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fun with getting a 0 € tape deck ^_^...

gearwheel - 2013-03-11 13:57

read an ad in our newspaper ... drove to the guy, and got gently used aiwa deck from 1994 in gently used condition.... switched it on, runs, looked into the door, hardly dusted .... nice ...

so . .that bpc is not my favourite .. but hey, its for free ...

nak.d - 2013-03-11 15:18

As long as they run, nowt wrong with free decks. I got given a Denon DRS 610 with the drawer loading mech (and by given I mean it was thrust upon me with a cry of Take it! Just take it!). It was from the NVCF last year. The guy had moved it round from show to show and there were no takers. I sort of looked at it in passing, then 1 min later it was mine! It was in a right state but I refurbed it...sounds great too.

kin - 2013-03-11 15:50

If i had one, I would mod it in to a media hangup system with custom wide casing and integrated stereo speakers.

ao - 2013-03-11 23:36

Originally Posted by Nak D:

As long as they run, nowt wrong with free decks. I got given a Denon DRS 610 with the drawer loading mech (and by given I mean it was thrust upon me with a cry of Take it! Just take it!). It was from the NVCF last year. The guy had moved it round from show to show and there were no takers. I sort of looked at it in passing, then 1 min later it was mine! It was in a right state but I refurbed it...sounds great too.

I almost bought one of those once, kind of wish I did