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jasoncambs - 2009-02-16 14:16

hi everyone , i am on to my 5th ghetto blaster to my collection , thought i would brows the net to see if anyone shares my passion , i found this forum and it seems pretty cool , but no section for newbies to say hi ????

would be good to have a section called ''introduce yourself''

anyway, i will sort some pics out for you all , i am surprised at some of the monster collections i see on here , truly amazing , wish i had a whole wall of ghetto blasters , but they are getting harder to find tidy ones for the collectors ,

speak soon

fatdog - 2009-02-16 14:30

Welcome aboard, JC! Can't wait for the pics. Cool

jasoncambs - 2009-02-16 14:53

I Agree i dont have enough , there are so many models , but its like falling in love , you know the right one for your collection when you lay your eyes on it , that chemistry kicks in and you just have to have it ,, i am waiting for the next time i see one packed with buttons and led's that wants to come home with me , Cool

thafuzz - 2009-02-16 20:48

Welcome aboard amigo. Glad to have you on board. Enjoy the ride Wink

joe.cool - 2009-02-17 12:13

Welcome to the forum Jason. Looking forward to your pics. Smile

redbenjoe - 2009-02-20 06:53

good idea for this type thread --
welcome jason

panasonic.fan - 2009-02-20 08:33

Welcome aboard Jason.

devoltoni - 2009-02-20 10:30

More new members, more delight in boombox magic.

Welcome Jason. Smile

kballenger53 - 2009-05-29 15:44

I'm still fairly new here too. But I've met a lot of Cool Cats here. Feels almost like a Universal Family!!! I've had a lot of Boxes in my day. I'm 49 now, but as my Pop used to say: "I'M HANGIN' RIGHT ON IN THERE WITH YOU YOUNG CATS" (Boy I guess I'm turning into him after all)

I only have one Box now, and that's the Realistic 14-805 that you see under my name here. But Jasoncambs, welcome to the family, and enjoy your stay!!!


andyboombox - 2009-07-30 07:05

hello jason!
im brand new to the site too, and i love it, man.everyone is so friendly, and always willing to help out. you will find this boombox stuff addictive, i already have 3, and ive only been into it for a month Smile
there are quite a few uk members, me for one, including bendycat and gettoman, but here you can speak to folks from all over this wonderful planet, all willing to share their experiences and their collections.
so enjoy your stay, it will be a happy one Big Grin
andy v