but they are the right shape and size and work just fine for me.  


I wasn't about to shell out a lot of $ when all I needed was the pads.  I had tried making my own, but could not find the right material locally or online.  


I suppose Sony is canny to not offer replacements if they can just sell entire, new units instead.   


Anyway, I thought I'd mention these in case anyone is interested.