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Just sayin hello

probe1 - 2008-11-02 14:11

Hi everyone

My name is Sebastien, I live in France, and 9 months ago, I started my own little boombox collection ... (along with vintage sneakers too Smile )
I remember I had a boombox in 1991 (I was 14 then), and after investigating, I found it was a Sharp GF-9292. As I was mainly into hiphop at that time, I had sprayed and tagged it to death, and the paint particles didn't do much good to it hehe ...
I don't remember how I got rid of it, but maybe if I knew I would fall again in love with them boxes, I would certainly have paid a bit more attention and care to the GF-9292.
Anyway, I acquired these so far :

• GE 3-5259 A
• National RX-7000
• Lasonic TRC-931
• Sanyo MR-X20
• Victor RC-550
• JVC RC-M70
• Conion C-100F
• Philips D-8444
• Intersound J-747S

I'm still waiting for the Conion, the Philips and the Intersound to arrive home, as they are fairly recent purchases. But I can't wait !
(I'll try to present my little family in pictures when I receive the newer babies).
Ok, that's all for the presentation. I will end by saying that I read this forum's threads every now and then, that I like the friendly atmosphere, and found many times useful articles by real dedicated people ...

Many thanks Smile

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-11-02 14:28

Hi and welcome to stereo2go ! Smile

ford93 - 2008-11-02 14:29

Welcome probe1.

This forum will be your guide towards all your questions in the world of boomboxes.

Congrats on your collection. Cool

redbenjoe - 2008-11-02 14:34

I Agree Smile

oldskool69 - 2008-11-02 14:44

Welcome! And looks like you have some sweetheart boxes! Big Grin Nod Yes

billpc55 - 2008-11-02 15:48


jaredscottfla - 2008-11-02 16:43

SmileWelcome aboard Sebastien! Very cool collection u got going!

gluecifer - 2008-11-02 16:59

Welcome aboard Sabastien! You're off to a great start collecting, that's for sure.

You got any old pictures of your tagged up GF-9292? I'd love to see em if you do.

Rock On.

viennasound - 2008-11-02 21:06

Hi Sebastien!

Nice collection!
Welcome! Smile

masterblaster84 - 2008-11-02 21:23

Sebastien, that's a great collection. That's not where most collectors start, that's where most collectors end up. Nod Yes

probe1 - 2008-11-03 00:06

Thanks to all for the welcome, feels nice !
I know some of you have some serious collections, and I have much respect for these.
It's great to join Smile

@ Gluecifer : I can't remember having any picture of that old GF-9292, but I'll have a look, it would be funny indeed ...

Sure thing, as soon as I get my highly expected new finds, I'll post a collection set of pictures in the apropriate section.

Cheers guys !

isolator42 - 2008-11-03 07:12

......& welcome to s2g.
With a collection like that, you're going to fit right in around here Smile

geoffhartwell - 2008-11-03 07:25

welcome probe1, nice colection, enjoy the site

litfan - 2008-11-03 07:35

Welcome. Old sneakers can be as addictive as boomboxes, as i have found out. My faves are the adidas "rom" model, which still crop up on ebay.de.

thafuzz - 2008-11-03 07:45

Welcome to the familia Probe1 Wink You'll fit in fine here. We're awaiting your pics now Nod Yes

smokinendo - 2008-11-03 08:04

Cool another guy my age who seems to have the same taste in boxes Smile Welcome ! Can't wait to see your stuff but more importantly I can't wait till you receive your Conion in the post and get to hear it's massive sound ! Your going to be blown away ! I agree that your collection is that of a seasoned collector Smile Nice list

welcome to the madness


probe1 - 2009-03-03 13:31

Oooooh sorry for not being in touch for that long ! Too much work and all that, you know how it is ... And if I can keep myself from internet addicting stuffs like S2G, well the longer the better hehehe !
Seriously, here is just a quick update on my recent finds (I'm pretty sure some of them from S2G members) :

