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Newbie stumbled on two boxes

rider - 2010-07-28 13:44

Hi I was recently helping a friend clean out his place and came upon two old boxes he was throwing away. Anyway I quickly threw em in my car always wanting a boombox. I'd known there was some collector niche out there and in other countries and luckily I finally found this place. Anyway both work well off a printer power cable I found except on the JVC I have to hold it in place. So my question is does anyone else here have one of these and know anything about em? Lend me some insight. It looks like I may have to start keeping my eyes open for these and begin a collection but I'm not sure where the boomboxes are these days.

Thanks! The sound on the JVC is fantastic! No wonder you guys like these things so much.

rider - 2010-07-28 13:46

if pics don't work copy these urls:

reli - 2010-07-28 13:55

I have both of those boxes. The second one was also badged as a Universum or Telefunken, and in my opinion it sounds WAY better than the JVC.

bendycat - 2010-07-28 14:02

Hi there and welcome in bro Wink

yes there lots of us all around the world that love our boxes

you have done well on saving those two as there a couple of good boxes and sweet looking

i like the suuny vox and the size of it - i have a JVC like that as well

you might find that the connetion inside the box need tightening up or try a different cable

have fun and have a look at other peps boxes as you will want more Laugh Out Loud once the bug has bitten

so where are you from ? usa ! i'm in the UK

cheers B Cool

lav.loo - 2010-07-28 14:17

welcome RIDER and congrats on your first boxes, i don,t know what they are cos i can,t be ar*ed clicking on the links Big Grin but congrats anyway, oh another thing... i would,nt bother starting to collect boxes honestly there not worth it, and besides there will be nothing left for us guys if newies keep flooding in an grabbing em Laugh Out Loud only jokin you,ll love it once your hooked Wink

teamstress - 2010-07-29 16:58

Nice score! Would have been a darn shame to have thrown them away especially since they work! I have a JVC 838 also, treat those volume,bass,and treble sliders with the utmost care!!!
Oh,and you're hooked now, there's no escape. Wink

im.out.of.hear - 2010-07-29 17:17

i've hurd alot of bad things about the sound of the 838,i'de love it if someone would fit a good set of bass in one and see what the difference of sound would be,i think its only the speakers that is letting them down..if i got one thats the first thing i'de do..

mellymelsr - 2010-07-30 00:08

That's a couple of nice boxes you saved from the grave...

lasonic.trc920 - 2010-07-30 19:18

That's a great score! I love those JVC's

rider - 2010-07-31 08:43

Does anyone know where I can get a proper AC or DC cord for both of these boxes? I've been using a printer cable but both suffer playback problems with it.


I'm located in Chicago,IL btw, I wish batteries weren't so expensive.

teamstress - 2010-07-31 17:20

Radio Shack should have the right cords. I've also found some at thrift store too.