• Crown CSC-950
• JVC RC-838
• Vinix VPC-7714
• Sharp GF-777
• Sharp VZ-V2
• Lasonic TRC-920
• Sanwa 7075
• Conion GA-9000
• SE Santo 570
• Crown CSC-970
• JVC RC-770
• Sharp GF-9191
• Sharp GF-575

Still no pics I'm afraid ! Damn !
I'm not a good photographer, so I'll try to have my girlfriend take the pics on a sunny day for me ...
Until then, hello to all and take care of your addictions Wink

borny - 2009-03-03 13:34

Welcome 2 the best BoomBox forum in the world Nod Yes.

bredgeo - 2009-03-03 15:18

Hello! Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!

It is good to see more french collectors!

I used to live in France (that is were I am from) and was the only French person on this sight for a while (I was a little frustrated thinking that there were not many French interedted in Bboxes!!!)

Now there are a few French here on ST2G!

So, BIEN VENUE !!!!!!!

- 2009-03-03 15:24

Salut probe1 et bienvenue a S2G Wink.


vladi123456 - 2009-03-03 16:17

Welcome! Big Grin

devoltoni - 2009-03-03 17:46

Helo probe1 and welcome. Smile

probe1 - 2009-03-04 17:38

Thanks everyone !
So ... How many french in here then ?
So far, I know there is bredgeo & tiko Smile

- 2009-03-04 18:50

Originally posted by probe1:
Thanks everyone !
So ... How many french in here then ?
So far, I know there is bredgeo & tiko Smile

I'm english, mais je parle francais tres bien car je reste dans une ville francais Wink


bredgeo - 2009-03-04 21:27

So ... How many french in here then ?

Confused Confused

Ehhh.... never counted... Big Grin

bredgeo - 2009-03-04 21:27

I'm english, mais je parle francais tres bien car je reste dans une ville francais Wink

Is this true?


probe1 - 2009-03-31 17:27

Originally posted by bredgeo:
I'm english, mais je parle francais tres bien car je reste dans une ville francais Wink

Is this true?


I reckon gsbadbmr is from Canada from what I've read Smile
We should organize a french boombox meeting one day, kind of half way between everyone's city hehehe ... I'm from Marseille, anyone up for it then ?
Apart from that, a quick update on recent finds :

• Toshiba RT-200S
• Intersound J-747S (second one)
• Sanyo MR-X20 (second one)
• National RX-7200

I'm waiting for the new RX-7200 and Big Ben, so I'm in this sensitive phase of waiting, praying that the boxes will arrive safely and intact ...
Sorry still no pictures, but with the sunny days coming again, it's just a matter of days hehehe !

skippy1969 - 2009-03-31 18:35

Welcome Probe1! Big Grin Nod Yes

bredgeo - 2009-03-31 19:40

That would have been a good idea.... But I live in Ireland now! Frown

bredgeo - 2009-04-02 10:04

Wanna come here??????? Big Grin

probe1 - 2009-04-02 13:33

Hey I'll be in Birmingham on the 16th of may for an electrobreak party with Trigger sound system ...
A bit far from Ireland, but closer than Marseille for sure hehehe Smile

- 2009-04-02 13:41

thats a great start to any collection Wink

bredgeo - 2009-04-02 13:52


Big Grin

probe1 - 2009-06-28 11:40

Hi !

Long time me no be here Smile
Last addition ... Elta Master Blaster (a couple of months ago) !!!

But here's a picture of a little party we held at some friends restaurant's cave ...

kballenger53 - 2009-06-28 13:32

Welcome to the Family!!! You're gonna like it here!!! Before you know it, you'll be at 100 posts!!! Have fun!!!


chiplayer - 2009-06-28 15:52

Right on, welcome aboard! So far it's been great going through this forum and everyone being so helpful! I lust over some of the pics of everyone's boxes I see posted at this site! Perfect for me!